Search Results - "Dau, Leonardo"
Construct Validity and Experience of Using a Low-cost Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery Simulator
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-10-2023)“…To validate the low-cost model for arthroscopy training and analyze the acceptance and usefulness of the developed simulator in medical teaching and training. …”
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Measurement of Clavicular Symmetry in Healthy Subjects Using Tomographic Database of Public Hospitals
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-08-2023)“…Objective This study aimed to perform an imaging evaluation to prove the existence or not of symmetry between the clavicles of healthy subjects from Curitiba,…”
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Validation of an endoscopic flavectomy training model
Published in Revista do Colegio Brasileiro de Cirurgioes (2021)“…to validate a lumbar spine endoscopic flavectomy simulator using the construct method and to assess the acceptability of the simulator in medical education…”
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Published in Acta ortopedica brasileira (01-01-2020)“…The use of images in 3D reconstruction is an instrument that facilitates the interpretation of the fracture, observations of deviations, rotations and…”
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Kirschner Wire Migration after the Treatment of Acromioclavicular Luxation for the Contralateral Shoulder – Case Report
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-04-2019)“…Abstract The use of metal wires, called Kirschner wires, is a simple and effective fixation method for the correction of shoulder fractures and of dislocations…”
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Evaluation of the surgical treatment of humeral shaft fractures and comparison between surgical fixation methods
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-03-2018)“…The objective of this study is to analyze the surgical results of humeral shaft fracture treatment and describe its epidemiology. Retrospective study that…”
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Influence of corticoids on healing of the rotator cuff of rats – biomechanical study
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-07-2014)“…to compare healing strength of the infraspinatus tendon of rats with corticoid inoculation, regarding maximum tension, maximum force and rupture force, after…”
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Construct Validity and Experience of Using a Low-cost Arthroscopic Knee Surgery Simulator
Published in Journal of surgical education (01-01-2021)“…To validate an affordable and easily reproducible arthroscopic knee surgery simulator made from simple, low-cost materials by demonstrating its ability to…”
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Shoulder Arthroscopy - Creating an Affordable Training Model
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-08-2022)“…The present study created a cheap (below US$ 100) shoulder arthroscopy training model, affordable for the practical education of medical students and…”
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Bilateral Erecta Luxation: A Case Report and Literature Review
Published in JBJS case connector (01-07-2020)“…A 69-year-old man fell from a height, resulting in direct axial loading while both shoulders were fully abducted. He was referred to the surgical ward, and…”
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Validação de constructo e experiência de uso de um simulador de artroscopia de ombro de baixo custo
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-10-2023)“…Objetivo Validar o modelo de baixo custo para treinamento em artroscopia e analisar a aceitação e utilidade do simulador desenvolvido no ensino e treinamento…”
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Artroscopia do ombro – Criação de um modelo de treinamento acessível
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-08-2022)“…Resumo O objetivo do presente trabalho é criar um modelo de treinamento em artroscopia de ombro de baixo custo abaixo de 100 dólares, tornando-o acessível à…”
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Mensuração de simetria clavicular em indivíduos saudáveis utilizando-se de banco de dados tomográficos de hospitais públicos
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-08-2023)“…Objetivo Realizar avaliação imagiológica com intuito de comprovar a existência ou não de simetria entre as clavículas de indivíduos saudáveis da cidade de…”
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Migração do fio de Kirschner após o tratamento da luxação acromioclavicular para o ombro contralateral – relato de caso
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-04-2019)“…O uso dos fios metálicos, denominados fios de Kirschner, é um método de fixação simples e eficaz para a correção de fraturas e luxações do ombro na cirurgia…”
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Avaliação das fraturas diafisárias do úmero tratadas cirurgicamente e comparação entre os métodos de fixação cirúrgica
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-03-2018)“…Descrever o perfil dos pacientes com fraturas diafisárias do úmero, bem como analisar os resultados das diferentes modalidades cirúrgicas. Estudo retrospectivo…”
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Influência do corticoide na cicatrização do manguito rotador de ratos – Estudo biomecânico
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-07-2014)“…comparar a resistência da cicatrização, com relação a tensão máxima, força máxima e força de ruptura, do tendão infraespinhal de ratos submetidos a inoculação…”
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