Search Results - "Das Dores, Gerson Botacini"
How accurate is cytological diagnosis of cervical glandular lesions?
Published in Diagnostic cytopathology (01-04-2008)“…Gynecological cytology has some inaccurate morphological categorization and poor interobserver reproducibility especially for glandular lesions. Liquid-based…”
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Pap test in a high-risk population comparison of conventional and liquid-base cytology
Published in Diagnostic cytopathology (01-09-2004)“…Liquid‐based cytology (LBC) is believed to have better sensitivity than conventional smears (CSs) and offers the possibility to perform molecular assay. The…”
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Histologic studies of the effects of circulating hot saline on the uterus before hysterectomy
Published in The Journal of the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists (01-08-1999)“…To evaluate a new device for endometrial ablation. (Canadian Task Force classification II-1). University-affiliated hospital. Thirty-two women scheduled for…”
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Evaluation of Hydro ThermAblator for endometrial destruction in patients with menorrhagia
Published in The Journal of the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists (01-08-1999)“…To describe endometrial destruction with the Hydro ThermAblator. (Canadian Task Force classification II-1). University-affiliated hospital. Twenty-six women…”
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Asociación entre la expresión génica de p16INK4A, la tríada de histidina frágil y las lesiones cervicales
Published in Journal of lower genital tract disease (01-06-2009)Get full text
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The association of p16(INK4A) and fragile histidine triad gene expression and cervical lesions
Published in Journal of lower genital tract disease (01-07-2007)“…This cross-sectional study was intended to assess the association between immunohistochemical analysis of p16 and fragile histidine triad (FHIT) and the…”
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Screening for Cervical Cancer in High-Risk Populations: DNA Pap Test or Hybrid Capture II Test Alone?
Published in International journal of gynecological pathology (01-01-2006)“…This study was designed to evaluate whether Hybrid Capture II (HC2) test alone refer women to colposcopy as appropriately as DNA Papanicolaou (Pap) test, in…”
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The Association of p16INK4A and Fragile Histidine Triad Gene Expression and Cervical Lesions
Published in Journal of lower genital tract disease (01-07-2007)Get full text
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Avaliação do Grau e da Extensão das Alterações Térmicas Produzidas pela Cirurgia de Alta Freqüência no Colo Uterino
Published in Revista Brasileira de ginecologia e obstetrícia (01-02-2001)“…Objetivo: estudar a ocorrência de dano térmico tissular nos espécimes excisados por cirurgia de alta freqüência e avaliar qualitativa e quantitativamente o…”
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Avaliação do Grau e da Extensão das Alterações Térmicas Produzidas pela Cirurgia de Alta Freqüência no Colo Uterino
Published in Revista Brasileira de ginecologia e obstetrícia (01-02-2001)Get full text
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Citologia de base-líquida pelo sistema DNA-Citoliq®(DCS) – eficácia na identificação da microbiota vaginal
Published in DST (01-04-2004)“…Introdução: o sistema DNA-Citoliq®(DCS) (Digene, Brasil) é um novo sistema de citologia em base líquida que utiliza o UCM (Universal Collection Medium) como…”
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Reprodutibilidade do teste de captura híbrida de segunda geração na detecção de HPV de alto risco em material cervicovaginal de autocoleta
Published in DST (01-04-2004)“…Introdução: o câncer de colo uterino é a terceira causa de óbito na população feminina do Brasil. Ocorrem anualmente cerca de 17 mil novos casos com taxa de…”
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