Search Results - "Daniela C. Zappi"
Plant Biodiversity Drivers in Brazilian Campos Rupestres : Insights from Phylogenetic Structure
Published in Frontiers in plant science (19-12-2017)“…Old, climate-buffered infertile landscapes (Ocbils) have attracted increasing levels of interest in recent years because of their exceptionally diverse plant…”
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Plotting a future for Amazonian canga vegetation in a campo rupestre context
Published in PloS one (05-08-2019)“…In order to establish effective conservation strategy, drivers of local and regional patterns of biodiversity need to be understood. The composition of local…”
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Floral Specialization and Bat Pollination in Subtribe Cereinae (Cactaceae): A Morphological Approach
Published in Diversity (Basel) (01-02-2023)“…Cactaceae has many vertebrate-pollinated species, and in the subtribe Cereinae, several genera are indicated as being pollinated by bats. In this subtribe, we…”
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The iconic cactus of the Caatinga dry forest, Cereus jamacaru (Cactaceae) has high sphingophily specialization and pollinator dependence
Published in Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (01-01-2023)“…Abstract Cereus jamacaru is a cactus distributed in Northeastern Brazil, with high symbolic value to this region. However, the interaction, behavior and the…”
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Preliminary placement and new records of an overlooked Amazonian tree, Christiana mennegae (Malvaceae)
Published in PeerJ (San Francisco, CA) (15-11-2021)“…is a phylogenetically enigmatic taxon and represents a case in point of a species whose presence escaped the radar of the Amazon lists and the Brazilian Flora…”
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Hidden biodiversity of Amazonian white-sand ecosystems: two distinctive new species of Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae) from Pará, Brazil
Published in PhytoKeys (04-12-2020)“…As deforestation and fire move forward over pristine vegetation in the Amazon, many species remain undiscovered and may be threatened with extinction before…”
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Blind Testing: DNA Barcoding Sheds Light Upon the Identity of Plant Fragments as a Subsidy for Cave Conservation
Published in Frontiers in plant science (24-07-2018)“…Plants living above and around caves represent an important, albeit poorly studied, resource within cave ecosystems. The presence of plant material (root-like…”
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North by northwest: Are unilateral cephalium‐bearing cacti bio‐compasses?
Published in Ecology (Durham) (01-07-2023)Get full text
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Unravelling phylogenetic relationships of the tribe Cereeae using target enrichment sequencing
Published in Annals of botany (30-11-2023)“…Cactaceae are succulent plants, quasi-endemic to the American continent, and one of the most endangered plant groups in the world. Molecular phylogenies have…”
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Revisiting phylogeny, systematics, and biogeography of a Pleistocene radiation
Published in American journal of botany (01-03-2023)“…Premise Pilosocereus (Cactaceae) is an important dry forest element in all subregions and transitional zones of the neotropics, with the highest diversity in…”
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Coalescent‐based species delimitation meets deep learning: Insights from a highly fragmented cactus system
Published in Molecular ecology resources (01-04-2022)“…Delimiting species boundaries is a major goal in evolutionary biology. An increasing volume of literature has focused on the challenges of investigating…”
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Interglacial microrefugia and diversification of a cactus species complex: phylogeography and palaeodistributional reconstructions for Pilosocereus aurisetus and allies
Published in Molecular ecology (01-06-2014)“…The role of Pleistocene climate changes in promoting evolutionary diversification in global biota is well documented, but the great majority of data regarding…”
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New Brazilian Floristic List Highlights Conservation Challenges
Published in Bioscience (01-01-2012)“…A comprehensive new inventory of Brazilian plants and fungi was published just in time to meet a 2010 Convention on Biological Diversity target and offers…”
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Beyond forests in the Amazon: biogeography and floristic relationships of the Amazonian savannas
Published in Botanical journal of the Linnean Society (01-08-2020)“…Open habitats such as grasslands occupy < 5% of the Amazon and are currently grouped under the broad term Amazonian savanna, covering an area of c. 267 000…”
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Intermediary floral traits between natural hybrid and its parents in the Xiquexique (Cactaceae)
Published in Organisms diversity & evolution (01-03-2024)“…Hybrid systems represent ‘new ecological opportunities’, as the changes in their vegetative and reproductive traits may facilitate colonization of new niches…”
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Anthers in blue: A hidden rhapsody in Amazonian Eriocaulaceae
Published in Ecology (Durham) (01-04-2022)Get full text
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Edaphic Endemism in the Amazon: Vascular Plants of the canga of Carajás, Brazil
Published in The Botanical review (01-12-2019)“…Amazonia is one of the most diverse biomes worldwide, and, as well as luxuriant forest, it includes mountain areas which, despite their small surface area,…”
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Generalizations of genetic conservation principles in islands are not always likely: a case study from a Neotropical insular cactus
Published in Botanical journal of the Linnean Society (01-05-2022)“…Abstract Cereus insularis (Cereeae, Cactaceae) is an insular endemic and dominant element of the vegetation of Fernando de Noronha Islands (FNI), a Neotropical…”
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Biogeography of epiphytic Angiosperms in the Brazilian Atlantic forest, a world biodiversity hotspot
Published in Revista brasileira de botânica (01-03-2016)“…This study aims to analyse the available distributional data about epiphytic Angiosperms of the Brazilian Atlantic forest (BAF) in order to define geographic…”
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On the true identity of Mendoncia “stellate” trichomes
Published in Acta Botânica Brasílica (01-01-2023)“…ABSTRACT The present survey of leaf-blade trichomes of Mendoncia used SEM and light microscopy to investigate the diversity of trichome types in Neotropical…”
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