Search Results - "Daniel M. Cáceres"
Accumulation by Dispossession and Socio-Environmental Conflicts Caused by the Expansion of Agribusiness in Argentina
Published in Journal of agrarian change (01-01-2015)“…Drawing upon the concept of ‘accumulation by dispossession’, this paper analyses the expansion of agrarian capital in Argentina. A case study illustrates the…”
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The social value of biodiversity and ecosystem services from the perspectives of different social actors
Published in Ecology and society (01-01-2015)“…A vast literature is now available on ecosystem services (ES), their potential as a tool for analyzing intertwined processes of ecological and social change,…”
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Technology, nature’s appropriation and capital accumulation in modern agriculture
Published in Current opinion in environmental sustainability (01-08-2020)“…Framed by efficiency and productivity narratives, technological innovations are conceived as the inexorable pathway to agricultural development, obscuring the…”
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Linking functional diversity and social actor strategies in a framework for interdisciplinary analysis of nature's benefits to society
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (18-01-2011)“…The crucial role of biodiversity in the links between ecosystems and societies has been repeatedly highlighted both as source of wellbeing and as a target of…”
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Plural valuation of nature for equity and sustainability: Insights from the Global South
Published in Global environmental change (01-07-2020)“…•Plural valuation (PV) can be used to reveal the diverse values of nature.•Outcomes from PV depend on its purpose, approach and social-ecological…”
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A tipping point for agricultural expansion? Technological changes and capital accumulation in Argentina's rural sector
Published in Journal of agrarian change (01-01-2020)“…Drawing upon a case study located in central Argentina, we analyse in what ways technology is contributing to the accumulation of capital in a context where…”
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The rocky path from policy-relevant science to policy implementation—a case study from the South American Chaco
Published in Current opinion in environmental sustainability (01-04-2016)“…•Scientific knowledge is just one of the various factors influencing environmental policy.•The Power Dynamics Model explains the science policy interface…”
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Las disputas por los bienes comunes y su impacto en la apropiación de servicios ecosistémicos. La Ley de Protección de Bosques Nativos, en la Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina
Published in Ecología austral (01-04-2017)“…A partir de las cuatro categorías que regulan la propiedad, el acceso y la apropiación de los bienes naturales (i.e., privada, estatal, libre, y comunal), el…”
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What makes a good fire? Local actor- and science-based knowledge of fuel-related functional traits of Chaco plants
Published in Ecología austral (01-05-2023)“…On the basis of knowledge and values from different social actors, we investigated what biophysical properties of the wood are linked to good-quality firewood…”
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Combining ecological aspects and local knowledge for the conservation of two native mammals in the Gran Chaco
Published in Journal of arid environments (01-12-2017)“…Land use changes in the South American Gran Chaco affect native fauna and the ecosystem services (ES) they provide. The consequences of defaunation and the…”
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Ecosystem services research in Latin America 2.0: Expanding collaboration across countries, disciplines, and sectors
Published in Ecosystem services (01-04-2020)“…•Latin America (LA) offers unique opportunities for advancing ecosystem services research.•Within the region, Brazil, Mexico and Colombia lead different…”
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Acceso y apropiación del agua en comunidades rurales pobres de Argentina central. Transformaciones y conflictos
Published in Economía, sociedad y territorio (01-08-2014)“…Basado en un estudio de caso en Argentina central, esta investigación formula conceptualizaciones tendientes a comprender las estrategias de apropiación del…”
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Hacia una conceptualización de los conflictos socioambientales en Argentina
Published in Dilemas : Revista de Estudos de Conflito e Controle Social (01-01-2024)“…Este artículo pone el foco en los conflictos socioambientales de carácter ecológico-distributivos vinculados a procesos neoextractivos en Argentina. Primero,…”
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Tecnología agropecuaria y agronegocios. La lógica subyacente del modelo tecnológico dominante
Published in Mundo agrario (La Plata, Argentina) (01-04-2015)“…The paper analyses the main characteristics of the technological model fostered by agribusiness in Argentina, discusses its main problems and highlights the…”
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Por qué la legislación no protege los bosques nativos de Argentina? Conflictos socioambientales y políticas públicas
Published in Mundo agrario (La Plata, Argentina) (01-06-2013)“…Tomando la perspectiva de la ecología política, el artículo analiza los conflictos socioambientales que contextualizaron la sanción de la Ley de Ordenamiento…”
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La expansion de monocultivos de exportacion en Argentina y Costa Rica. Conflictos socioambientales y lucha campesina por la justicia ambiental
Published in Mundo agrario (La Plata, Argentina) (01-08-2015)“…El trabajo analiza la expansión del monocultivo extractivista en Costa Rica y la Argentina en detrimento del capital natural y las poblaciones campesinas. La…”
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Technological change among peasants in Central Argentina
Published in Development in practice (01-02-1998)“…Drawing on a case-study from Central Argentina, this article suggests that researchers can be too cautious about introducing technologies of which farmers have…”
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Daniel M. Cáceres, Diego Cabrol, Lucrecia Estigarribia, Ornela Ruggia
Published in Dilemas : Revista de Estudos de Conflito e Controle Social (01-01-2024)“…O artigo enfoca os conflitos socioambientais de natureza ecológico-distributiva vinculados aos processos neoextrativistas na Argentina. Primeiramente, analisa…”
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Accumulation by Dispossession and Socio‐Environmental Conflicts Caused by the Expansion of Agribusiness in A rgentina
Published in Journal of agrarian change (01-01-2015)“…Drawing upon the concept of ‘accumulation by dispossession’, this paper analyses the expansion of agrarian capital in A rgentina. A case study illustrates the…”
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