Search Results - "Dangelmaier, W."
A two-tier method for evaluating alternative policies to support interactive analysis of 3D material flow simulations
Published in Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2005 (2005)“…Discrete event material flow simulation tools have long been offering real time 3D visualization. This feature allows less experienced users to analyze the…”
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Multi-user support and motion planning of humans and humans driven vehicles in interactive 3D material flow simulations
Published in Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2005 (2005)“…The visualization of simulated production processes is used for their analysis. Huge plants are normally planned by a team. So a solution for many users who…”
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Virtual and augmented reality support for discrete manufacturing system simulation
Published in Computers in industry (01-05-2005)“…Nowadays companies operate in a difficult environment: the dynamics of innovations increase and product life cycles become shorter. Furthermore products and…”
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Supply chain management: a multi-agent system for collaborative production planning
Published in 2005 IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service (2005)“…The need for coordinated material flow in supply chains is essential for the competitiveness of manufacturing firms. A hierarchical coordination is not…”
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Simulation aided, knowledge based routing for AGVs in a distribution warehouse
Published in Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (01-12-2011)“…Traditional routing algorithms for real world AGV systems in warehouses compute static paths, which can only be adjusted to a limited degree in the event of…”
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Method for simulation state mapping between discrete event material flow models of different level of detail
Published in Proceedings of the 2011 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (01-12-2011)“…In this paper a method is presented for mapping the simulation state between models of different level of detail in dynamic multiresolution modeling of…”
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Supply chain management-conception of a collaborative planning approach in case of short-term requirements alteration
Published in PICMET '01. Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology. Proceedings Vol.1: Book of Summaries (IEEE Cat. No.01CH37199) (2001)Get full text
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Controlled simplification of material flow simulation models
Published in Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (01-12-2009)“…In this paper a method for controlled simplification is presented, which is able to create simplified models with specific properties concerning complexity and…”
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Parallel scheduling for evolving manufacturing systems
Published in IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (01-07-2012)“…New approaches in the design of manufacturing systems, such as adaptive and service-oriented manufacturing systems or self-optimizing resources introduce new…”
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Using Automated Event Handling for a Simulation-Based Process Coverage in Supply Networks
Published in Tenth International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation (uksim 2008) (01-04-2008)“…The project AC/DC, funded by the European Commission (contract number FP6-SST-031520), deals with new logistical concepts for planning and control of supply…”
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A Model of a System for Hierarchical Planning of Structure and Dimension of Internal Global Production Networks
Published in 2010 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (01-01-2010)“…The continuing trend towards distributed production in a network of production sites confronts companies with new challenges. Complex logistic…”
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Adaptive flow control in flexible flow shop production systems - A knowledge-based approach
Published in Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (01-12-2009)“…Today simulation is essential when researching manufacturing processes or designing production systems. But in the field of manufacturing, simulation can not…”
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Optimal Stock Relocation under Uncertainty in Post-Disaster Humanitarian Operations
Published in 2010 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (01-01-2010)“…The number of world-wide emergencies and disasters which trigger humanitarian operations is ever-increasing. Although general research contributions to supply…”
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Penetration and outlook of telework in Europe-an Internet snapshot
Published in Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences. 1999. HICSS-32. Abstracts and CD-ROM of Full Papers (1999)“…Applications of telecommunications and information technology impact many areas of life. Especially telework is an application area which still possesses a…”
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A Method for Simultaneous Production and Order Planning in a Cooperative Supply Chain Relationship with Flexibility Contracts
Published in 2010 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (01-01-2010)“…Nowadays a high planning flexibility is required due to customer-driven markets and a rising number of product variants. In context of a supply chain this…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Published in Cybernetics and systems (01-10-2004)“…To improve the situation of wasting natural resources, the existing transportation systems have to be optimized. This means that we should not only think about…”
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Simulation assisted match-up rescheduling of flexible production systems subject to execution exceptions
Published in 2007 Winter Simulation Conference (01-12-2007)“…An immense amount of research work has been done in the areas of scheduling and re-scheduling of various types of manufacturing systems. In this paper we…”
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Simulation Assisted Optimization and Real-Time control Aspects of Flexible Production Systems Subject to Disturbances
Published in Proceedings of the 2006 Winter Simulation Conference (01-12-2006)“…Several types of production systems have been studied and researched in the past using either simulation and\or optimization methods. In this paper we describe…”
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Co-ordination concept for an innovative rail road concept
Published in Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2002)“…The project "Neue Bahntechnik Paderborn" (NBP) deals with the development of an innovative railroad concept. It envisions short autonomously guided shuttles…”
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TelCoW: telework under the co-ordination of a workflow management system
Published in Information and software technology (25-04-1999)“…Telework is considered as an innovative work organization form for new decentralized structures. The flexibility of telework in both time and location of task…”
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