Search Results - "Dang, Hai‐Anh"
Gender inequality during the COVID-19 pandemic: Income, expenditure, savings, and job loss
Published in World development (01-04-2021)“…•This study examines COVID-19 impacts on gender gaps in economic outcomes.•Women to be 24 percent more likely to permanently lose their job than men.•Women…”
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Published in Journal of economic surveys (01-07-2019)“…Questions that often come up in contexts where household consumption data are unavailable or missing include: what are the best existing methods to obtain…”
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Does the COVID-19 lockdown improve global air quality? New cross-national evidence on its unintended consequences
Published in Journal of environmental economics and management (01-01-2021)“…Despite a growing literature on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, scant evidence currently exists on its impacts on air quality. We offer an early…”
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Tracking the sustainable development goals: Emerging measurement challenges and further reflections
Published in World development (01-03-2020)“…•The SDGs identify global development goals over the next two decades.•Some refinements and clarifications can be made to the SDG indicators.•We bring…”
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Did a successful fight against COVID-19 come at a cost? Impacts of the pandemic on employment outcomes in Vietnam
Published in World development (01-01-2023)“…•Vietnam has been widely praised for its success in the fight against early waves of the COVID-19 pandemic.•We analyze several rounds of the Vietnam’s Labor…”
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Poverty in India in the face of Covid‐19: Diagnosis and prospects
Published in Review of development economics (01-11-2021)“…India has been hard‐hit by the Covid‐19 pandemic. The virus has exacted a heavy toll in terms of lives lost and deteriorating health outcomes. The economic…”
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Inequality and support for government responses to COVID-19
Published in PloS one (21-09-2022)“…Despite a deep literature studying the impact of inequality on policy outcomes, there has been limited effort to bring these insights into the debates about…”
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Measuring Poverty Dynamics with Synthetic Panels Based on Repeated Cross Sections
Published in Oxford bulletin of economics and statistics (01-06-2023)“…Panel data are rarely available for developing countries. Departing from traditional pseudo‐panel methods that require multiple rounds of cross‐sectional data…”
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To impute or not to impute, and how? A review of poverty‐estimation methods in the absence of consumption data
Published in Development policy review (01-11-2021)“…Motivation A major challenge with poverty measurement is that household consumption (or income) data are often unavailable or not comparable across survey…”
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Childcare and maternal employment: Evidence from Vietnam
Published in World development (01-11-2022)“…•Little literature exists on the effects of childcare on maternal labor market outcomes in developing countries.•We address endogeneity issues by exploiting…”
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Welfare Dynamics Measurement: Two Definitions of a Vulnerability Line and Their Empirical Application
Published in The Review of income and wealth (01-12-2017)“…We propose a new approach to develop vulnerability lines that are explicitly anchored to the idea of a sub‐set of the population at risk of falling into…”
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Do refugees with better mental health better integrate? Evidence from the Building a New Life in Australia longitudinal survey
Published in Health economics (01-12-2023)“…Hardly any evidence exists on the effects of mental distress on refugee labor outcomes. We offer the first study on this topic in the context of Australia, one…”
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Estimating poverty among refugee populations: a cross-survey imputation exercise for Chad
Published in Oxford development studies (02-01-2024)“…Household consumption surveys do not typically offer poverty estimates for refugees. We test the performance of a recently developed cross-survey imputation…”
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Well Begun, But Aiming Higher: A Review of Vietnam's Education Trends in the Past 20 Years and Emerging Challenges
Published in The Journal of development studies (01-01-2018)“…Given its modest position as a lower-middle income country, Vietnam stands out from the rest of the world with its remarkable performance on standardized test…”
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The determinants and impact of private tutoring classes in Vietnam
Published in Economics of education review (01-12-2007)“…Private tutoring is a widespread phenomenon in many developing countries, including Vietnam. Using the Vietnam Living Standards Surveys 1997–1998 and 1992–1993…”
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Do Adjustments for Equivalence Scales Affect Poverty Dynamics? Evidence from the Russian Federation during 1994–2017
Published in The Review of income and wealth (01-04-2022)“…Hardly any literature exists on the relationship between equivalence scales (ESs) and poverty dynamics for transitional countries. We analyze ESs constructed…”
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Measuring the Statistical Capacity of Nations
Published in Oxford bulletin of economics and statistics (01-08-2021)“…The international development community has used the World Bank's Statistical Capacity Index since its inception in 2004. The Sustainable Development Goals…”
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Is Poverty in Africa Mostly Chronic or Transient? Evidence from Synthetic Panel Data
Published in The Journal of development studies (03-07-2019)“…Absent actual panel household survey data, we construct for the first time synthetic panel data for more than 20 countries accounting for two-thirds of the…”
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Welfare Dynamics With Synthetic Panels: The Case of the Arab World In Transition
Published in The Review of income and wealth (01-10-2018)“…This paper studies welfare dynamics, especially changes associated with middle‐class status in Arab countries. Absent panel data, we construct synthetic panels…”
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Poverty Dynamics in India between 2004 and 2012: Insights from Longitudinal Analysis Using Synthetic Panel Data
Published in Economic development and cultural change (01-10-2018)“…Recent National Sample Surveys point to significant poverty reduction in India since 2004–5, with a marked acceleration between 2009–10 and 2011–12. We employ…”
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