Search Results - "Damiano, Stephanie R."
Low body esteem and dietary restraint among 7-year old children: The role of perfectionism, low self-esteem, and belief in the rewards of thinness and muscularity
Published in Eating behaviors : an international journal (01-01-2019)“…Body image concerns and dietary restraint have been shown to emerge among young children (aged 5 to 8 years). However, to date, little is known regarding the…”
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Mumbod? A comparison of body image and dietary restraint among women with younger, older, and no children
Published in Journal of health psychology (01-03-2022)“…Pregnancy and the postpartum period are times of significant body, and body image changes for women. Adult women (N = 885) aged 21 to 47 years old completed an…”
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Parents and prevention: A systematic review of interventions involving parents that aim to prevent body dissatisfaction or eating disorders
Published in The International journal of eating disorders (01-03-2015)“…ABSTRACT Objective To systematically review the literature on interventions involving parents that aim to prevent body dissatisfaction or eating disorders in…”
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Confident body, confident child: A randomized controlled trial evaluation of a parenting resource for promoting healthy body image and eating patterns in 2- to 6-year old children
Published in The International journal of eating disorders (01-05-2016)“…ABSTRACT Objective Body image and eating patterns develop in early childhood and are influenced by the family environment. This research evaluated Confident…”
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What parents know and want to learn about healthy eating and body image in preschool children: a triangulated qualitative study with parents and Early Childhood Professionals
Published in BMC public health (02-07-2015)“…Interventions for parents to encourage healthy eating in children often do not address parental feeding practices and body image development. The current study…”
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Maternal influences on body image and eating concerns among 7‐ and 8‐year‐old boys and girls: Cross‐sectional and prospective relations
Published in The International journal of eating disorders (01-01-2020)“…Objective Little is known regarding maternal influences on the body image and eating concerns of young children. The current study aimed to examine the…”
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Leading by example: Development of a maternal modelling of positive body image scale and relationships to body image attitudes
Published in Body image (01-06-2019)“…•A new measure, Role Modelling of Body Image Questionnaire (RMBI-Q), was developed.•Factor analysis revealed that one component was most appropriate.•The…”
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Do we cause harm? Understanding the impact of research with young children about their body image
Published in Body image (01-09-2020)“…•The impact on children from participating in body image research is unknown.•Parent perceptions of impact on their child’s body attitudes were…”
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“Can you see me?” Videoconferencing and eating disorder risk during COVID‐19: Anxiety, impairment, and mediators
Published in The International journal of eating disorders (01-01-2023)“…Objective The use of videoconferencing has increased during the pandemic, creating prolonged exposure to self‐image. This research aimed to investigate whether…”
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Psychological predictors of body image attitudes and concerns in young children
Published in Body image (01-12-2018)“…•Six year old girls and boys were followed-up at 7 years old.•Relationships between psychological variables and body image outcomes were examined.•Self-esteem…”
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Media Exposure in Very Young Girls: Prospective and Cross-Sectional Relationships With BMIz, Self-Esteem and Body Size Stereotypes
Published in Developmental psychology (01-12-2017)“…Media exposure among young children has been suggested to influence self-concept and the adoption of social stereotypes regarding body weight, as well as being…”
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Correlates of parental feeding practices with pre-schoolers: Parental body image and eating knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours
Published in Appetite (01-06-2016)“…Parental feeding practices have been linked to eating and weight status in young children; however, more research is needed to understand what influences these…”
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Dietary restraint of 5-year-old girls: Associations with internalization of the thin ideal and maternal, media, and peer influences
Published in The International journal of eating disorders (01-12-2015)“…ABSTRACT Objective Understanding socio‐cultural factors associated with the development of dieting tendencies is important for preventing future disordered…”
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Maladaptive schemas in adolescent females with anorexia nervosa and implications for treatment
Published in Eating behaviors : an international journal (01-01-2015)“…Recent research has highlighted the presence of Young's Early Maladaptive Schemas (EMSs) in individuals with an eating disorder (ED). This study assessed the…”
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Confident body, confident child: Evaluation of a universal parenting resource promoting healthy body image and eating patterns in early childhood—6‐ and 12‐month outcomes from a randomized controlled trial
Published in The International journal of eating disorders (01-02-2019)“…Objective To evaluate Confident Body, Confident Child (CBCC), a universal parenting resource designed to promote positive body image and healthy eating…”
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Achieving body confidence for young children: Development and pilot study of a universal teacher-led body image and weight stigma program for early primary school children
Published in Eating disorders (02-11-2018)“…Negative body image attitudes develop in early childhood and there is a need for school-based resources during the early school years, but no teacher-delivered…”
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A qualitative, prospective study of children's understanding of weight gain
Published in British journal of developmental psychology (01-09-2019)“…This study examined 3‐ to 5‐year‐old children's understandings of increases in body size via a qualitative prospective approach. A sample of 259 children…”
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Parenting to prevent body dissatisfaction and unhealthy eating patterns in preschool children: A Delphi consensus study
Published in Body image (01-09-2014)“…•Prevention guidelines for parents of preschoolers were developed.•Experts disagreed on whether parents should weigh children or discourage weighing.•Experts…”
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'He's got his father's bias': Parental influence on weight bias in young children
Published in British journal of developmental psychology (01-06-2016)“…Our aim was to explore the role of parents in the transmission of stereotypical body size attitudes and awareness of weight loss strategies to preschool…”
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“Stop eating lollies and do lots of sports”: a prospective qualitative study of the development of children’s awareness of dietary restraint and exercise to lose weight
Published in The international journal of behavioral nutrition and physical activity (15-12-2015)“…BACKGROUND: Beliefs surrounding the usefulness of dietary restriction and physical activity as means of body shape and size modification is already present in…”
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