Search Results - "Dal Bosco, Tatiane C"
Effects of the organic matter from swine wastewater on the adsorption and desorption of alachlor in soil
Published in Journal of environmental science and health. Part B, Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes (01-07-2012)“…The application of swine wastewater to the soil for agricultural purposes results in the addition of total and dissolved organic matter to the soil, which may…”
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Abiotic Hydrolysis and Compostability of Blends Based on Cassava Starch and Biodegradable Polymers
Published in Journal of polymers and the environment (01-11-2019)“…When associated with polymer blends, starch may improve the biodegradability and compostability of other materials. The objectives of this work were to…”
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Reflectance as a decision-making tool for the application of fungicide to the Asian Soybean Rust
Published in Revista de ciências agrárias (01-09-2018)“…The objective of this study was to evaluate the application of GreenSeeker® (radiometer) the ideal time of application of fungicide on soybeans and the…”
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Aplicação de água residuária de suinocultura em solo cultivado com soja: cobre e zinco no material escoado e no solo
Published in Engenharia agrícola (01-12-2008)“…O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a poluição difusa referente ao cobre e ao zinco no solo e no material de escoamento superficial quando da aplicação de…”
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Aplicação de água residuária de suinocultura em solo cultivado com soja: cobre e zinco no material escoado e no solo Swine wastewater application in soil cultivated with soybean: copper and zinc in the runoff material and in the soil
Published in Engenharia agrícola (01-12-2008)“…O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a poluição difusa referente ao cobre e ao zinco no solo e no material de escoamento superficial quando da aplicação de…”
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