Search Results - "Daiana Novello"
Addition of Orange Peel in Orange Jam: Evaluation of Sensory, Physicochemical, and Nutritional Characteristics
Published in Molecules (Basel, Switzerland) (04-04-2020)“…Orange is highly nutritious and a source of phytochemical compounds. However, its by-products are usually discarded. In this study, we evaluated the effect of…”
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Polydextrose: Physiological Function, and Effects on Health
Published in Nutrients (08-09-2016)“…Polydextrose (PDX) is a non-digestible oligosaccharide used widely across most sectors of the food industry. It is a randomly linked glucose oligomer…”
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How Interdisciplinary Interventions Can Improve the Educational Process of Children Regarding the Nutritional Labeling of Foods
Published in Foods (28-11-2023)“…This research aimed to evaluate the effect of interdisciplinary educational interventions on children's attitudes, knowledge, preferences, and perceptions…”
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Interdisciplinary Educational Interventions Improve Knowledge of Eating, Nutrition, and Physical Activity of Elementary Students
Published in Nutrients (09-07-2022)“…This research aimed to evaluate the interdisciplinary educational intervention effects on knowledge of eating, nutrition, and physical activity in…”
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Influence of genetic variability on the quality of strawberry cultivars: sensorial, physical-chemical and nutritional characterization
Published in Acta scientiarum. Agronomy (01-01-2021)“…Strawberries are berry-type fruits that are very popular and widely consumed all over the world. The sensorial, physical-chemical and nutritional…”
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Sweet potato peel flour in hamburger: effect on physicochemical, technological and sensorial characteristics
Published in Brazilian Journal of Food Technology (2020)“…Abstract The aim of this research was to evaluate the influence of sweet potato peel flour (SPPF) on the physicochemical, technological and sensorial…”
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Eggplant Flour Addition in Cookie: Nutritional Enrichment Alternative for Children
Published in Foods (07-06-2022)“…This research aimed to evaluate the effect of adding different levels of eggplant flour in cookie on the physicochemical and nutritional characteristics and to…”
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Intake of Polydextrose Alters Hematology and the Profile of Short Chain Fatty Acids in Partially Gastrectomized Rats
Published in Nutrients (20-06-2018)“…Polydextrose (PDX) ingestion may increase the intestinal absorption of iron. This study evaluated the effects of 7.5% polydextrose supplementation on markers…”
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Golden flaxseed and its byproducts in beef patties: physico-chemical evaluation and fatty acid profile
Published in Ciência rural (01-09-2013)“…Flaxseed application in meat and meat products by adding not flesh ingredients has not yet been properly assessed. This technology strategy, if well optimized,…”
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Evaluation of the chemical, physical and nutritional composition and sensory acceptability of different sweet potato cultivars
Published in Semina. Ciências agrárias : revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (01-05-2019)“…The aim of the study was to evaluate the chemical, physical and nutritional composition and sensory acceptability of different sweet potato cultivars to…”
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The addition of jaboticaba skin flour to muffins alters the physicochemical composition and their sensory acceptability by children
Published in Brazilian Journal of Food Technology (2018)“…Abstract This work aimed to evaluate the sensory acceptance by children of muffins containing different levels of jaboticaba skin flour. It also aimed to…”
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Adding prebiotic in cereal bars: physico-chemical characterization and sensory acceptability among practitioners of martial arts
Published in Mundo da saúde (1995) (01-07-2016)“…The objective this study was to verify the sensory acceptability of cereal bars added inulin between practitioners of martial arts. Also, to determine the…”
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Análise da influência da televisão sobre os níveis de obesidade em adolescentes: uma revisão sistemática
Published in Revista brasileira de obesidade, nutrição e emagrecimento (01-06-2017)“…ABSTRACT Analysis of the influence of television on the levels of obesity in adolescents: a systematic reviewThis article aims to conduct a systematic review…”
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Baru flour in cupcakes: physico-chemical and sensory characterization among children
Published in Mundo da saúde (1995) (01-04-2016)“…The present study aimed to determine the sensory acceptability of cupcakes added baru flour (BF) among children and determine the physico-chemical composition…”
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Prevalência e fatores associados à baixa estatura por idade em escolares
Published in Revista brasileira de obesidade, nutrição e emagrecimento (01-03-2018)“…Introdução e Objetivo: A baixa estatura pode refletir tanto carências nutricionais de longa data, quanto circunstâncias ambientais e socioeconômicas. O…”
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Adição de farinha de casca de guavira em pão: características físico-químicas e sensoriais
Published in Brazilian Journal of Food Technology (2022)“…O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da adição de farinha da casca da guavira (FCG) em pão sobre suas características físico-químicas e…”
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Sensorial and physicochemical qualities of pasta prepared with amaranth
Published in Acta scientiarum. Health sciences (01-01-2015)“…Current assay analyzed the sensorial acceptability of pasta when amaranth flour (AF) is added at different percentages. The physical and chemical composition…”
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Teores de colesterol e oxidação lipídica em hambúrguer bovino com adição de linhaça dourada e derivados
Published in Pesquisa agropecuaria brasileira (01-07-2013)“…O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da adição de linhaça‑dourada e derivados sobre os teores de colesterol e a oxidação lipídica em hambúrguer…”
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Cookie adicionado de farinha de resíduos de guavira: composição físico-química e análise sensorial
Published in Evidência (Joaçaba) (28-06-2019)“…No presente estudo teve-se como objetivo elaborar um cookie com adição de diferentes níveis de Farinha de Resíduos de Guavira (FRG) e avaliar a composição…”
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Elaboração de sorvete de cupuaçu utilizando fibra de casca de maracujá como substituto de gordura
Published in Evidência (Joaçaba) (28-06-2019)“…Recentemente, os consumidores têm buscado adotar um estilo de vida saudável, dessa forma a indústria alimentícia vem estudando formas de incorporar…”
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