Search Results - "Da Silva Santos, Álvaro"
Socio-demographic, clinical and health behavior correlates of sitting time in older adults
Published in BMC public health (31-01-2015)“…Identifying correlates of sedentary behavior in older adults is of major importance to healthcare. To our knowledge, there are no population studies in Latin…”
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Self-efficacy in elderly with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-01-2020)“…ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the self-efficacy of elderly with type 2 diabetes mellitus and the relationship with sociodemographic, clinical, knowledge, and…”
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Sexuality and knowledge about hiv/aids in elders who participate in a social center for the elderly
Published in Bioscience journal (01-03-2017)“…The objective of this study was to analyze the knowledge of elders regarding HIV/AIDS and the sexual quotient of both genders in a Social Center in a town in…”
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Knowledge about HIV/AIDS in older adults using the services of Family Health Strategy
Published in Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical (01-01-2019)“…This study evaluated knowledge about HIV/AIDS in elders using the services of Family Health Strategy. Cross-sectional, descriptive, and analytical study…”
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Hospitalization of elderly people for conditions sensitive to primary health care in a city in the Triângulo Mineiro
Published in Bioscience journal (20-08-2021)“…This study aimed to analyze the profile of hospitalizations sensitive to primary care in the elderly according to age and sex. This is an ecological study with…”
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Quality of life of elders in the primary health care in Uberaba, MG
Published in Bioscience journal (01-01-2020)“…This study aimed to evaluate social and economic predictors, as well social behavior and its influence on the quality of life of elders who use the primary…”
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Health education with older adults: action research with primary care professionals
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-07-2017)“…To assess the development and implementation of permanent education action. Quantitative-qualitative research based on action research in three phases…”
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Mobile emergency services: the actions of the nursing team in situations of violence
Published in Bioscience journal (01-11-2019)“…Objective: analyzing the profile of attention of the mobile emergency services in cases of violence and the actions of the nursing team. Methods:…”
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Perceptions of elderly living with leg ulcer
Published in Bioscience journal (01-09-2016)“…This study aimed to describe the perception of the elderly about being a carrier of a chronic leg injury, accompanied by a Basic Health Unit of Uberaba,…”
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Factors associated with risk of malnutrition in the elderly in south-eastern Brazil
Published in Revista brasileira de epidemiologia (01-10-2017)“…The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of malnutrition risk and its association with socioeconomic, behavioral, and health characteristics in the…”
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Published in Cogitare enfermagem (01-01-2023)“…Objective: to identify the profile and intensity of the care provided by grandparents to grandchildren. Method: a descriptive and cross-sectional study by…”
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Lazer virtual e a pessoa idosa na pandemia da COVID-19 no contexto da atenção primária à saúde: criatividades interventivas
Published in Journal Health NPEPS (01-06-2021)Get full text
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Satisfaction of octogenarians with Primary Health Care services
Published in Revista brasileira de geriatria e gerontologia (2020)“…Abstract Objective: To evaluate the satisfaction of octogenarians with Primary Health Care services. Method: a descriptive study, with a quantitative approach,…”
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Quality of life and depressive symptoms among elderly in primary care
Published in Bioscience journal (01-11-2018)“…To evaluate the perception of quality of life (QoL) and its relationship to socioeconomic variables and depressive symptoms in elders that use Primary Care…”
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Association between time spent sitting and diabetes mellitus in older adults: a population-based study
Published in Revista brasileira de cineantropometria & desempenho humano (01-08-2015)“…Abstract By the middle of the last century, changes in the Brazilian economy and society triggered a rapid demographic transition characterized by an increased…”
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Approaches of psychoanalysis in the care of the elderly: an integrative review
Published in Revista brasileira de geriatria e gerontologia (01-12-2018)“…Abstract Objective: to map publications about the clinical psychoanalytical care of the elderly and describe their characteristics. Method: an integrative…”
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Potential years of life lost and mortality trend in the adult population in a municipality of Triângulo Mineiro, 1996-2013
Published in Medicina (Sao Paulo. 197?) (09-08-2017)“…Introduction: the epidemiological analysis of mortality is an important process for the recognition of the living conditions and health of the population,…”
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Published in Cogitare enfermagem (2023)“…RESUMO Objetivo: identificar o perfil e a intensidade de cuidado dos avós para com os netos. Método: estudo descritivo, transversal, por amostra aleatória…”
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Sobre a Psicanálise e o Envelhecimento: Focalizando a Produção Científica
Published in Psicologia, teoria e pesquisa (2019)“…Resumo Revisão integrativa com objetivo de conhecer a produção científica em psicanálise na relação com o idoso e envelhecimento. O período considerado foi de…”
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Busca, desafios, horizontes: vislumbres para 2022
Published in Revista Família, Ciclos de Vida e Saúde no Contexto Social (22-12-2021)Get full text
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