Search Results - "Da Silva, Ageo Mário Cândido"
Factors associated with functional disability in older adults with cancer treated at reference outpatient clinics in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil
Published in Revista brasileira de epidemiologia (2022)“…To analyze factors associated with functional disability in older adults with cancer treated at reference outpatient clinics in the state of Mato Grosso,…”
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Trend analysis of lung cancer incidence and mortality in Grande Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil, 2000 to 2016
Published in Revista brasileira de epidemiologia (2022)“…To analyses lung cancer incidence and mortality trends to gender and age group in Grande Cuiabá between 2000 to 2016. Study of times series applying incidence…”
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The geography of femicide in Sergipe, Brazil: matriarchy, human development, and income distribution
Published in Revista brasileira de epidemiologia (2021)“…This research analyzed a joint spatial distribution and explored the possible associations between epidemiological aspects and feminicide rates, in towns of…”
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Breast cancer survival in Great Cuiaba, Brazil: a population-based study
Published in Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem (2021)“…ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze ten-year specific survival of women with breast cancer in Great Cuiaba, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Methods: A population-based cohort…”
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Asma não controlada em crianças e adolescentes expostos aos agrotóxicos em região de intensa atividade do agronegócio
Published in Cadernos de saúde pública (2021)“…Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo é analisar os fatores associados à asma não controlada em escolares expostos aos agrotóxicos em município de médio porte de…”
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Prevalence and factors associated with tobacco use in women deprived of liberty in a prison in the Brazilian Midwest
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-12-2022)Get full text
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Prevalence and factors associated with tobacco use in women deprived of liberty in a prison in the Brazilian Midwest
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-12-2022)“…Abstract Tobacco use is a Public Health issue, and the release of its use in the prison system is controversial. Its prevalence in this population is high,…”
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Trends of chronic health effects associated to pesticide use in fruit farming regions in the state of Ceará, Brazil
Published in Revista brasileira de epidemiologia (01-09-2013)“…The lower valley of Jaguaribe has registered, since the XXI century, the arrival of transnational and regional companies, which led to deep transformations in…”
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Desvantagem auditiva psicossocial e fatores associados em trabalhadores do setor da construção em Mato Grosso, Brasil
Published in Revista brasileira de epidemiologia (01-07-2017)“…RESUMO: Objetivo: Estimar a prevalência e analisar os fatores associados ao handicap auditivo autorreferido por trabalhadores do setor da construção do estado…”
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Vigilância aos agrotóxicos: quantificação do uso e previsão de impactos na saúde-trabalho-ambiente para os municípios brasileiros
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-12-2014)“…Como estratégia da vigilância em saúde do trabalhador, população e ambiente, foram analisadas as quantidades, os tipos e a toxicidade de agrotóxicos usados por…”
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Vulnerability and associated factors among older people using the Family Health Strategy
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-09-2019)“…The objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence of vulnerability and associated factors among older people using family health strategies in Várzea…”
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Antibiotic prescribing patterns in pediatric patients using the WHO access, watch, reserve (AWaRe) classification at a quaternary hospital in Nampula, Mozambique
Published in Scientific reports (30-09-2024)“…Antibiotics are often prescribed inappropriately, either when they are not needed or with an unnecessarily broad spectrum of activity. This is a serious…”
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The agreement between two screening tests for language evaluation in premature and low weight children
Published in Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil (01-09-2016)“…Abstract Objectives: to evaluate the agreement of the results in two screening tests on children's development - Denver II and Early Language Milestone Scale…”
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Incidence and predicting factors of falls of older inpatients
Published in Revista de saúde pública (01-01-2015)“…OBJECTIVE To estimate the incidence and predicting factors associated with falls among older inpatients. METHODS Prospective cohort study conducted in clinical…”
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Influence of air pollutants on pneumonia hospitalizations among children in a town in the Brazilian Legal Amazon region: a time series study
Published in São Paulo medical journal (01-03-2020)“…ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Exposure to particulate material produced as a result of increased agricultural activity may increase the number of pneumonia…”
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Prevalência e fatores associados à violência no ambiente de trabalho em agentes de segurança penitenciária do sexo feminino no Brasil
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-09-2017)“…Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é estimar a prevalência e os fatores associados à violência no trabalho em agentes de segurança penitenciária do sexo feminino…”
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Prevalence of and factors associated with polypharmacy among elderly persons resident in the community
Published in Revista brasileira de geriatria e gerontologia (01-02-2017)“…Abstract Objective: to verify the prevalence of and factors associated with polypharmacy among elderly residents of the city of Cuiabá, in the state of Mato…”
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Fatores ambientais e hospitalizações em crianças menores de cinco anos com infecção respiratória aguda
Published in Cadernos de saúde pública (2003)“…Considerando a hospitalização como um indicador de gravidade da Infecção Respiratória Aguda (IRA), objetiva-se estudar a associação de alguns fatores…”
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Vigilância dos acidentes de trabalho em unidades sentinela em saúde do trabalhador no município de Fortaleza, nordeste do Brasil
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-10-2017)“…Resumo O artigo analisa os fatores associados à notificação de Acidentes de Trabalho (AT) em unidades sentinelas do município de Fortaleza, nordeste do Brasil…”
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Vulnerabilidade e Declínio Funcional em pessoas idosas da Atenção Primária à Saúde: estudo longitudinal
Published in Revista brasileira de geriatria e gerontologia (2021)“…Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a associação da vulnerabilidade e o declínio funcional para Atividades Instrumentais de Vida Diária (AIVD) em pessoas idosas atendidas…”
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