Search Results - "Da Nobrega Besarria, Cassio"
The macroeconomic effects of monetary policy shocks under fiscal constrained: An analysis using a DSGE model
Published in Journal of economic studies (Bradford) (03-08-2020)“…PurposeThis paper aims to analyze the macroeconomic effects of a monetary policy shock considering that fiscal policy is under fiscal constraints. For that, a…”
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Forecasting oil prices: New approaches
Published in Energy (Oxford) (01-01-2022)“…This paper proposes alternative methodologies for oil price forecasting using mixed-frequency data and a textual sentiment indicator. The latter variable was…”
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Testing for bubbles in housing markets: some evidence for Brazil
Published in International journal of housing markets and analysis (30-10-2018)“…Purpose Housing prices in Brazil have displayed an impressive growth in recent years, raising some concerns about the existence of a bubble in housing markets…”
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Aggregate shocks and the Brazilian housing market dynamics
Published in Economia (Associação Nacional dos Centros de Pós-Graduação em Economia : 2000) (01-05-2019)“…In this paper we seek to understand the recent dynamics of the Brazilian housing market, which experienced a significant growth in recent years. In particular,…”
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Forecasting crude oil price: Does exist an optimal econometric model?
Published in Energy (Oxford) (15-07-2018)“…The drastic reduction in oil prices after 2014 rekindled its stochastic characteristics of not settling around a mean and having unexpected high volatility…”
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Effects of oil market sentiment on macroeconomic variables
Published in Resources policy (01-06-2023)“…This paper aims to evaluate the effects of oil price shocks on macroeconomic variables, for the economies of the United States and Brazil. We develop a…”
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The non-linear relationship between oil prices and stock prices: Evidence from oil-importing and oil-exporting countries
Published in Research in international business and finance (01-12-2020)“…This paper investigates the long-run dynamics between stock and oil prices over the period from March 13, 2001 to August 25, 2017 using the Rafailidis and…”
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Asymmetry in the prices of crude oil and diesel and gasoline prices in Brazil
Published in Journal of economic studies (Bradford) (02-01-2024)“…PurposeThe aim of this study was to determine if there are asymmetries in the pass-through of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil prices to its derivatives…”
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Public debt management and the interaction between fiscal and monetary policies
Published in Journal of economic studies (Bradford) (24-08-2022)“…PurposeThis paper aims to investigate the existing relations between the management of public bonds on the dynamics of debt, term structure of interest rates…”
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The relationship between economic growth, renewable and nonrenewable energy use and CO2 emissions: empirical evidences for Brazil
Published in Greenhouse gases: science and technology (01-06-2021)“…This article examined the causal relationship between economic growth, carbon dioxide (CO2), and renewable and nonrenewable energy use for the 27 Brazilian…”
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Machine learning and sentiment analysis: Projecting bank insolvency risk
Published in Research in economics (01-06-2023)“…The main motivation of this paper is to use machine learning techniques to build a new insolvency risk rating metric for banks traded on Brazilian stock…”
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Determinantes do Desempenho no ENEM na Região Nordeste: Uma Análise de Dados em Painel do Período de 2015 a 2019
Published in Revista Brasileira de Estudos Regionais e Urbanos (26-09-2022)“…O objetivo do trabalho é avaliar como o desempenho dos candidatos do ENEM, na Região Nordeste do Brasil, é influenciado pelos diversos fatores ligados às…”
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Unemployment rate and wage growth in Brazil: evidence from a Markov-switching model
Published in Economia aplicada (01-06-2020)“…This paper has the purpose to investigate the relationship between unemployment rate and wage growth for the Brazilian economy from 2000to 2016, by means of a…”
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Testando bolhas nos mercados habitacionais: uma análise a partir do modelo painel-cointegrado para os estados brasileiros
Published in Economia aplicada (01-01-2017)“…This research is aimed at checking for evidence of rational bubbles in household prices of Brazilian states (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco, Ceará,…”
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Informalidade na América Latina: uma análise por Vetores Autorregressivos em Painel
Published in Cadernos Metrópole (01-12-2023)“…Resumo É fundamental conhecer o tamanho, a dinâmica e as principais causas da informalidade para adoção de políticas públicas factíveis. Assim, a fim de…”
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Testing bubbles in housing markets: An analysis from the panel-cointegrated model for the Brazilian states
Published in Economia aplicada (01-04-2017)“…This research is aimed at checking for evidence of rational bubbles in household prices of Brazilian states (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco, Ceará,…”
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Efeitos da incerteza da política econômica sobre a economia brasileira: Evidências a partir do FAVAR
Published in Revista Brasileira de Finanças (04-09-2023)“…Este artigo tem como objetivo investigar os efeitos resultantes do impacto de um choque de incerteza da política econômica em um conjunto de variáveis…”
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Mensurando e avaliando os efeitos de um choque de incerteza da política econômica sobre a economia brasileira
Published in Economia aplicada (01-09-2022)“…Este artigo tem o propósito de criar um índice capaz de mensurar o grau de incerteza da política econômica no Brasil. Esse índice será construído a partir da…”
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Testing bubbles in housing markets: An analysis from the panel-cointegrated model for the Brazilian states
Published in Economia aplicada (08-04-2017)“…Este artigo tem o propósito de verificar se há indícios de bolhas racionais nos preços das habitações dos estados brasileiros (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro,…”
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O impacto dos gastos sociais sobre os indicadores de desigualdade e pobreza nos estados brasileiros no período de 2004 a 2009
Published in Revista de economia contemporânea (01-08-2013)“…O objetivo deste artigo é analisar os efeitos dos gastos sociais em educação e saúde nos indicadores de pobreza e nos índices de desigualdade de renda no…”
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