Search Results - "Da Costa Silva, Bruna Yhang"
Association between Dietary Glycemic Index and Excess Weight in Pregnant Women in the First Trimester of Pregnancy
Published in Revista Brasileira de ginecologia e obstetrícia (01-01-2019)“…To assess the association between dietary glycemic index (GI) and excess weight in pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy. A cross-sectional study…”
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Impact of dietary inflammatory index on gingival health
Published in Journal of periodontology (1970) (01-06-2024)“…Background Periodontal disease is a biofilm‐dependent chronic inflammatory condition triggered by a host response. Several factors impact systemic inflammation…”
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Dietary Inflammatory Index and clinical course of multiple sclerosis
Published in European journal of clinical nutrition (01-07-2019)“…Objectives: This study aims at analyzing the association between the Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII) and the clinical condition of multiple sclerosis (MS)…”
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Nutrition in Multiple Sclerosis: An integrative review of scientific publications from the last 5 years
Published in Revista chilena de nutrición (01-06-2019)“…ABSTRACT This study analyzed the profile of scientific production related to the nutritional aspects of the etiology and/or progress of Multiple Sclerosis…”
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Inter-relação entre qualidade do carboidrato da dieta e estado nutricional de uma comunidade de assentados do município de Limoeiro do Norte, Ceará
Published in HSJ (23-10-2024)“…Objetivo: Avaliar o índice glicêmico (IG) e a carga glicêmica (CG) da dieta de uma comunidade de assentados no município de Limoeiro do Norte/Ceará, Brasil e…”
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A dieta inflamatória não está associada à qualidade do sono de estudantes universitários adultos jovens de uma cidade do Nordeste do Brasil
Published in Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición (01-12-2022)“…Introdução: Estudantes universitários da área de saúde apresentam uma rotina que exacerba inadequações no estilo de vida e sono, as quais contribuem para um…”
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Elaboration and assessment of the nutritional suitability of multiple-mixture main porridge prepared with regional foods
Published in Demetra: Alimentação, Nutrição e Saúde (01-12-2021)“…Introduction: Food should be introduced starting from the 6th month of life as a complement to breast milk, prioritizing the choice of regional foods. In the…”
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Índice glicêmico e carga glicêmica de dietas consumidas por indivíduos obesos
Published in Revista de nutrição (01-12-2007)“…OBJETIVO: Avaliar o índice glicêmico e a carga glicêmica de dietas de indivíduos obesos. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de estudo retrospectivo, que analisou as fichas…”
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Nutrition literacy of technical and higher education students in the countryside of Ceará
Published in Demetra: Alimentação, Nutrição e Saúde (01-10-2020)“…Objective: This study aimed to assess the level of nutrition literacy (NL) in technical and higher education students and to compare the level of NL of…”
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Nutrition literacy of technical and higher education students in the countryside of Ceara/Letramento nutricional de estudantes do ensino tecnico e superior do interior do Ceara
Published in Demetra: Alimentação, Nutrição e Saúde (01-01-2020)“…Objective: This study aimed to assess the level of nutrition literacy (NL) in technical and higher education students and to compare the level of NL of…”
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Excess weight, central adiposity and pro-inflammatory diet consumption in patients with neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder
Published in Multiple sclerosis and related disorders (01-09-2021)“…•High prevalence of consumption of a pro-inflammatory diet in both control and case groups.•Positive correlation between administered corticosteroid dose and…”
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Published in Nutrivisa - Revista de Nutrição e Vigilância em Saúde (14-12-2023)“…A partir dos seis meses de vida, o lactente saudável pode estar preparado para receber alimentos complementares. Estes devem ser diversificados, fornecer…”
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Interactions between dietary inflammatory index, nutritional state and Multiple Sclerosis clinical condition
Published in Clinical nutrition ESPEN (01-08-2018)“…Summary Background & aims The Dietary Inflammatory Index (DII) consists of a tool that assesses dietary inflammatory potential based on the assignment of an…”
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Inflammatory potential of the diet of families of Brazilian rural workers as a risk factor triggering excess weight/POTENCIAL INFLAMATORIO DA DIETA COMO FATOR DE RISCO PARA O DESENCADEAMENTO DO EXCESSO DE PESO
Published in Revista brasileira de obesidade, nutrição e emagrecimento (01-11-2020)“…Introduction: The relationship between an inflammatory diet and the increased risk for the development of overweight and obesity has been shown. Objective: To…”
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Prevalence of binge eating disorder and assessment of food consumption in people with excess weight
Published in Revista brasileira em promoção da saúde = Brazilian journal in health promotion (01-01-2016)“…Objective: To determine the prevalence of binge eating disorder and assess food consumption in individuals with excess weight. Methods: This is an…”
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Potencial inflamatório da dieta como fator de risco para o desencadeamento do excesso de peso
Published in Revista brasileira de obesidade, nutrição e emagrecimento (2020)“…Introduction: The relationship between an inflammatory diet and the increased risk for the development of overweight and obesity has been shown. Objective: To…”
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Elaboração e avaliação da adequação nutricional de papas principais de misturas múltiplas preparadas com alimentos regionais
Published in Demetra: Alimentação, Nutrição e Saúde (30-12-2021)“…Introdução: A introdução alimentar deve ser iniciada a partir do sexto mês de vida, como complemento ao leite materno, priorizando a escolha de alimentos…”
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