Search Results - "DILLON, N. L"

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  1. 1

    Correlation between cell-mediated immunity and clinical forms of paracoccidioidomycosis by Mota, N G, Rezkallah-Iwasso, M T, Peraçoli, M T, Audi, R C, Mendes, R P, Marcondes, J, Marques, S A, Dillon, N L, Franco, M F

    “…Cellular immune response to specific and non-specific stimulants was investigated, both in vivo and in vitro, in 29 healthy controls and in 53 previously…”
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    Human, canine and equine (Equus caballus) leishmaniasis due to Leishmania braziliensis (= L. braziliensis braziliensis) in the south-west region of São Paulo State, Brazil by Yoshida, E L, Correa, F M, Marques, S A, Stolf, H O, Dillon, N L, Momen, H, Grimaldi, Jr, G

    Published in Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (01-01-1990)
    “…The first epidemic of American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) in Sao Paulo coincided with the start of railway construction in the north-west of the State in…”
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    Delayed results of treatment of paracoccidioidomycosis with amphotericin B plus sulfamides versus amphotericin B alone by DILLON, N. L, SAMPAIO, S. A. P, HABERMANN, M. C, MARQUES, S. A, LASTORIA, J. C, STOLF, H. O, DE ANDRADE SILVA, N. C, CURI, P. R

    “…A delayed evaluation of two groups of patients with paracoccidioidomycosis was carried out. Both groups were treated with amphotericin B, "but one of them was…”
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    Evaluation of nutritional status in patients with endemic pemphigus foliaceus by Barraviera, S R, Dillon, N L, Curi, P R, Pereira, P C, de Almeida, D B

    “…Sixteen patients with endemic pemphigus foliaceus were submitted to nutritional evaluation. Ten had the localized form of the disease (Group G1) and six the…”
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    Screening and breeding for genetic resistance to anthracnose in mango by Bally, I.S.E, Akem, C.N, Dillon, N.L, Grice, C, Lakhesar, D, Stockdale, K

    Published in Acta horticulturae (01-01-2013)
    “…Postharvest diseases remain a significant constraint to the transport, storage and marketing of mangoes. The two main ones are anthracnose and stem end rot…”
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    Implementation of SSR markers in mango breeding in Australia by Dillon, N.L, Bally, I.S.E, Hucks, L.A, Wright, C.L, Innes, D.J, Dietzgen, R.G

    Published in Acta horticulturae (01-01-2013)
    “…The routine use of molecular markers to assist in varietal identification and selection was identified as a means of improving breeding efficiency in The…”
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    Cell and humoral immunity in endemic pemphigus foliaceus by Barraviera, S R, Dillon, N L, Rezkallah-Iwasso, M T, Peraçoli, T S, Curi, P R, de Almeida, D B

    “…A study was conducted on 16 patients with pemphigus foliaceus, ten of them with the localized form (group G1) and six with the disseminated form (group G2)…”
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    Surto de leishmaniose tegumentar americana em itaporanga, São Paulo (Brasil) by STOLF, H. O, ALENCAR MARQUES, S, MARQUES, M. E. A, YOSHIDA, E. L. A, DILLON, N. L

    “…O presente trabalho relata os aspectos epidemiológicos e clínicos de surto de leishmaniose tegumentar americana na região Sudoeste do estado de São Paulo, área…”
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    Microsporum nanum: quarto relato de infecção humana no Brasil by PIRES DE CAMARGO, R. M, SILVARES, M. R. C, CARVALHO, C. R. B, DILLON, N. L, MARQUES, S. A

    “…Comunica-se o quarto relato de infecção humana por Microsporum nanum (M. nanun) no Brasil. Trata-se de criança de 9 meses de idade, apresentando há um mês…”
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    Microsporum nanum relato do segundo caso de infecção humana no Brasil by Camargo, R. M. P., Silva, N. A. S., Marques, S. A., Stolf, H. O., Dillon, N. L.

    “…É comunicado o segundo caso de infecção humana por Microsporum nanum no Brasil. A investigação epidemiológica visando determinar a fonte de infecção não obteve…”
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    Outbreak of American cutaneous leishmaniasis in Itaporanga, São Paulo (Brazil) by Stolf, H O, Marques, S A, Marques, M E, Yoshida, E L, Dillon, N L

    “…An outbreak of cutaneous leishmaniasis in a small rural settlement, located in the Southern of São Paulo State-Brazil was observed. This region has basic…”
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    Accidental cutaneous leishmaniasis by Dillon, N L, Stolf, H O, Yoshida, E L, Marques, M E

    “…The authors report the 3rd case of cutaneous leishmaniasis due to accidental contamination of a student of biological sciences during laboratory research. The…”
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    Microsporum nanum. A fourth report of human infection in Brazil by de Camargo, R M, Silvares, M R, Carvalho, C R, Dillon, N L, Marques, S A

    “…The authors present the fourth Brazilian case of human Microsporum nanum (M. nanum) infection. A child of nine months old presents cutaneous dorsal lesions…”
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