Inquérito soro-epidemiológico de Brucella ovis e Brucella abortus em rebanhos ovinos pertencentes à microrregião de Teresina, Brasil
Published in PUBVET (16-05-2017)“…The purpose of this study was to conduct an epidemiological investigation on the occurrence of Brucella ovis and Brucella abortus in sheep flocks at…”
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Parâmetros hematológicos de cães apresentando corpúsculos de Lentz em esfregaço sanguíneo
Published in PUBVET (01-10-2017)“…El distemper canino es una de las enfermedades virales más importantes en perros en el Brasil, causada por el Morbillivirus de la familia Paramyxoviridae, es…”
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Lipidose hepática secundaria à colangiohepatite em felino doméstico sem raça definida: Relato de caso
Published in PUBVET (06-05-2017)“…This report shows a case of feline without definite breed, whit one-year and four-month-old diagnosed with hepatic lipidosis secondary to cholangiohepatitis…”
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Principais patologias relacionadas aos efeitos adversos do uso de fármacos contraceptivos em gatas
Published in PUBVET (01-03-2017)Get full text
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Implicações patológicas após o uso de anticoncepcional, em cadelas situadas em Teresina-PI
Published in PUBVET (06-02-2017)“…Bitches are multiparous animals of short gestation, producing generally numerous offspring that can reach sexual maturity from six months old. Currently, the…”
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Infecção por Hepatozoon sp. em canino doméstico: Relato de caso
Published in PUBVET (20-02-2017)“…The Hepatozoon spp. is a protozoan transmitted by arthropods (ticks, mites, lice, among others) that may act as definitive hosts and are responsible for…”
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Miosite dos músculos mastigatórios em canino doméstico sem raça definida: Relato de caso
Published in PUBVET (06-02-2017)“…The occurrence of myositis of chew muscles is a relatively sporadic clinical disease in dogs and cats. However, this condition affects especially the large…”
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