Search Results - "DEVOTO, MARIANO"
night shift': nocturnal pollen-transport networks in a boreal pine forest
Published in Ecological entomology (01-02-2011)“…1. Diurnal plant-visitor networks are well studied, but the community-level dimension of nocturnal visitation by insects has been largely overlooked. 2. This…”
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Urbanization homogenizes the interactions of plant-frugivore bird networks
Published in Urban ecosystems (01-06-2020)“…Anthropogenic activities are the main cause of habitat loss and fragmentation, which directly affects biodiversity. Disruption in landscape connectivity among…”
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Factores que afectan la riqueza de especies epífitas vasculares del arbolado de alineación en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Published in Ecología austral (25-11-2024)“…Las especies de plantas epífitas crecen sobre otras plantas, llamadas forófitas, y contribuyen de forma positiva a la biodiversidad. Este estudio analiza las…”
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Effect of temporal data aggregation on the perceived structure of a quantitative plant–floral visitor network
Published in Entomological research (01-11-2017)“…Seasonal turnover in plant and floral visitor communities changes the structure of the network of interactions they are involved in. Despite the dynamic nature…”
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Network science: Applications for sustainable agroecosystems and food security
Published in Perspectives in ecology and conservation (01-04-2022)“…[Display omitted] •We reviewed the use of network science in sustainable agriculture.•Network science can be used to understand, harness and restore ecological…”
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La defensa de Passiflora caerulea por hormigas reduce el número de huevos y larvas de Agraulis vanillae, pero no el daño por herbivoría
Published in Ecología austral (01-04-2018)“…En las comunidades ecológicas, las especies pueden participar de forma simultánea en interacciones interespecíficas de distinto tipo (e.g., depredación,…”
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Visitantes florales del girasol (Helianthus annuus) y su vegetación acompañante en la Pampa Interior
Published in Ecología austral (01-08-2020)“…La producción, la calidad y la estabilidad de muchos cultivos, incluido el girasol, aumenta por la presencia de polinizadores que, en su mayoría, nidifican y…”
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Robustness of plant-flower visitor webs to simulated climate change
Published in Ecología austral (01-06-2007)“…Climate change threatens the integrity of pollination webs by decoupling plants and flower visitors both phenologically and ecologically. We simulated a range…”
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Understanding and planning ecological restoration of plant-pollinator networks
Published in Ecology letters (01-04-2012)“…Ecology Letters (2012) 15: 319–328 Theory developed from studying changes in the structure and function of communities during natural or managed succession can…”
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Ambophily, not entomophily: the reproduction of the perennial Discaria chacaye (Rhamnaceae: Colletieae) along a rainfall gradient in Patagonia, Argentina
Published in Plant systematics and evolution (01-08-2017)“…Geographical gradients are useful tools for studying how changing environmental conditions affect communities' structure and function, and any perceived…”
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High flower richness and abundance decrease pollen transfer on individual plants in road verges but increase it in adjacent fields in intensively managed agroecosystems
Published in Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (01-08-2022)“…Road verges can facilitate the movement of pollinators and pollen in intensively managed agroecosystems, reducing the negative impacts of fragmentation (i.e.,…”
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Wider road verges sustain higher plant species richness and pollinator abundance in intensively managed agroecosystems
Published in Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (15-10-2020)“…•Entomophilous plants richness increased with roads verges width.•Flower visitor abundance increased with the roads verges width.•Landscape heterogeneity did…”
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Connectance of species interaction networks and conservation value: Is it any good to be well connected?
Published in Ecological indicators (01-03-2012)“…► Connectance of ecological networks has been suggested as an indicator of their conservation value. ► The relationship between connectance and conservation…”
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Local drivers of the structure of a tropical bird-seed dispersal network
Published in Oecologia (01-02-2019)“…One of the major challenges in ecology is to understand the relative importance of neutral-and niche-based processes structuring species interactions within…”
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Predicting the consequences of disperser extinction: richness matters the most when abundance is low
Published in Functional ecology (01-10-2017)“…Summary The ongoing biodiversity crisis entails the concomitant loss of species and the ecological services they provide. Global defaunation, and particularly…”
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Ecological meta-networks integrate spatial and temporal dynamics of plant-bumble bee interactions
Published in Oikos (01-06-2014)“…Bumble bees can forage on a large number of wild plants and crops. The survival of a colony depends on the availability of suitable food resources within…”
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Identifying plant mixes for multiple ecosystem service provision in agricultural systems using ecological networks
Published in The Journal of applied ecology (01-12-2021)“…Managing agricultural environments in a way that maximises the provision of multiple ecosystem services is a significant challenge in the development of…”
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Using motifs in ecological networks to identify the role of plants in crop margins for multiple agriculture functions
Published in Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (15-06-2022)“…Advances in network ecology offer new tools for the sustainable management of agroecosystems. Plants in field margins may be involved in different processes of…”
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Soybean dependence on biotic pollination decreases with latitude
Published in Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (01-05-2023)“…Identifying large-scale patterns of variation in pollinator dependence (PD) in crops is important from both basic and applied perspectives. Evidence from wild…”
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Correction to: Local drivers of the structure of a tropical bird-seed dispersal network
Published in Oecologia (01-05-2019)“…Unfortunately, the detailed description of the ESM material went wrong in the published version of the dataset…”
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