Search Results - "DAUTENHAHN, K"

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  1. 1

    Robotic assistants in therapy and education of children with autism: can a small humanoid robot help encourage social interaction skills? by Robins, B., Dautenhahn, K., Boekhorst, R. Te, Billard, A.

    “…This article presents a longitudinal study with four children with autism, who were exposed to a humanoid robot over a period of several months. The…”
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    Journal Article
  2. 2

    What is a robot companion - friend, assistant or butler? by Dautenhahn, K., Woods, S., Kaouri, C., Walters, M.L., Kheng Lee Koay, Werry, I.

    “…The study presented in this paper explored people's perceptions and attitudes towards the idea of a future robot companion for the home. A human-centred…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  3. 3

    The influence of subjects' personality traits on personal spatial zones in a human-robot interaction experiment by Walters, M.L., Dautenhahn, K., te Boekhorst, R., Kheng Lee Koay, Kaouri, C., Woods, S., Nehaniv, C., Lee, D., Werry, I.

    “…In the present study we investigated human-robot and robot-human approach distances. We found that subjects' personality profiles influence personal spatial…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  4. 4

    Correspondence Mapping Induced State and Action Metrics for Robotic Imitation by Alissandrakis, A., Nehaniv, C.L., Dautenhahn, K.

    “…This paper addresses the problem of body mapping in robotic imitation where the demonstrator and imitator may not share the same embodiment [degrees of freedom…”
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  5. 5

    Imitation with ALICE: learning to imitate corresponding actions across dissimilar embodiments by Alissandrakis, A., Nehaniv, C.L., Dautenhahn, K.

    “…Imitation is a powerful mechanism whereby knowledge may be transferred between agents (both biological and artificial). Key problems on the topic of imitation…”
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    Exploratory studies on social spaces between humans and a mechanical-looking robot by Walters, M. L., Dautenhahn, K., Woods, S. N., Koay, K. L., Te Boekhorst, R., Lee, D.

    Published in Connection science (01-12-2006)
    “…The results from two empirical studies of human-robot interaction are presented. The first study involved the subject approaching the static robot and the…”
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    "Does it work?" A framework to evaluate the effectiveness of a robotic toy for children with special needs by Ferrari, E, Robins, B, Dautenhahn, K

    “…To evaluate the performance of a social robot, both the aspects of safety and technical efficiency as well as the effectiveness of the interaction with the…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  9. 9

    'Doing the right thing wrong' - Personality and tolerance to uncomfortable robot approaches by Syrdal, D.S., Dautenhahn, K., Woods, S., Walters, M.L., Kheng Lee Koay

    “…The study presented in this paper explored the relationships between subject personality and preferences in the direction from which a robot approached the…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  10. 10

    A methodological approach relating the classification of gesture to identification of human intent in the context of human-robot interaction by Nehaniv, C.L., Dautenhahn, K., Kubacki, J., Haegele, M., Parlitz, C., Alami, R.

    “…In order to infer intent from gesture, a broad classification of types of gestures into five main classes is introduced. The classification is intended as a…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  11. 11

    Using an embedded reality approach to improve test reliability for NHPT tasks by Bowler, M., Amirabdollahian, F., Dautenhahn, K.

    “…Research into the use of haptic and virtual reality technologies has increased greatly over the past decade, in terms of both quality and quantity. Methods to…”
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    Conference Proceeding Journal Article
  12. 12

    Robots as embodied beings - interactionally sensitive body movements in interactions among autistic children and a robot by Robins, B., Dickerson, P., Dautenhahn, K.

    “…The general context of the work presented in this paper is assistive robotics with our long-term aim to support children with autism. This paper is part of an…”
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    Conference Proceeding
  13. 13

    Evaluating extrovert and introvert behaviour of a domestic robot - a video study by Lohse, M., Hanheide, M., Wrede, B., Walters, M.L., Kheng Lee Koay, Syrdal, D.S., Green, A., Huttenrauch, H., Dautenhahn, K., Sagerer, G., Severinson-Eklundh, K.

    “…Human-robot interaction (HRI) research is here presented into social robots that have to be able to interact with inexperienced users. In the design of these…”
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  14. 14

    A survey of socially interactive robots by Fong, Terrence, Nourbakhsh, Illah, Dautenhahn, Kerstin

    Published in Robotics and autonomous systems (31-03-2003)
    “…This paper reviews “socially interactive robots”: robots for which social human–robot interaction is important. We begin by discussing the context for socially…”
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  15. 15

    Methodological issues using a comfort level device in human-robot interactions by Kheng Lee Koay, Walters, M.L., Dautenhahn, K.

    “…This paper introduces a handheld comfort level device to measure subjects' comfort levels in human-robot interaction experiments. We discuss methodological…”
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    Sustaining interaction dynamics and engagement in dyadic child-robot interaction kinesics: lessons learnt from an exploratory study by Robins, B., Dautenhahn, K., Nehaniv, C.L., Mirza, N.A., Francois, D., Olsson, L.

    “…Motivated by questions of interaction design for human-robot interaction (HRI), an exploratory initial study was carried out with children and a robotic "pet"…”
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  18. 18

    Robots we like to live with?! - a developmental perspective on a personalized, life-long robot companion by Dautenhahn, K.

    “…This work addresses different possible social relationships between robots and humans, drawing on animal-human relationships. I argue that humans have been…”
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  19. 19

    Hey, I'm over here - How can a robot attract people's attention? by Finke, M., Kheng Lee Koay, Dautenhahn, K., Nehaniv, C.L., Walters, M.L., Saunders, J.

    “…This paper describes how sonar sensors can be used to recognize human movements. The robot distinguishes objects from humans by assuming that only people move…”
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  20. 20

    Developing child-robot interaction scenarios with a humanoid robot to assist children with autism in developing visual perspective taking skills by Wood, L., Dautenhahn, K., Robins, B., Zaraki, A.

    “…Children with autism often find it difficult to understand that other people might have perspectives, viewpoints, beliefs and knowledge that are different from…”
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    Conference Proceeding