Search Results - "D’Elboux, Maria José"
WOMAC and SF-36: instruments for evaluating the health-related quality of life of elderly people with total hip arthroplasty. A descriptive study
Published in São Paulo medical journal (01-07-2015)“…Quality-of-life results have increasingly been evaluated among patients undergoing joint replacements. The objective of this study was to compare two…”
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Relationship between lower-limb muscle strength and frailty among elderly people
Published in São Paulo medical journal (01-01-2012)“…Sarcopenia is the main factor involved in the development of frailty syndrome. The aims here were to investigate relationships between lower-limb muscle…”
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Effect of cycle ergometer and conventional exercises on rehabilitation of older patients with total hip arthroplasty: study protocol for randomized controlled trial
Published in Current controlled trials in cardiovascular medicine (08-04-2015)“…Total hip arthroplasty (THA) is an increasingly common treatment for older patients with hip osteoarthritis. The best strategy for a physiotherapy intervention…”
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Relationship between lower-limb muscle strength and functional independence among elderly people according to frailty criteria: a cross-sectional study
Published in São Paulo medical journal (01-01-2014)“…Muscle strength and functional independence are considered to be determinants of frailty levels among elderly people. The aim here was to compare lower-limb…”
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Elderly outpatient profile and predictors of falls
Published in São Paulo medical journal (01-03-2013)“…CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVES Falls are a serious public health problem and are one of the biggest reasons for hospitalization, morbidity and mortality among elderly…”
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Lack of anticipated support for care for community-dwelling older adults
Published in Revista brasileira de enfermagem (01-06-2016)“…to identify the factors associated with lack of anticipated support for care for community-dwelling older adults. this study presents comparison and logistic…”
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Satisfaction with life and functionality among elderly patients in a geriatric outpatient clinic
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-12-2013)“…Aging is often accompanied by functional limitations that affect self esteem, lowering the level of satisfaction with life. Studies highlight satisfaction with…”
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National studies on family caregivers of older persons: integrative review
Published in Revista brasileira de enfermagem (01-09-2012)“…It is an integrative literature review of Brazilian scientific production on elderly family caregivers, which sought to highlight the profile of papers…”
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Relationships between physical activity, physical fitness and mortality among the elderly: Fibra Study
Published in Mundo da saúde (1995) (01-01-2020)“…Being physically active and maintaining great physical fitness protect older adults against early death. However, is not clear through which mechanisms such…”
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Nurses' interventions in the management of urinary incontinence in the elderly: an integrative review
Published in Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P (01-10-2012)“…The objective of this study was to verify the strategies that nurses use to manage urinary incontinence (UI) in the elderly. An integrative literature review…”
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Variables related to the anticipated support for care in community-dwelling older adults
Published in Revista latino-americana de enfermagem (01-05-2013)“…to compare the anticipated support for care, living arrangements and variables related to health as functions of gender and age in older adults in the…”
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The influence of sociodemographic, clinical and functional variables on the quality of life of elderly people with total hip arthroplasty
Published in Revista brasileira de fisioterapia (Sao Carlos (Sao Paulo, Brazil)) (01-05-2010)“…To evaluate the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of elderly people with total hip arthroplasty (THA) and to investigate the relationships and influences…”
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Ausência de expectativa de suporte para o cuidado aos idosos da comunidade
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-06-2016)“…RESUMO Objetivo: identificar fatores associados à ausência de expectativa de suporte para o cuidado aos idosos da comunidade. Método: foram utilizados parte…”
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Estudos nacionais sobre cuidadores familiares de idosos: revisão integrativa
Published in Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (01-10-2012)“…Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da produção científica brasileira sobre cuidador familiar do idoso, que buscou evidenciar o perfil dos trabalhos publicados…”
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Atuação do enfermeiro no manejo da incontinência urinária no idoso: uma revisão integrativa
Published in Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P (01-10-2012)“…Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar quais são as estratégias utilizados pelos enfermeiros para o manejo da incontinência urinária (IU) em idosos…”
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Translation and validation of the Body Image Avoidance Questionnaire (BIAQ) for the Portuguese language in Brazil
Published in Behavior research methods (01-02-2009)“…Brazilian researchers have not been provided with instruments with which to investigate body image avoidance behaviors. The aim of this study was to translate…”
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A influência de variáveis sociodemográficas, clínicas e funcionais sobre a qualidade de vida de idosos com artroplastia total do quadril
Published in Revista brasileira de fisioterapia (São Carlos (São Paulo, Brazil)) (01-06-2010)“…OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (QVRS) de idosos com Artroplastia Total de Quadril (ATQ) e investigar a relação e a influência de…”
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Incontinência urinária e os critérios de fragilidade em idosos em atendimento ambulatorial
Published in Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da U S P (01-06-2011)“…Este estudo teve como objetivos verificar a ocorrência de incontinência urinária (IU) e suas características em idosos pré-frágeis e frágeis atendidos em um…”
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Correlação entre instrumentos de qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde e independência funcional em idosos com insuficiência cardíaca
Published in Cadernos de saúde pública (01-11-2007)“…Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar a correlação entre as medidas de qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde e independência funcional em idosos com…”
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Comparison of social support network and expectation of care among elderly persons with different home arrangements
Published in Revista brasileira de geriatria e gerontologia (2019)“…Abstract Objective: To compare the social support network and expectation of care among elderly persons who live alone and those who live with others. Method:…”
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