Search Results - "Díaz, Freddy"
Coastal subsidence increases vulnerability to sea level rise over twenty first century in Cartagena, Caribbean Colombia
Published in Scientific reports (23-09-2021)“…Cartagena is subsiding at a higher rate compared to that of global climate-driven sea level rise. We investigate the relative sea level rise (RSLR) and the…”
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Diseño arquitectónico para las transiciones. El posAcuerdo de paz en Colombia
Published in Bitácora urbano-territorial (01-01-2022)“…Colombia está viviendo un proceso de transición iniciado a finales de 2016 con la firma del Acuerdo de paz, que puso fin a un conflicto armado de más de 60…”
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Diseño arquitectónico para las transicione: El posAcuerdo de paz en Colombia
Published in Bitácora urbano-territorial (2022)“…Colombia is experiencing a transition process that began in late 2016 with the signing of the peace agreement that ended an armed conflict of more than 60…”
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Human enhancement making use of technological incorporations in their biology - Ethical perspective
Published in Revista de filosofia Aurora = Journal of philosophy Aurora (03-12-2020)“…Is it ethical or not to enhance the characteristics and capacities of human beings, making use of technological incorporations in their biology? This article…”
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La geopolítica tras la transición
Published in Kavilando (25-12-2023)“…Si cambia la forma de transformar y aprovechar la energía, también lo hará el control energético, y por ende el liderazgo global. Esos cambios han estado…”
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Identification of Design Considerations for Small Satellite Remote Sensing Systems in Low Earth Orbit
Published in Journal of aerospace technology and management (01-01-2015)“…The Sergio Arboleda University is preparing its next satellite mission, named Libertad 2. It will carry out a system of image acquisition as a working tool for…”
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Design of a Nanosatellite Ground Monitoring and Control Software - a Case Study
Published in Journal of aerospace technology and management (01-04-2016)“…ABSTRACT The growing countries that have carried out the development of CubeSat missions for academic purposes do not offer aerospace engineering programs at…”
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Quality Evaluation of Chromatic Interpolation Algorithms for Image Acquisition System
Published in Journal of aerospace technology and management (01-07-2016)“…ABSTRACT The main goal of the Libertad 2 mission is to take images of the Earth’s surface in the visible spectrum with a multispectral sensor and send them as…”
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Social security health insurance for the informal sector in Nicaragua: a randomized evaluation
Published in Health economics (01-09-2010)“…This article presents the results from an experimental evaluation of a voluntary health insurance program for informal sector workers in Nicaragua. Costs of…”
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El Desafío del "Orden Global" en Evolución
Published in Kavilando (25-12-2023)“…Estamos siendo testigos de un mundo que ya no gira en torno a la región euroatlántica, sino que se caracteriza cada vez más por el ascenso estratégico de China…”
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El Contrato Social toca fondo ¿Qué sigue?
Published in Kavilando (30-06-2023)“…Centro y Sur América, allí Colombia, tienen una condición especial en un escenario de crisis global, la primera es que posee los recursos naturales que…”
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Performance Evaluation of CF-MMIMO Wireless Systems Using Dynamic Mode Decomposition
Published in Telecom (Basel) (01-09-2024)“…Cell-Free Massive Multiple-Input–Multiple-Output (CF-MIMO) systems have transformed the landscape of wireless communication, offering unparalleled enhancements…”
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El impacto de las TIC en la vida moderna
Published in Prospectiva (Barranquilla. Online) (01-04-2019)“…Los cambios en general que se han presentado en las dos (2) últimas décadas en aspectos como: globalización, Internet, tecnologías de las comunicaciones,…”
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Published in Dictamen Libre (02-09-2020)“…El presente artículo vislumbra un estudio de mercado realizado en la ciudad de Barranquilla Colombia, el cual permitió conocer las inclinaciones, estados y…”
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Machine learning and remote sensing techniques applied to estimate soil indicators – Review
Published in Ecological indicators (01-02-2022)“…•Machine learning to process remote sensing data to estimate soil quality indicators.•Use of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and satellite platforms to estimate…”
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La educación musical y las TIC: La práctica docente en los conservatorios de música
Published in Educare (Caracas) (16-12-2022)“…Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación constituyen hoy día un amplio y nutrido abanico de soluciones caracterizado por el almacenamiento de…”
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Fertilization rate optimization model for potato crops to maximize yield while reducing polluting nitrogen emissions
Published in Ecological modelling (01-11-2023)“…Sustainable agriculture plays a crucial role in addressing climate change and pollution. Farmers must strive to strike a balance between increasing production…”
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El neoextractivismo y el neodesarrollismo en los contextos latinoamericano y colombiano
Published in Controversia (Bogotá) (05-06-2017)“…El presente artículo analiza la relación que existe entre en el desarrollo convencional impulsado por los gobiernos latinoamericanos de derecha y el…”
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Caracterización de cerámicos inmersos en soluciones del sistema sio2 – tio2 – zro2 sintetizadas por el método sol-gel
Published in Revista UIS ingenierías (En línea) (01-09-2017)“…The results of structural, microchemical and physicoceramic characterization of ceramic samples (red clay) immersed in solutions "TiO2 - ZrO2- SiO2" is…”
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Del Estado liberal al neo-contractualismo, una crítica al actual estado social de derecho
Published in Cambios & Permanencias (01-12-2013)Get full text
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