Search Results - "Custodio López, Jesús Jacinto"
Hemólisis aguda post implante de Paraguas de Rashklind en Ductus Arterioso Persistente. Tratamiento Quirúrgico
Published in Revista médica herediana (10-06-2013)“…We report a case of an acute mechanical haemolisis in a woman of 50 years old that ocurred after a percutaneous closure of a patent ductus arteriosus by a…”
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Hemólisis aguda post implante de paraguas de Rashklind en ductus arterioso persistente: tratamiento quirúrgico
Published in Revista médica herediana (01-07-1998)“…We report a case of an acute mechanical haemolisis in a woman of 50 years old that ocurred after a percutaneous closure of a patent ductus arteriosus by a…”
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Hemólisis aguda post implante de paraguas de Rashklind en ductus arterioso persistente: tratamiento quirúrgico
Published in Revista médica herediana (01-07-1998)Get full text
Journal Article