Search Results - "Cussans, D G."

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    Trigger processing using reconfigurable logic in the CMS calorimeter trigger by Brooke, J.J., Cussans, D.G., Heath, G.P., Maddox, A.J., Newbold, D.M., Rabbetts, P.D.

    “…We present the design of the Global Calorimeter Trigger processor for the CMS detector at LHC. This is a fully pipelined processor system which collects data…”
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    Performance of the EUDET-type beam telescopes by Jansen, H, Spannagel, S, Behr, J, Bulgheroni, A, Claus, G, Corrin, E, Cussans, D. G, Dreyling-Eschweiler, J, Eckstein, D, Eichhorn, T, Goffe, M, Gregor, I. M, Haas, D, Muhl, C, Perrey, H, Peschke, R, Roloff, P, Rubinskiy, I, Winter, M

    Published 10-05-2016
    “…Test beam measurements at the test beam facilities of DESY have been conducted to characterise the performance of the EUDET-type beam telescopes originally…”
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    Optimization of the pulse arrival time determination in the ZEUS central tracking detector FADC system by Cussans, D.G, Heath, H.F

    “…The constant fraction discriminator algorithm for finding the arrival time of pulses from a drift chamber is outlined. Using a Monte Carlo simulation the…”
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    Measurement of charm production in antineutrino charged-current interactions by Önengüt, G., van Dantzig, R., de Jong, M., Melzer, O., Oldeman, R.G.C., Pesen, E., Visschers, J.L., Güler, M., Köse, U., Serin-Zeyrek, M., Sever, R., Tolun, P., Zeyrek, M.T., Catanesi, M.G., De Serio, M., Ieva, M., Muciaccia, M.T., Radicioni, E., Simone, S., Bülte, A., Winter, K., Van de Vyver, B., Vilain, P., Wilquet, G., Saitta, B., Di Capua, E., Ogawa, S., Shibuya, H., Artamonov, A., Chizhov, M., Doucet, M., Hristova, I.R., Kayis-Topaksu, A., Kawamura, T., Kolev, D., Meinhard, H., Panman, J., Papadopoulos, I.M., Ricciardi, S., Rozanov, A., Tsenov, R., Uiterwijk, J.W.E., Zucchelli, P., Goldberg, J., Chikawa, M., Song, J.S., Yoon, C.S., Kodama, K., Ushida, N., Aoki, S., Hara, T., Delbar, T., Favart, D., Grégoire, G., Kalinin, S., Makhlioueva, I., Gorbunov, P., Shamanov, V., Tsukerman, I., Bruski, N., Frekers, D., Hoshino, K., Komatsu, M., Miyanishi, M., Nakamura, M., Narita, K., Niu, K., Nonaka, N., Sato, O., Toshito, T., Buontempo, S., Cocco, A.G., D'Ambrosio, N., De Lellis, G., De Rosa, G., Di Capua, F., Ereditato, A., Marotta, A., Messina, M., Migliozzi, P., Pistillo, C., Scotto Lavina, L., Strolin, P., Tioukov, V., Nakamura, K., Okusawa, T., Dore, U., Loverre, P.F., Ludovici, L., Righini, P., Rosa, G., Santacesaria, R., Satta, A., Spada, F.R., Barbuto, E., Bozza, C., Grella, G., Sirignano, C., Sorrentino, S., Tezuka, I.

    Published in Physics letters. B (16-12-2004)
    “…During the years 1994–1997, the emulsion target of the CHORUS detector was exposed to the wide-band neutrino beam of the CERN SPS collecting about 106 neutrino…”
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    Experimental study of trimuon events in neutrino charged-current interactions by Onengüt, G., van Dantzig, R., de Jong, M., Konijn, J., Melzer, O., Oldeman, R.G.C., Pesen, E., van der Poel, C.A.F.J., Visschers, J.L., Kama, S., Sever, R., Tolun, P., Zeyrek, M.T., De Serio, M., Ieva, M., Radicioni, E., Simone, S., Bülte, A., Winter, K., Van de Vyver, B., Vilain, P., Wilquet, G., Saitta, B., Di Capua, E., Ogawa, S., Shibuya, H., Artamonov, A., Brunner, J., Chizhov, M., Cussans, D., Doucet, M., Hristova, I.R., Kolev, D., Litmaath, M., Meinhard, H., Papadopoulos, I.M., Ricciardi, S., Saltzberg, D., Zucchelli, P., Goldberg, J., Chikawa, M., Arik, E., Song, J.S., Yoon, C.S., Kodama, K., Ushida, N., Aoki, S., Hara, T., Favart, D., Grégoire, G., Kalinin, S., Makhlyoueva, I., Gorbunov, P., Khovansky, V., Tsukerman, I., Bruski, N., Frekers, D., Rondeshagen, D., Wolff, T., Hoshino, K., Kawada, J., Komatsu, M., Miyanishi, M., Nakamura, M., Nakano, T., Narita, K., Niu, K., Niwa, K., Nonaka, N., Sato, O., Toshito, T., Buontempo, S., Cocco, A.G., D'Ambrosio, N., De Rosa, G., Di Capua, F., Ereditato, A., Fiorillo, G., Messina, M., Migliozzi, P., Pistillo, C., Santorelli, R., Scotto Lavina, L., Strolin, P., Tioukov, V., Nakamura, K., Okusawa, T., Loverre, P.F., Ludovici, L., Maslennikov, A., Righini, P., Rosa, G., Santacesaria, R., Satta, A., Barbuto, E., Grella, G., Romano, G., Sorrentino, S., Sato, Y., Tezuka, I.

    Published in Physics letters. B (19-08-2004)
    “…This Letter reports on a study of trimuon events induced by neutrino interactions in the CHORUS calorimeter exposed to the CERN SPS wide-band νμ beam. Among…”
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    Observation of one event with the characteristics of associated charm production in neutrino charged-current interactions by Kayis-Topaksu, A, Onengüt, G, van Dantzig, R, Konijn, J, Melzer, O, Oldeman, R.G.C, Pesen, E, Visschers, J.L, Güler, M, Serin-Zeyrek, M, Sever, R, Tolun, P, Zeyrek, M.T, Armenise, N, De Serio, M, Ieva, M, Radicioni, E, Simone, S, Bülte, A, Winter, K, El-Aidi, R, Vilain, P, Wilquet, G, Saitta, B, Di Capua, E, Ogawa, S, Shibuya, H, Artamonov, A, Brunner, J, Chizhov, M, Cussans, D, Doucet, M, Hristova, I.R, Kolev, D, Meinhard, H, Panman, J, Papadopoulos, I.M, Ricciardi, S, Rozanov, A, Tsenov, R, Uiterwijk, J.W.E, Zucchelli, P, Goldberg, J, Chikawa, M, Arik, E, Song, J.S, Yoon, C.S, Kodama, K, Ushida, N, Aoki, S, Hara, T, Delbar, T, Favart, D, Grégoire, G, Kalinin, S, Maklioueva, I, Gorbunov, P, Shamanov, V, Bruski, N, Rondeshagen, D, Wolff, T, Hoshino, K, Komatsu, M, Miyanishi, M, Nakamura, M, Nakano, T, Narita, K, Niu, K, Nonaka, N, Sato, O, Toshito, T, Buontempo, S, Cocco, A.G, De Lellis, G, Di Capua, F, Ereditato, A, Fiorillo, G, Kawamura, T, Messina, M, Migliozzi, P, Palladino, V, Strolin, P, Tioukov, V, Nakamura, K, Okusawa, T, Dore, U, Loverre, P.F, Ludovici, L, Maslennikov, A, Rosa, G, Santacesaria, R, Satta, A, Spada, F.R, Barbuto, E, Bozza, C, Grella, G, Romano, G, Sorrentino, S, Sato, Y, Tezuka, I

    Published in Physics letters. B (18-07-2002)
    “…We report on a search for associated charm production in neutrino charged-current interactions in the CHORUS experiment, based on the visual observation of…”
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    Measurement of the Z/A dependence of neutrino charged-current total cross-sections

    “…A relative measurement of total cross-sections is reported for polyethylene, marble, iron, and lead targets for the inclusive charged-current reaction…”
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    Observation of weak neutral current neutrino production of J/ ψ by Eskut, E., Kayis-Topaksu, A., Onengüt, G., de Jong, M., Konijn, J., Melzer, O., Pesen, E., van der Poel, C.A.F.J., Uiterwijk, J.W.E., Visschers, J.L., Guler, M., Serin-Zeyrek, M., Sever, R., Tolun, P., Zeyrek, M.T., Armenise, N., Cassol, F., Catanesi, M.G., De Serio, M., Muciaccia, M.T., Radicioni, E., Simone, S., Bülte, A., Winter, K., El-Aidi, R., Van de Vyver, B., Vilain, P., Righini, P., Saitta, B., Di Capua, E., Ishii, Y., Kawamura, T., Kazuno, M., Ogawa, S., Shibuya, H., Brunner, J., Chizhov, M., Cussans, D., Doucet, M., Flegel, W., Litmaath, M., Meinhard, H., Øverȧs, H., Panman, J., Papadopoulos, I.M., Ricciardi, S., Saltzberg, D., Strolin, P., Weinheimer, C., Zucchelli, P., Goldberg, J., Chikawa, M., Arik, E., Mailov, A.A., Park, I.G., Yoon, C.S., Kodama, K., Ushida, N., Aoki, S., Hara, T., Brooijmans, G., Favart, D., Hérin, J., Shamanov, V., Bonekämper, D., D'Ambrosio, N., Frekers, D., Rondeshagen, D., Wolff, T., Kotaka, Y., Kozaki, T., Nakamura, M., Nakano, T., Niu, K., Niwa, K., Sato, O., Cocco, A.G., De Lellis, G., Di Capua, F., Ereditato, A., Fiorillo, G., Listone, R., Messina, M., Migliozzi, P., Nakamura, K., Capone, A., Di Liberto, S., Dore, U., Loverre, P.F., Maslennikov, A., Piredda, G., Rosa, G., Santacesaria, R., Satta, A., Spada, F.R., Barbuto, E., Bozza, C., Romano, G., Sorrentino, S., Tezuka, I.

    Published in Physics letters. B (22-03-2001)
    “…Observation of J/ψ production by neutrinos in the calorimeter of the CHORUS detector exposed to the CERN SPS wide-band ν μ beam is reported. A…”
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    Search for ν μ→ν τ oscillation using the τ decay modes into a single charged particle by Kayis, A., Onengüt, G., van Dantzig, R., de Jong, M., Melzer, O., van der Poel, C.A.F.J., Visschers, J.L., Guler, M., Sever, R., Tolun, P., Zeyrek, M.T., Armenise, N., Cassol, F., Catanesi, M.G., Muciaccia, M.T., Vivolo, L., Bülte, A., Patzak, T., Winter, K., Annis, P., Gruwé, M., Mommaert, C., Vander Donckt, M., Van de Vyver, B., Vilain, P., Wilquet, G., Righini, P., Saitta, B., Luppi, C., Kazuno, M., Ogawa, S., Shibuya, H., Cussans, D., Fabre, J.P., Flegel, W., Litmaath, M., Macina, D., Meijer Drees, R., Meinhard, H., Migliozzi, P., Øverȧs, H., Papadopoulos, I.M., Pesen, E., Riccardi, F., Ricciardi, S., Rozanov, A., Saltzberg, D., Strolin, P., Tsenov, R., Weinheimer, Ch, Wong, H., Jang, H.I., Park, I.G., Song, J.S., Yoon, C.S., Kodama, K., Ushida, N., Aoki, S., Hara, T., Favart, D., Hérin, J., Artamonov, A., Shamanov, V., Bonekämper, D., Frekers, D., Hoshino, K., Kobayashi, M., Kozaki, T., Miyanishi, M., Nakamura, M., Nakazawa, K., Nakano, T., Niu, K., Niwa, K., Toshito, T., Cocco, A., D'Ambrosio, N., De Lellis, G., Ereditato, A., Fiorillo, G., Garufi, F., Messina, M., Sorrentino, S., Okusawa, T., Yoshida, T., Capone, A., De Pedis, D., Di Liberto, S., Dore, U., Loverre, P.F., Ludovici, L., Mazzoni, M.A., Piredda, G., Santacesaria, R., Satta, A., Barbuto, E., di Bartolomeo, A., Bozza, C., Iovane, G., Romano, G.

    Published in Physics letters. B (13-05-1998)
    “…Part of the neutrino events collected in 1994-1995 by the CHORUS experiment has been analysed. A search was performed for ν τ charged current interactions…”
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    Radiation hardness qualification of PbWO4 scintillation crystals for the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter by The CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter Group, Adzic, P, Andelin, D, Antunovic, Z, Arenton, M. W, Baccaro, S, Baffioni, S, Balazs, M, Barone, L. M, Beauceron, S, Bernet, C, Betev, B, Beuselinck, R, Blaha, J, Bloch, P, Bornheim, A, Bourotte, J, Brown, R. M, Cartiglia, N, Cavallari, F, Cecilia, A, Chang, P, Charlot, C, Choudhury, R. K, Cockerill, D. J. A, Cooper, S, Cossutti, F, Cox, B, David, A, Della Ricca, G, Denegri, D, Depasse, P, Diemoz, M, Dissertori, G, Djambazov, L, Djordjevic, M, Dutta, D, Dzelalija, M, Evangelou, I, Fedorov, A, Gentit, F. X, Go, A, Gobbo, B, Grant, N, Gras, P, de Monchenault, G. Hamel, Heath, H. F, Hou, G. W. S, Inyakin, A, Jarry, P, Kaadze, K, Kuo, C. M, Kyriakis, A, Lethuillier, M, Litvine, V, Locci, E, Luckey, P. D, Malberti, M, Malclès, J, Manthos, N, Marone, M, Matveev, V, Mavrommatis, C, Meridiani, P, Milenovic, P, Missevitch, O, Moortgat, F, Musella, P, Obertino, M. M, Paramatti, R, Parracho, P, Pauss, F, Petrakou, E, PhillipsII, D. G, Punz, T, Puzovic, J, Ragazzi, S, Rahatlou, S, Renker, D, Rogan, C, Rumerio, P, Salerno, R, Schneegans, M, Shukla, P, Silva, J, Silva, P, Singovsky, A, Sirunyan, A, Stöckli, F, de Fatis, T. Tabarelli, Tancini, V, Theofilatos, K, Titov, M, Tyurin, N, Veverka, J, Wang, M, Yang, Y, Zelepoukine, S, Zhu, K, Zhu, R. Y

    Published 22-12-2009
    “…JINST 5:P03010,2010 Ensuring the radiation hardness of PbWO4 crystals was one of the main priorities during the construction of the electromagnetic calorimeter…”
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    Measurement of thee + ande − induced charged current cross sections at HERA by Aid, S., Andreev, V., Andrieu, B., Appuhn, R. D., Arpagaus, M., Babaev, A., Bähr, J., Bán, J., Ban, Y., Baranov, P., Barrelet, E., Barschke, R., Bartel, W., Barth, M., Bassler, U., Beck, H. P., Behrend, H. J., Belousov, A., Berger, Ch, Bernardi, E., Bernet, R., Bertrand-Coremans, G., Besançon, M., Beyer, R., Biddulph, P., Bispham, P., Bizot, J. C., Blobel, V., Borras, K., Botterweck, F., Boudry, V., Braemer, A., Brasse, F., Braunschweig, W., Brisson, V., Bruncko, D., Brune, C., Buchholz, R., Büngener, L., Bürger, J., Büsser, F. W., Buniatian, A., Burke, S., Burton, M. J., Buschhorn, G., Campbell, A. J., Carli, T., Charles, F., Charlet, M., Clarke, D., Clegg, A. B., Clerbaux, B., Colombo, M., Contreras, J. G., Cormack, C., Coughlan, J. A., Courau, A., Coutures, Ch, Cozzika, G., Criegee, L., Cussans, D. G., Cvach, J., Dagoret, S., Dainton, J. B., Dau, W. D., Daum, K., David, M., Delcourt, B., Buono, L., Roeck, A., Wolf, E. A., Nezza, P., Dollfus, C., Dowell, J. D., Dreis, H. B., Droutskoi, A., Duboc, J., Düllmann, D., Dünger, O., Duhm, H., Ebert, J., Ebert, T. R., Eckerlin, G., Efremenko, V., Egli, S., Ehrlichmann, H., Eichenberger, S., Eichler, R., Eisele, F., Eisenhandler, E., Ellison, R. J., Elsen, E., Erdmann, M., Erdmann, W., Evrard, E., Favart, L., Fedotov, A., Feeken, D., Felst, R., Feltesse, J.

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    InclusiveD 0 andD± production in neutral current deep inelasticep scattering at HERA by Adloff, C., Aid, S., Anderson, M., Andreev, V., Andrieu, B., Appuhn, R. -D., Arndt, C., Babaev, A., Bähr, J., Bán, J., Ban, Y., Baranov, P., Barrelet, E., Barschke, R., Bartel, W., Barth, M., Bassler, U., Beck, H. P., Behrend, H. -J., Belousov, A., Berger, Ch, Bernardi, G., Bertrand-Coremans, G., Besançon, M., Beyer, R., Biddulph, P., Bispham, P., Bizot, J. C., Blobel, V., Borras, K., Botterweck, F., Boudry, V., Braemer, A., Braunschweig, W., Brisson, V., Bruel, P., Bruncko, D., Brune, C., Buchholz, R., Büngener, L., Bürger, J., Büsser, F. W., Buniatian, A., Burke, S., Burton, M. J., Calvet, D., Campbell, A. J., Carli, T., Charlet, M., Clarke, D., Clegg, A. B., Clerbaux, B., Cocks, S., Contreras, J. G., Cormack, C., Coughlan, J. A., Courau, A., Cousinou, M. -C., Cozzika, G., Criegee, L., Cussans, D. G., Cvach, J., Dagoret, S., Dainton, J. B., Dau, W. D., Daum, K., David, M., Davis, C. L., Delcourt, B., Roeck, A., Wolf, E. A., Dirkmann, M., Dixon, P., Nezza, P., Dlugosz, W., Dollfus, C., Dowell, J. D., Dreis, H. B., Droutskoi, A., Dünger, O., Duhm, H., Ebert, J., Ebert, T. R., Eckerlin, G., Efremenko, V., Egli, S., Eichler, R., Eisele, F., Eisenhandler, E., Elsen, E., Erdmann, M., Erdmann, W., Evrard, E., Fahr, A. B., Favart, L., Fedotov, A., Feeken, D., Felst, R., Feltesse, J., Ferencei, J.

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