Search Results - "Curvello de Mendonça Müller, Daniel"

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    Carcinoma de células transicionais em um cão: aumento da expectativa de vida by Schefer, Sabrini, Basso, Paula Cristina, Curvello de Mendonça Müller, Daniel

    Published in PUBVET (04-09-2020)
    “…Transitional cell carcinoma is rare in dogs, with an unfavorable prognosis and life expectancy close to one and a half years. This article aims to describe the…”
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    Fratura epifisária proximal de úmero em cão: Relato de caso by Reinstein, Rainer, Mallmann Pozzobon, Franciéli, Wallau Schossler, João Eduardo, Curvello de Mendonça Müller, Daniel

    Published in PUBVET (01-10-2021)
    “…Long bone fractures play an important role in the clinical-surgical routine of veterinary medicine, given the frequency in which they occur, and the need for…”
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    Technique proposition and material comparison for surgery rope making by Bello, Lucas Krusch, Godoy, Fabrício Guedes, Oliveira, José Pedro Marquezan de, Cassanego, Guilherme Rech, Müller, Daniel Curvello de Mendonça

    Published in Ciência rural (01-01-2021)
    “…The most tension resistant, nonmetallic, surgical suture is 5 polyester. Comparing it’s resistance to those of the dogs’ cranial cruciate ligament and the…”
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    Plate-rod associado à técnica de pino em cavilha em fêmur de cão by Krusch Bello, Lucas, Curvello de Mendonça Müller, Daniel, José Chávez Silva, Álvaro

    Published in PUBVET (14-05-2020)
    “…The current work aims to report the use of rod-plate system associated with toggle pin method for correction of comminuted femoral diaphyseal fracture with…”
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    Partial hemipelvectomy: An alternative for improving dogs’ life quality by Ferreira, Priscila Inês, Cassanego, Guilherme Rech, Basso, Paula Cristina, Müller, Daniel Curvello de Mendonça

    Published in Ciência rural (01-01-2022)
    “…Partial hemipelvectomy refers to the surgical removal of a pelvic segment, which is performed for pelvic bone neoplasms, severe fractures, or poor bone union…”
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    Análise biomecânica ex vivo de diferentes técnicas de osteossíntese ilíaca by Müller, Daniel Curvello de Mendonça, Amaral, Bruna Portolan, Spier, Jordana Dacanal, Basso, Paula Cristina, Serafini, Gabriele Maria Callegaro, Schossler, João Eduardo Wallau

    Published in Ciência rural (01-12-2013)
    “…Fraturas de pelve, em sua maioria, são múltiplas, devido à configuração local e ao pobre suporte musculotendinoso da região. A intervenção cirúrgica deve ser…”
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    Intra-articular stabilization of a dog stifle with polyester thread: an ex vivo evaluation by Reinstein, Rainer da Silva, Pozzobon, Franciéli Mallmann, Müller, Daniel Curvello de Mendonça

    Published in Ciência rural (2024)
    “…The incidence of cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCLR) in dogs is high, which is considered the main arthropathy in the species. Once diagnosed, surgical…”
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    Partial hemipelvectomy: An alternative for improving dogs' life quality/Hemipelvectomia parcial: alternativa para melhoria na qualidade de vida em cães by Ferreira, Priscila Inês, Cassanego, Guilherme Rech, Basso, Paula Cristina, Müller, Daniel Curvello de Mendonça

    Published in Ciência rural (01-05-2022)
    “…Partial hemipelvectomy refers to the surgical removal of a pelvic segment, which is performed for pelvic bone neoplasms, severe fractures, or poor bone union…”
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    Herniorrafia perineal, ressecção de cisto prostático e criptorquidectomia vídeolaparoscópicas por único acesso em cão by Paula Cristina Basso, Alceu Gaspar Raiser, Maurício Veloso Brun, Daniel Curvello de Mendonça Müller, Anelise Bonilla Trindade, Silvio Salles Cavedon

    Published in Ciência rural (01-02-2010)
    “…O presente relato descreve a realização de criptorquectomia, ressecção de cisto prostático e herniorrafia perineal vídeolaparoscópicas em um cão da raça Collie…”
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