Search Results - "Curi, Elvys Isaías Mercado"
Laser remelting of WC-CoCr surface coated by HVOF: Effect on the tribological properties and energy efficiency
Published in Surface & coatings technology (15-12-2021)“…In this article, the tribological behavior and energy efficiency of surfaces coated with WC-CoCr/HVOF were evaluated after a laser remelting process, using low…”
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Effect of tungsten carbide reinforcement phase on the abrasive wear performance of metal matrix composites deposited by laser cladding
Published in Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (01-11-2023)“…The laser cladding process is a technique for depositing abrasion resistant coatings due to the low dilution and microstructural characteristics found in the…”
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Analysis of the tribological performances of biodegradable hydraulic oils HEES and HEPR in the sliding of Cu–Zn/WC–CoCr alloys using the Stribeck curve
Published in Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2020)“…In surface engineering, new coatings and deposition techniques for decreasing wear have been proposed. However, the tribological behaviors of these coatings…”
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Abrasion resistance of Ni-Cr-B-Si coating deposited by laser cladding process
Published in Tribology international (01-03-2020)“…Ni-Cr-B-Si alloy deposited by laser cladding has its tribological performance evaluated. Deposition parameters selection is a difficult task. In this work,…”
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Avaliação do desempenho dos revestimentos WC-CoCr por HVOF e cromo duro eletrodepositado para aplicação em pás de misturadores para cerâmica vermelha
Published in Tecnologia em metalurgia, materiais e mineração (2021)“…Devido à característica abrasiva da argila utilizada na fabricação de tijolos, telhas e blocos estruturais, as pás dos misturadoras sofrem um desgaste abrasivo…”
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Modelagem numérica do processo de rebitagem em palhetas de turbinas a vapor
Published in Matéria (2020)“…RESUMO A fragilização estrutural devido ao processo de rebitagem vem sendo pesquisada em diversos componentes, como por exemplo, em estruturas aeronáuticas…”
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Avaliação tribológica de óleos hidráulicos biodegradável e mineral com deslizamento entre as ligas de Cu-Zn e WC-CoCr
Published in Matéria (2019)“…RESUMO A correta seleção dos óleos lubrificantes e das superfícies de contato melhoram o desempenho e reduzem o consumo de energia das máquinas Por isso, a…”
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Didactic System of Supervision and Data Acquisition to Evaluate the Performance of Hydraulic Pumps
Published in Revista IEEE América Latina (01-04-2018)“…The automation in equipment has been revolutionizing a lot every day, improving not only the conditions in the working environment, but also the cost benefit…”
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