Search Results - "Cunha, Luiz Antônio Munhoz da"

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  1. 1

    Child Fractures: Are We Getting More Surgical? by Cunha, Luiz Antônio Munhoz da, Pontes, Mariana Demétrio de Sousa

    Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-04-2023)
    “…Historically, surgeries on the immature skeleton were reserved for open or articular fractures. In recent years, the improvement in the quality and safety of…”
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    Influence of corticoids on healing of the rotator cuff of rats – biomechanical study by Dau, Leonardo, Abagge, Marcelo, Fruehling, Vagner Messias, Sola Junior, Wilson, Lavrador, José Marcos, da Cunha, Luiz Antônio Munhoz

    Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-07-2014)
    “…to compare healing strength of the infraspinatus tendon of rats with corticoid inoculation, regarding maximum tension, maximum force and rupture force, after…”
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  3. 3

    Anatomical study of the posterior cruciate ligament with the knee flexed at 90 by Cho, Daniel Kyubin, Rosa, Sthéphano Pellizzaro, Prestes, Guilherme Bello, da Cunha, Luiz Antônio Munhoz, de Moura, Márcio Fernando Aparecido, Stieven Filho, Edmar

    Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-09-2014)
    “…To study the anatomy of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) and define anatomical parameters with the knee flexed at 90°. Eight knees from cadavers were…”
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    Brachial artery pseudoaneurysm after fixation of supracondylar fracture in a 9-year-old child by Cunha, Luiz Antônio Munhoz da, Ávila, Luiz Muller, Gonçalves, João Rodolfo Radtke, Pereira, Suelin, Jamur, Carmen Mayanna, Souza, Bruna Medeiros de

    Published in Journal of pediatric orthopaedics. B (01-11-2019)
    “…The supracondylar humerus fracture is the most common elbow fracture in children, corresponding to 58% of these cases. The objective of this study is to report…”
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    Spinal Metastasis Surgery: A Proposal for a Predictive Model of Morbidity and Mortality by Anzuatégui, Pedro Reggiani, Cunha, Luiz Antônio Munhoz da, Mello, Glauco José Pauka, Stieven Filho, Edmar, Graells, Xavier Soler

    Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-12-2019)
    “…To develop a predictive model of early postoperative morbidity and mortality with the purpose of assisting in the selection of the candidates for spinal…”
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    Biomechanical analysis on transverse tibial fixation in anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions by Filho, Edmar Stieven, Mendes, Mariane Henseler Damaceno, Claudino, Stephanie, Baracho, Filipe, Borges, Paulo César, da Cunha, Luiz Antonio Munhoz

    Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-03-2015)
    “…To verify whether the combination of tibial cross pin fixation and femoral screw fixation presents biomechanical advantages when compared to femoral cross pin…”
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    Transtrochanteric fractures: evaluation of data between hospital admission and discharge by Uliana, Christiano Saliba, Abagge, Marcelo, Malafaia, Osvaldo, Kalil Filho, Faruk Abrão, da Cunha, Luiz Antonio Munhoz

    Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-03-2014)
    “…to evaluate the data obtained from patients with transtrochanteric fractures who were attended at a tertiary-level trauma referral hospital, between admission…”
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  9. 9

    Chondromyxoid fibroma of the distal fibula in a pediatric patient: a case report by Tomazini, Antonio Carlos Canto, Carniel, João Paulo, da Cunha, Luiz Antonio Munhoz

    Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-11-2013)
    “…This case shows a rare tumor (chondromyxoid fibroma) in distal fibula in a pediatric patient who presented with local pain and tumescence. A final diagnosis…”
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    Oblique popliteal ligament – an anatomical study by Fam, Lucas Pinto D’Amico, Fruheling, Vagner Messias, Pupim, Barbara, Ramos, Carlos Henrique, de Moura, Márcio Fernando Aparecido, Namba, Mário, da Silva, João Luiz Vieira, da Cunha, Luiz Antônio Munhoz, de Oliveira Franco, Ana Paula Gebert, Filho, Edmar Stieven

    Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-09-2013)
    “…To study the anatomy of the oblique popliteal ligament, as regards its dimensions, expansion and anatomical relationships. Eleven cadaver knees were dissected…”
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  12. 12

    Child Fractures: Are We Getting More Surgical? by Cunha, Luiz Antônio Munhoz da, Pontes, Mariana Demétrio de Sousa

    Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-04-2023)
    “…Historically, surgeries on the immature skeleton were reserved for open or articular fractures. In recent years, the improvement in the quality and safety of…”
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  13. 13

    Proteus Syndrome in the minimal form by Caroline Cunico, João Luis Vieira da Silva, Leonardo Mugnol, Rosangela Alquieri Fedato, Luiz Antonio Munhoz da Cunha

    Published in Journal of the Foot & Ankle (Online) (30-04-2020)
    “…This is the case report involving a 14-year-old male patient with Proteus syndrome. In an outpatient consultation, the patient complained of pain in the right…”
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    Efeito dos ácidos hialurônicos como condroprotetores em modelo experimental de osteoartrose by Oliveira, Marcello Zaia, Albano, Mauro Batista, Namba, Mario Massatomo, Cunha, Luiz Antônio Munhoz da, Gonçalves, Renan Rodrigues de Lima, Trindade, Edvaldo Silva, Andrade, Lucas Ferrari, Vidigal, Leandro

    Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-01-2014)
    “…analisar os efeitos do ácido hialurônico de diferentes pesos moleculares em modelo experimental de osteoartrose em coelhos. foram alojados de modo aleatório 44…”
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    Artrodese de coluna: avaliação da satisfação dos cuidadores de pacientes com síndrome de Rett by Sidoli, Cleverson Tadeu, Pudles, Edson, Rocha, Luís Eduardo Munhoz da, Cunha, Luiz Antônio Munhoz da

    Published in Coluna (01-12-2010)
    “…OBJETIVO: avaliar o nível de satisfação dos cuidadores de pacientes com síndrome de Rett. MÉTODOS: foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo por meio dos…”
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    Intra-articular viscosupplementation of hyaluronic acids in an experimental osteoarthritis model by Oliveira, Marcello Zaia, Albano, Mauro Batista, Stirma, Guilherme Augusto, Namba, Mario Massatomo, Vidigal, Leandro, Cunha, Luiz Antonio Munhoz da

    Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-05-2018)
    “…To analyze, from the immunohistochemical perspective, the effects of hyaluronic acid of different molecular weights in an experimental model of osteoarthritis…”
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    Fraturas na criança: Estamos ficando mais cirúrgicos? by Cunha, Luiz Antônio Munhoz da, Pontes, Mariana Demétrio de Sousa

    Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-04-2023)
    “…Historicamente, as cirurgias no esqueleto imaturo eram reservadas às fraturas expostas ou articulares. Nos últimos anos, a melhora na qualidade e segurança das…”
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    É possível prever o comprimento de tendões flexores do joelho por antropometria? by Edmar Stieven Filho, Eduardo B. Sampaio, Mario Namba, João Luiz Vieira da Silva, Mauro Albano, Luis Eduardo Munhoz da Rocha, Miguel Ângelo Agulham, Luiz Antonio Munhoz da Cunha

    “…OBJETIVO: Comparar os dados de antropometria e prática esportiva com as dimensões dos tendões flexores do joelho, de forma prospectiva, a fim de criar uma…”
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    Fibroma condromixoide em fíbula distal em paciente pediátrico: relato de caso by Tomazini, Antonio Carlos Canto, Carniel, João Paulo, Cunha, Luiz Antonio Munhoz da

    Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-11-2013)
    “…Este caso retrata um raro tumor (fibroma condromixoide) em fíbula distal em paciente pediátrico, que se apresentava com dor e edema local. O diagnóstico final…”
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  20. 20

    Cirurgia em metástase vertebral: Proposta de modelo preditivo de morbimortalidade by Anzuatégui, Pedro Reggiani, Cunha, Luiz Antônio Munhoz da, Mello, Glauco José Pauka, Stieven Filho, Edmar, Graells, Xavier Soler

    Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-12-2019)
    “…Resumo Objetivo  Desenvolver um modelo preditivo de morbimortalidade pós-operatória precoce com o intuito de auxiliar na seleção dos candidatos à cirurgia para…”
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