Search Results - "Culej, Jasminka Buljan"
Systemically Administered Bone Morphogenetic Protein-6 Restores Bone in Aged Ovariectomized Rats by Increasing Bone Formation and Suppressing Bone Resorption
Published in The Journal of biological chemistry (01-09-2006)“…Although recombinant human bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are used locally for treating bone defects in humans, their systemic effect on bone augmentation…”
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The effect of dietary supplementation with calcium salts on skeletal calcium in suckling rats
Published in Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju (01-06-2003)“…This study aimed at identifying a calcium compound which could serve as an effective and safe dietary supplement in suckling rats over the period of intense…”
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Cord blood banks
Published in Acta medica Croatica (01-12-2007)“…Cord blood is an excellent source of stem cells which are universal for all other cells of the whole body. They have the ability to develop in any of the body…”
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Utjecaj dodavanja različitih spojeva kalcija na sadržaj kalcija u kosturu sisajućih štakora
Published in Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju (25-11-2003)“…Utjecaj količine kalcija u prehrani dojenčadi na postizanje vršne koštane mase u odrasloj dobi nije još razjašnjen. Zbog bioetičkih razloga dio istraživanja u…”
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