Search Results - "Cucchetti, E"
GPU Supported Simulation of Transition-edge Sensor Arrays
Published in Journal of low temperature physics (01-09-2020)“…We present numerical simulations of full transition-edge sensor (TES) arrays utilizing graphical processing units (GPUs). With the support of GPUs, it is…”
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The Performance of the Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit at Very High Count Rates
Published in Journal of low temperature physics (01-12-2018)“…The Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) will operate at 90 mK a hexagonal matrix of 3840 Transition Edge Sensor pixels providing spatially resolved…”
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Published in International archives of the photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information sciences. (29-06-2021)“…Over the last decade, the French space agency (CNES) has designed and successfully operated high-resolution satellites such as Pléiades. High-resolution…”
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Advanced Energy Scale Correction Techniques for the X-ray Transition Edge Sensors of the Athena mission
Published in Journal of low temperature physics (2024)“…The X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) onboard the future European X-ray telescope Athena will be the first space instrument carrying an array of more than a…”
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The Athena X-IFU Instrument Simulator xifusim
Published in Journal of low temperature physics (01-12-2022)“…We present the instrument simulator xifusim developed for the X-ray Integral Field Unit X-IFU aboard the planned Athena mission. xifusim aims to be an accurate…”
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The Cryo-Harness Technology for the Athena X-IFU Detection Chain
Published in Journal of low temperature physics (2024)“…CNES (French Space Agency) is in charge of the development of the X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) instrument for Athena, the high resolution X-ray…”
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Correction to: The Athena X-IFU Instrument Simulator xifusim
Published in Journal of low temperature physics (2022)Get full text
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Multi-Parameter Nonlinear Gain Correction of X-Ray Transition Edge Sensors for the X-Ray Integral Field Unit
Published in Journal of low temperature physics (01-12-2018)“…With its array of 3840 Transition Edge Sensors (TESs), the Athena X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) will provide spatially resolved high-resolution…”
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Crosstalk in an FDM Laboratory Setup and the Athena X-IFU End-to-End Simulator
Published in Journal of low temperature physics (01-11-2018)“…The impact of various crosstalk mechanisms on the performance of the Athena X-IFU instrument has been assessed with detailed end-to-end simulations. For the…”
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Towards mapping turbulence in the intra-cluster medium -- I. Sample variance in spatially-resolved X-ray line diagnostics
Published 24-07-2019“…A&A 629, A143 (2019) X-ray observations of galaxy clusters provide insights on the nature of gaseous turbulent motions, their physical scales and on the…”
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Towards mapping turbulence in the intra-cluster medium -- II. Measurement uncertainties in the estimation of structure functions
Published 26-06-2019“…A&A 629, A144 (2019) X-ray observations of the hot gas filling the intra-cluster medium provide a wealth of information on the dynamics of clusters of…”
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Constraining the origin and models of chemical enrichment in galaxy clusters using the Athena X-IFU
Published 09-10-2020“…A&A 642, A90 (2020) The chemical enrichment of the Universe at all scales is related to stellar winds and explosive supernovae phenomena. Metals produced by…”
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Measuring turbulence and gas motions in galaxy clusters via synthetic Athena X-IFU observations
Published 18-07-2018“…A&A 618, A39 (2018) The X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) that will be on board the Athena telescope will provide an unprecedented view of the intracluster…”
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The X-CLASS survey: A catalogue of 1646 X-ray-selected galaxy clusters up to z$\sim$1.5
Published 14-04-2021“…Cosmological probes based on galaxy clusters rely on cluster number counts and large-scale structure information. X-ray cluster surveys are well suited for…”
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Athena X-IFU synthetic observations of galaxy clusters to probe the chemical enrichment of the Universe
Published 24-09-2018“…A&A 620, A173 (2018) Answers to the metal production of the Universe can be found in galaxy clusters, notably within their Intra-Cluster Medium (ICM). The…”
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Changes in composition and subunits in the storage proteins of germinating lupin seeds [Lupinus albus]
Published in Journal of agricultural and food chemistry (01-01-1984)“…The modifications occurring during 16 days of germination in weight, length, lipids, total nitrogen, water-extracted and salt-extracted nitrogen, and amount…”
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Liquid chromatographic analysis of amino and imino acids in protein hydrolysates by post-column derivatization with o-phthalaldehyde and 3-mercaptopropionic acid
Published in Journal of chromatography (04-08-1989)“…A method for the simultaneous determination of imino and amino acids is reported. The method, based on the derivatization of amino acids, separated by…”
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