Search Results - "Crespi, John"
Challenges to voluntary Ag carbon markets
Published in Applied economic perspectives and policy (01-06-2023)“…The credibility of agricultural carbon credits will play a critical role in the determination of payments received by farmers through voluntary carbon markets…”
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Robust relation between temporal discounting rates and body mass
Published in Appetite (01-07-2014)“…•Adults with higher body mass chose more immediate monetary rewards•Determined this relation even when removing the influence of confounding factors•Future…”
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Long‐run impacts of trade shocks and export competitiveness: Evidence from the U.S. BSE event
Published in Agricultural economics (01-11-2020)“…This paper examines how comparative advantages of major beef exporters changed following the 2003 bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) outbreak, which…”
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Could packers manipulate spot markets by tying contracts to futures prices? And do they?
Published in Canadian journal of agricultural economics (01-03-2019)“…Some producers, policy makers, and researchers claim that packers influence cash prices through contracts tied to futures prices. This paper provides a…”
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Competition in U.S. Farm Product Markets: Do Long-Run Incentives Trump Short-Run Market Power?
Published in Applied economic perspectives and policy (01-12-2012)“…This article addresses the current status of farm buyer market power. We argue that buyer power concerns are often overstated because traditional models of…”
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Neurofunctional correlates of ethical, food-related decision-making
Published in PloS one (01-04-2015)“…For consumers today, the perceived ethicality of a food's production method can be as important a purchasing consideration as its price. Still, few studies…”
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Can neural activation in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex predict responsiveness to information? An application to egg production systems and campaign advertising
Published in PloS one (27-05-2015)“…Consumers prefer to pay low prices and increase animal welfare; however consumers are typically forced to make tradeoffs between price and animal welfare…”
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Are Cattle Markets the Last Frontier? Vertical Coordination in Animal-Based Procurement Markets
Published in Annual review of resource economics (01-01-2018)“…Vertical integration and contracting have been documented as important developments in enhancing the efficiency of supply chains in agriculture. Despite the…”
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Neural antecedents of a random utility model
Published in Journal of economic behavior & organization (01-12-2016)“…•Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is used to determine neural responses to quality-differentiated products with different attributes.•The data are…”
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Neural Activations Associated with Decision-time and Choice in a Milk Labeling Experiment
Published in American journal of agricultural economics (01-01-2016)“…The authors incorporate brain activation data in an analysis of decision time and choices for milk labeled as produced with growth hormone or cloning…”
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Market Power and the Cattle Cycle
Published in American journal of agricultural economics (01-04-2010)“…The relationship between the dynamic cattle cycle and the potential for market power in cattle purchases has rarely been studied. This paper provides a…”
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Determinants of Occupational Safety for Agribusiness Workers
Published in Applied economic perspectives and policy (01-09-2014)“…Increases in crop yields and changing cropping patterns have placed stress on agribusiness handling and storage facilities. The objective of this research to…”
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What Factors Affect Information Technology Firm Location Choices in Middle America? An Examination of Regional and Industrial Variation in Kansas
Published in International regional science review (01-04-2013)“…The importance of information technologies in regional economic performance is widely accepted but only widely studied in more populous regions in the United…”
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Procompetitive Effect of Demand-Enhancing Check-Off Programs
Published in American journal of agricultural economics (01-05-2009)“…This article explores demand-enhancing check-off programs and how such programs may influence both private programs as well as industry market structure. Under…”
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Measuring the Benefits to Advertising under Monopolistic Competition
Published in Journal of agricultural and resource economics (01-04-2012)“…This paper determines the benefits and costs of firm-level advertising in a monopolistically competitive industry. The model is useful in an environment in…”
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Survival of U.S. Sugar Beet Plants from 1897 to 2011
Published in Agribusiness (New York, N.Y.) (2014)“…The objective of this research is to identify determinants that influence sugar beet plant survival. Important determinants identified from the literature are…”
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"Does Contain" vs. "Does Not Contain": Does it Matter which GMO Label is Used?
Published in European journal of law and economics (01-11-2003)“…An analytical framework where heterogeneous consumers are imperfectly informed about product content is used to investigate the welfare effects of a public…”
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From farm management to agricultural and applied economics: The expansion of a professional society as seen through a census of its dissertations from 1951 to 2005
Published in Applied economic perspectives and policy (01-09-2010)“…The authors provide a historical census of all 7,967 graduated doctoral students in agricultural economics from U.S. programs between 1951 and 2005. They…”
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Presence of Check-Off Programs and Industry Concentration in the Food Manufacturing Sector
Published in Agribusiness (New York, N.Y.) (01-03-2012)“…ABSTRACT The authors examine industry concentration for the U.S. food manufacturing sector. This study is the first to examine whether particular subsectors…”
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Consumers' Neural and Behavioral Responses to Food Technologies and Price
Published in Journal of neuroscience, psychology, and economics (01-09-2014)“…Although the advent of new food technologies has afforded the agricultural industry more expedient means of producing foods, the use of many of these…”
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