Search Results - "Couix, Nathalie"
The multifunctionality of mountain farming: Social constructions and local negotiations behind an apparent consensus
Published in Journal of rural studies (01-01-2020)“…The multifunctionality of agriculture is often understood as a normative political notion aimed at fostering the sustainable development of rural areas…”
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From evidence to value-based transition: the agroecological redesign of farming systems
Published in Agriculture and human values (01-03-2022)“…The agroecological transition of agriculture not only requires changes in practices but also in ways of thinking and in their underlying values. Agroecology…”
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Growing maize landraces in industrialized countries: from the search for seeds to the emergence of new practices and values
Published in International journal of agricultural sustainability (04-05-2022)“…In industrialized countries, maize cultivation is mainly associated with the use of hybrid varieties and input-intensive monocultures. Despite the homogeneity…”
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Farmers using local livestock biodiversity share more than animal genetic resources: Indications from a workshop with farmers who use local breeds
Published in Genetic resources (27-07-2022)“…Recognizing the products from farms that use local breeds is key to in situ conservation of local animal biodiversity. Recognition often focuses on a small…”
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Is the ecosystem services concept relevant to capture the multiple benefits from farming systems using livestock biodiversity? A framework proposal
Published in Genetic resources (2023)“…Local breeds are key components of livestock farming systems. They are part of livestock biodiversity and this diversity has been threatened since the second…”
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No Development, No Conservation: Elements from the Conservation of Farm Animal Genetic Resources
Published in Society & natural resources (02-12-2014)“…Using concrete examples of conservation of farm animal genetic resources, we show that conservation and development should not be considered as two opposing…”
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Rethinking Partnerships with the Aim of Producing Knowledge with Practical Relevance: a Case Study in the Field of Ecological Restoration
Published in Ecology and society (01-12-2008)“…Researchers in conservation biology and restoration ecology often work in partnership with local actors to increase the practical relevance of the knowledge…”
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Designing agroecological farming systems with farmers: A review
Published in Agricultural systems (01-09-2018)“…Agroecology is a new paradigm whose aim is to redesign farming systems. The implementation of its principles engages farmers in a radical transformation of…”
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Quand les images font écran à ce qui fait sens dans le travail
Published in Images du travail, travail des images (2024)“…L’article propose un retour d’expérience réflexif sur un dispositif audiovisuel conçu et déployé dans le cadre d’un projet de recherche participative portant…”
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When the future of biodiversity depends on researchers’ and stakeholders’ thought-styles
Published in Futures : the journal of policy, planning and futures studies (01-09-2013)“…•Biological conservation calls for cross-disciplinary approaches.•We did an ex-post analysis of a transdiciplinary ecological restoration project.•Success of…”
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From scientific authority to the court jester: Shedding light on epistemic pluralism within transdisciplinary research projects
Published in Elementa (Washington, D.C.) (30-01-2024)“…This paper aims to share and analyze the difficulties and discomfort that social scientists may face when conducting transdisciplinary research. Focusing on…”
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Quand les images font écran à ce qui fait sens dans le travail
Published in Images du travail, travail des images (04-10-2024)“…L’article propose un retour d’expérience réflexif sur un dispositif audiovisuel conçu et déployé dans le cadre d’un projet de recherche participative portant…”
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Towards a land management approach to ecological restoration to encourage stakeholder participation
Published in Land use policy (01-07-2015)“…•Restoration can be considered as a product or as a complex process.•The criteria used to define the success of a restoration depend on the stakeholders’ own…”
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Towards a land management approach to ecological restoration toencourage stakeholder participation
Published in Land use policy (2015)“…In the field of ecological restoration, many authors call for more stakeholder participation in the processof restoration. In their opinion, when a restoration…”
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Mutual learning between researchers and farmers during implementation of scientific principles for sustainable development: the case of biodiversity-based agriculture
Published in Sustainability science (01-03-2018)“…A part of scientific knowledge that aims to promote sustainable development consists in management principles of complex systems. Its implementation requires a…”
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Diversity of rare breed management programs: Between conservation and development
Published in Livestock science (01-09-2011)“…Rare breeds face not only conservation challenges but also represent development opportunities. Both goals need to be reconciled and our aim was to understand…”
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La contextualisation des recherches en environnement : une approche multiscalaire et multi-acteurs en Cevennes/The contextualisation of research on the environment: a multi-scales and multi-actor approach in the Cevennes
Published in Natures sciences sociétés (Montrouge) (01-10-2012)“…Increasingly, the context in which research is conducted is being viewed as part of the research process itself as shown in the studies of many researchers…”
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Rethinking partenerships with the aim of producing knowledge with pratical relevance : a case study in the field of ecological restoration
Published in Ecology and society (2008)“…Researchers in conservation biology and restoration ecology often work in partnership with local actors to increase the practical relevance of the knowledge…”
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La contextualisation des recherches en environnement : une approche multiscalaire et multi-acteurs en Cévennes
Published in Natures sciences sociétés (Montrouge) (01-10-2012)“…Depuis une trentaine d’années, plusieurs auteurs ont souligné une tendance de la recherche à être conduite dans ses contextes d’application. Ici, nous montrons…”
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Concerted approach to land-use management: developing common working procedures. A Cevennes case study (France)
Published in Land use policy (2002)“…In France, after several years of hesitation in defining concrete ways of working to implement land-use management projects, practitioners have reached a…”
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