Search Results - "Cossairt, J.D."
On residual dose rate within particle accelerator enclosures
Published in Health physics (1958) (01-09-1996)“…A mathematical proof of a theorem concerning the flux density of particles at any point interior to a simple closed convex surface in which the surface emits…”
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Measurement of single spin asymmetry in η-meson production in p↑p and p̄↑p interactions in the beam fragmentation region at 200 GeV/ c
Published in Nuclear physics. B (1998)“…We present experimental results on measuring a single spin asymmetry in η-meson production in the interaction of transversely polarized protons and antiprotons…”
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Assessment of dose equivalent due to neutrinos
Published in Health physics (1958) (01-12-1997)“…Neutrinos are present in the natural environment and are also produced by particle accelerators. A recent hypothesis has also been proposed that asserts that…”
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Environment, safety and health considerations for a new accelerator facility
Published in PACS2001. Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.01CH37268) (2001)“…A study of siting considerations for possible future accelerators at Fermilab is underway. Each candidate presents important challenges in environment, safety,…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Measurement of the analyzing power in the Primakoff process with a high-energy polarized proton beam
Published in Physical review letters (22-01-1990)“…The analyzing power (spin-dependent azimuthal asymmetry) has been observed for the first time in the nuclear Coulomb coherent production process, the Primakoff…”
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A study of neutron leakage through an Fe shield at an accelerator
Published in Health physics (1958) (01-12-1986)“…The spectrum of neutrons, produced in the interactions of hadrons with energies up to several hundred GeV, that are emitted through a large Fe electro magnet…”
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Radiation measurements in a labyrinth penetration at a high-energy proton accelerator
Published in Health physics (1958) (01-11-1985)“…The efficient design of access penetrations at high-energy proton accelerators is desirable for both economic and personnel protection reasons. This paper…”
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Selective excitations in actinide nuclei via alpha pickup
Published in Physical review. C, Nuclear physics (01-01-1981)Get full text
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Analyzing power measurement of [ital pp] elastic scattering in the Coulomb-nuclear interference region with the 200-GeV/[ital c] polarized-proton beam at Fermilab
Published in Physical review. D, Particles and fields (01-10-1993)“…The analyzing power [ital A][sub [ital N]] of proton-proton elastic scattering in the Coulomb-nuclear interference region has been measured using the…”
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