Search Results - "Cosić, Gorana"
A Large Epidemic of Hepatitis B in Serbia: An Integrated Model for Outbreak Investigations in Healthcare Settings
Published in Infection control and hospital epidemiology (01-06-2014)“…We report a comprehensive approach for outbreak investigations, including cluster analysis (Bernoulli model), an algorithm to build inferential models, and…”
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Overview of the winter wave of 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1)v in Vojvodina, Serbia
Published in Croatian medical journal (01-04-2011)“…To analyze the epidemiological data for pandemic influenza A(H1N1)v in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia, during the season of 2009/2010 and to…”
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The most frequent hospital-acquired infections related to medical interventions in hospitals in Vojvodina province
Published in Archives of biological sciences (2014)“…Infections associated with medical procedures, or hospital-acquired infections (HAIs), occur in all hospitals worldwide. An integrated infection-control…”
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Nosocomial infections and microbiological agents in an intensive care unit
Published in Archives of biological sciences (2012)“…Hospital environments provide a special setting for the interaction of microbiological agents of infection and a host of patients and healthcare workers…”
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Epidemiological characteristics of Q fever in Vojvodina Province, Serbia, 1985-2009
Published in Archives of biological sciences (2012)“…Due to the atypical symptoms and signs of Q fever, the high incidence of mild infections and the fact that in our region the appearance of this…”
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Outbreaks of health-care-associated infections in the province of Vojvodina
Published in Medicinski pregled (01-01-2008)“…The goal is to investigate epidemiological characteristics of outbreaks of health-care-associated infections in health care institutions such as hospitals,…”
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Characteristics of shigellosis outbreaks in the AP of Vojvodina
Published in Medicinski pregled (01-07-2009)“…Shigellosis causes around 165 million infections and around 1 million deaths in the world every year. Two thirds of both infections and deaths are among…”
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Combined approach to surface water management
Published in Građevinar (Zagreb) (01-09-2017)“…Although the WFD combined approach is a key component of integrated water management, its use is not sufficiently operational, and so the Combined Approach…”
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Effects of the immunization program in Vojvodina
Published in Medicinski pregled (01-11-2007)“…With the widespread use of active immunization, significant results have been achieved in the control and prevention of numerous communicable diseases. The…”
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Significance of Hydromorphological and Sediment Analysis in River Basin Water Quality Management
Published in Environmental Sciences Proceedings (01-10-2022)“…The hydromorphology and sediment management, as part of the integrated water management and achieving environmental objectives of the river basin in accordance…”
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Prevention of spreading of avian influenza in medical care facilities
Published in Vojnosanitetski pregled (2006)Get full text
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Results of influenza surveillance during the pandemic and post-pandemic influenza season in AP Vojvodina, Serbia
Published in Opšta medicina (01-01-2014)“…Introduction. Although influenza is longest and most studied infectious disease, to date, not much has been achieved in preventing and combating this disease…”
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Upravljanje površinskim vodama primjenom kombiniranog pristupa
Published in Građevinar (Zagreb) (19-09-2017)“…Kombinirani pristup ODV-a je ključni element integralnog upravljanja vodama, no njegova je primjena nedovoljno je operativna, pa je u Hrvatskoj donesen…”
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Prevention of spreading of avian influenza in medical care facilities
Published in Vojnosanitetski pregled (01-10-2006)Get full text
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Overview of the winter wave of 2009 pandemic influenza Av in Vojvodina, Serbia
Published in Croatian medical journal (01-04-2011)“…Aim To analyze the epidemiological data for pandemic influenza A(H1N1)v in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia, during the season of 2009/2010 and to…”
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Overview of the winter wave of 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1)v in Vojvodina, Serbia
Published in Croatian medical journal (15-04-2011)“…Aim To analyze the epidemiological data for pandemic influenza A(H1N1)v in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia, during the season of 2009/2010 and to…”
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