Search Results - "Cosentino, Rita"
Il Sarcofago degli Sposi : dalla scoperta alla realtà virtuale
Published in Anabases (2016)“…La storia del rinvenimento del Sarcofago degli Sposi è quella comune agli innumerevoli reperti archeologici finiti in Collezioni di Musei stranieri. Il…”
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Journal Article -
Il Sarcofago degli Sposi : dalla scoperta alla realtà virtuale
Published in Anabases (2016)“…La storia del rinvenimento del Sarcofago degli Sposi è quella comune agli innumerevoli reperti archeologici finiti in Collezioni di Musei stranieri. Il…”
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Journal Article -
Apa l’Etrusco sbarca a Roma e passa il testimone ad Ati. Un cortometraggio tridimensionale per raccontare il santuario di Portonaccio a Veio
Published in Archeomatica (Roma) (01-08-2015)“…Computer graphics movies are a favourite media for edutainment. The 3D stereoscopic short movie “Ati at the discovery of Veii” is an interesting example of…”
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Journal Article -
Apa l’Etrusco sbarca a Roma e passa il testimone ad Ati. Un cortometraggio tridimensionale per raccontare il santuario di Portonaccio a Veio
Published in Archeomatica (Roma) (01-08-2015)“…Computer graphics movies are a favourite media for edutainment. The 3D stereoscopic short movie “Ati at the discovery of Veii” is an interesting example of…”
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Sarcophagus of the Spouses installation intersection across archaeology, 3D video mapping, holographic techniques combined with immersive narrative environments and scenography
Published in 2015 Digital Heritage (01-09-2015)“…This paper presents the Sarcophagus of the Spouses installation, an audiovisual performance and exhibit combining 3D video mapping, holographic techniques,…”
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Conference Proceeding -
The Etruscans and the Afterlife an engaging exhibition with accurate scientific, technological and communicative requirements
Published in 2015 Digital Heritage (01-09-2015)“…The communication of museums, with the aim to engage and attract a wider audience, is undergoing a radical change, seeking in ICT a help. The joint exhibition…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Etruscan cultural heritage: The Sarcophagus of the Spouses project: Virtual storytelling embedded in sensory audiovisual environments
Published in 2013 Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHeritage) (01-10-2013)“…This poster presents a creative media design project which combines digital technologies, virtual narration and visual metaphors in audio-visual environment,…”
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Conference Proceeding