Search Results - "Cooney, Derek R."

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    A Shorter Door-In-Door-Out Time Is Associated with Improved Outcome in Large Vessel Occlusion Stroke by Sigal, Adam, Isenberg, Derek L., Kraus, Chadd K., Ackerman, Daniel, Herres, Joseph, Brandler, Ethan S., Kuc, Alexander, Nomura, Jason T., Cooney, Derek R., Mullin, Michael T., Zhao, Huaquing, Gentile, Nina T.

    Published in The western journal of emergency medicine (01-09-2023)
    “…Introduction: Endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) significantly improves outcomes in large vessel occlusion stroke (LVOS). When a patient with a LVOS arrives at a…”
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    Case Report: Delayed Subclavian Vein Injury Secondary to Clavicular Malunion by Cooney, Derek R., MD, NREMT-P, Kloss, Brian, DO, JD, PA-C

    Published in The Journal of emergency medicine (01-10-2012)
    “…Abstract Background Fractures of the clavicle are extremely common, representing 2.6–12% of all fractures and 35–44% of all shoulder girdle injuries; 69–82% of…”
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    Fungal Rhino-orbital Cerebritis in a Patient with Steroid-induced Ketoacidosis by Vargo, Carrie, Olliviere-Baptiste, Beth-Ann, Brenner, Jay M, Cooney, Derek R, Rodriguez, Elliot

    “…Fungal rhino-orbital cerebritis is a devastating opportunistic invasive disease. Survival requires urgent diagnosis. Thus, all patients at risk who present…”
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    Adherence to Follow-Up Recommendations by Triathlon Competitors Receiving Event Medical Care by Cooney, Derek R., Copeli, Nikoli, Lloyd, Jarem B., Joslin, Jeremy David

    Published in Emergency medicine international (01-01-2017)
    “…Introduction. We sought to investigate triathlete adherence to recommendations for follow-up for participants who received event medical care. Methods…”
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    Are Pediatric Manual Resuscitators Only Fit for Pediatric Use? A Comparison of Ventilation Volumes in a Moving Ambulance by Sun, Gregory, Wojcik, Susan, Noce, Jennifer, Cochran-Caggiano, Nicholas, DeSantis, Tracie, Friedman, Steven, Cooney, Derek R., Knutsen, Chrisitan

    Published in Prehospital emergency care (19-05-2023)
    “…Background: The manual resuscitator device is the most common method of ventilating patients with respiratory failure, either with a facemask, or with an…”
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    Transport Rates and Prehospital Intervals for an EMS Telemedicine Intervention by Varughese, Renoj, Cater-Cyker, Mitchell, Sabbineni, Rupa, Sigler, Sara, Champoux, Sara, Gamber, Mark, Burnett, Susan J, Troutman, Gerad, Chuang, Chan, Sanders, Richard, Doran, John, Nataneli, Nushin, Cooney, Derek R, Bloomstone, Joshua A, Clemency, Brian M

    Published in Prehospital emergency care (03-07-2024)
    “…Emergency medical services (EMS) facilitated telemedicine encounters have been proposed as a strategy to reduce transports to hospitals for patients who access…”
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    Mandatory Rest Stops Improve Athlete Safety during Event Medical Coverage for Ultramarathons by Joslin, Jeremy, Mularella, Joshua, Bail, Allison, Wojcik, Susan, Cooney, Derek R.

    Published in Prehospital and disaster medicine (01-02-2016)
    “…Provisions of medical direction and clinical services for ultramarathons require specific attention to heat illness. Heat stress can affect athlete performance…”
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    Evaluation of ambulance offload delay at a university hospital emergency department by Cooney, Derek R, Wojcik, Susan, Seth, Naveen, Vasisko, Corey, Stimson, Kevin

    “…Background Ambulance offload delay (AOD) has been recognized by the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) as an important quality marker. AOD is the…”
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    Ambulance Diversion and Emergency Department Offload Delay: Resource Document for the National Association of EMS Physicians Position Statement by Cooney, Derek R., Millin, Michael G., Carter, Alix, Lawner, Benjamin J., Nable, Jose Victor, Wallus, Harry J.

    Published in Prehospital emergency care (01-10-2011)
    “…Abstract The emergency medical services (EMS) system is a component of a larger health care safety net and a key component of an integrated emergency health…”
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    Backboard time for patients receiving spinal immobilization by emergency medical services by Cooney, Derek R, Wallus, Harry, Asaly, Michael, Wojcik, Susan

    “…Background Use of backboards as part of routine trauma care has recently come into question because of the lack of data to support their effectiveness…”
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    A prospective evaluation of the contribution of ambient temperatures and transport times on infrared thermometry readings of intravenous fluids utilized in EMS patients by Joslin, Jeremy, Fisher, Andrew, Wojcik, Susan, Cooney, Derek R

    “…Background During cold weather months in much of the country, the temperatures in which prehospital care is delivered creates the potential for inadvertently…”
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    Endotracheal intubation with a video-assisted semi-rigid fiberoptic stylet by prehospital providers by Cooney, Derek R, Beaudette, Charles, Clemency, Brian M, Tanski, Christopher, Wojcik, Susan

    “…Background Emergency medical technicians intubate patients in unfamiliar surroundings and with less than ideal positioning. This study was designed to evaluate…”
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    Electrocardiogram and X-ray findings associated with iatrogenic pulmonary venous gas embolism by Cooney, Derek R, Kassem, Jawad, McCabe, John

    Published in Undersea & hyperbaric medicine (01-03-2011)
    “…Iatrogenic venous gas embolism (VGE) has been described in cases of patients with hemodialysis catheters and other thoracic central lines. When VGE is present,…”
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    Performance of emergency physicians utilizing a video-assisted semi-rigid fiberoptic stylet for intubation of a difficult airway in a high-fidelity simulated patient: a pilot study by Cooney, Derek R, Cooney, Norma L, Wallus, Harry, Wojcik, Susan

    “…Background This study was designed to evaluate emergency physician success and satisfaction using a video-assisted semi-rigid fiberoptic stylet, the Clarus…”
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    Gas gangrene and osteomyelitis of the foot in a diabetic patient treated with tea tree oil by Cooney, Derek R, Cooney, Norma L

    “…Diabetic foot wounds represent a class of chronic non-healing wounds that can lead to the development of soft tissue infections and osteomyelitis. We reviewed…”
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    Massive acute colonic pseudo-obstruction successfully managed with conservative therapy in a patient with cerebral palsy by Cooney, Derek R, Cooney, Norma L

    “…Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction (ACPO), also known as Ogilvie syndrome, is a massive dilation of the colon in the absence of mechanical obstruction. Treatment…”
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