Search Results - "Cooney, Derek R."
A Shorter Door-In-Door-Out Time Is Associated with Improved Outcome in Large Vessel Occlusion Stroke
Published in The western journal of emergency medicine (01-09-2023)“…Introduction: Endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) significantly improves outcomes in large vessel occlusion stroke (LVOS). When a patient with a LVOS arrives at a…”
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Assessing Disparities in Access to Advanced Stroke Care in 4 Northeastern States Using the Social Vulnerability Index
Published in Stroke: vascular and interventional neurology (01-05-2023)“…BackgroundAccess to endovascular stroke centers (ESCs) is crucial for patients to receive optimal care for large‐vessel occlusion strokes. Disparities in…”
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Intravenous Thrombolysis Is Associated With Better Outcomes in Large‐Vessel Occlusion Requiring Endovascular Therapy
Published in Stroke: vascular and interventional neurology (01-07-2023)“…BackgroundIntravenous thrombolysis (IVT) and endovascular therapy (EVT) are both important treatments for large‐vessel occlusion stroke. However, it is still…”
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Case Report: Delayed Subclavian Vein Injury Secondary to Clavicular Malunion
Published in The Journal of emergency medicine (01-10-2012)“…Abstract Background Fractures of the clavicle are extremely common, representing 2.6–12% of all fractures and 35–44% of all shoulder girdle injuries; 69–82% of…”
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Fungal Rhino-orbital Cerebritis in a Patient with Steroid-induced Ketoacidosis
Published in Clinical practice and cases in emergency medicine (01-11-2018)“…Fungal rhino-orbital cerebritis is a devastating opportunistic invasive disease. Survival requires urgent diagnosis. Thus, all patients at risk who present…”
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Adherence to Follow-Up Recommendations by Triathlon Competitors Receiving Event Medical Care
Published in Emergency medicine international (01-01-2017)“…Introduction. We sought to investigate triathlete adherence to recommendations for follow-up for participants who received event medical care. Methods…”
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Are Pediatric Manual Resuscitators Only Fit for Pediatric Use? A Comparison of Ventilation Volumes in a Moving Ambulance
Published in Prehospital emergency care (19-05-2023)“…Background: The manual resuscitator device is the most common method of ventilating patients with respiratory failure, either with a facemask, or with an…”
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Transport Rates and Prehospital Intervals for an EMS Telemedicine Intervention
Published in Prehospital emergency care (03-07-2024)“…Emergency medical services (EMS) facilitated telemedicine encounters have been proposed as a strategy to reduce transports to hospitals for patients who access…”
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Factors associated with door-in-door-out times in large vessel occlusion stroke patients undergoing endovascular therapy
Published in The American journal of emergency medicine (01-07-2023)“…In the management of large vessel occlusion stroke (LVOS), patients are frequently evaluated first at a non-endovascular stroke center and later transferred to…”
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Evolution of endovascular stroke centers and disparities in access to stroke care in four Northeastern states: 2015-2019
Published in Journal of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases (01-01-2023)“…Disparities exist throughout our healthcare system, especially related to access to care. Advanced stroke care for strokes is only available at selected…”
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Mandatory Rest Stops Improve Athlete Safety during Event Medical Coverage for Ultramarathons
Published in Prehospital and disaster medicine (01-02-2016)“…Provisions of medical direction and clinical services for ultramarathons require specific attention to heat illness. Heat stress can affect athlete performance…”
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Evaluation of ambulance offload delay at a university hospital emergency department
Published in International journal of emergency medicine (10-05-2013)“…Background Ambulance offload delay (AOD) has been recognized by the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) as an important quality marker. AOD is the…”
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Ambulance Diversion and Emergency Department Offload Delay: Resource Document for the National Association of EMS Physicians Position Statement
Published in Prehospital emergency care (01-10-2011)“…Abstract The emergency medical services (EMS) system is a component of a larger health care safety net and a key component of an integrated emergency health…”
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Backboard time for patients receiving spinal immobilization by emergency medical services
Published in International journal of emergency medicine (20-06-2013)“…Background Use of backboards as part of routine trauma care has recently come into question because of the lack of data to support their effectiveness…”
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A prospective evaluation of the contribution of ambient temperatures and transport times on infrared thermometry readings of intravenous fluids utilized in EMS patients
Published in International journal of emergency medicine (01-01-2014)“…Background During cold weather months in much of the country, the temperatures in which prehospital care is delivered creates the potential for inadvertently…”
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Endotracheal intubation with a video-assisted semi-rigid fiberoptic stylet by prehospital providers
Published in International journal of emergency medicine (01-01-2014)“…Background Emergency medical technicians intubate patients in unfamiliar surroundings and with less than ideal positioning. This study was designed to evaluate…”
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Electrocardiogram and X-ray findings associated with iatrogenic pulmonary venous gas embolism
Published in Undersea & hyperbaric medicine (01-03-2011)“…Iatrogenic venous gas embolism (VGE) has been described in cases of patients with hemodialysis catheters and other thoracic central lines. When VGE is present,…”
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Performance of emergency physicians utilizing a video-assisted semi-rigid fiberoptic stylet for intubation of a difficult airway in a high-fidelity simulated patient: a pilot study
Published in International journal of emergency medicine (29-05-2012)“…Background This study was designed to evaluate emergency physician success and satisfaction using a video-assisted semi-rigid fiberoptic stylet, the Clarus…”
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Gas gangrene and osteomyelitis of the foot in a diabetic patient treated with tea tree oil
Published in International journal of emergency medicine (14-04-2011)“…Diabetic foot wounds represent a class of chronic non-healing wounds that can lead to the development of soft tissue infections and osteomyelitis. We reviewed…”
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Massive acute colonic pseudo-obstruction successfully managed with conservative therapy in a patient with cerebral palsy
Published in International journal of emergency medicine (14-04-2011)“…Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction (ACPO), also known as Ogilvie syndrome, is a massive dilation of the colon in the absence of mechanical obstruction. Treatment…”
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