Search Results - "Console, R"

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  1. 1

    Comparison analysis of the ETAS model with Gutenberg–Richter (GR), Tapered-GR and characteristic magnitude distributions by Spassiani, I, Yaghmaei-Sabegh, S, Console, R, Falcone, G, Murru, M

    Published in Geophysical journal international (22-09-2023)
    “…SUMMARY In this paper, we carry out a comparison analysis of the Epidemic Type Aftershock Sequence (ETAS) model for the earthquake process, embedded with the…”
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  2. 2

    Using the ETAS Model for Catalog Declustering and Seismic Background Assessment by Console, R., Jackson, D. D., Kagan, Y. Y.

    Published in Pure and applied geophysics (01-06-2010)
    “…The concept of background seismicity is strictly related to the identification of spontaneous and triggered earthquakes. The definition of foreshocks, main…”
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  3. 3

    M ≥ 7 earthquake rupture forecast and time‐dependent probability for the sea of Marmara region, Turkey by Murru, M., Akinci, A., Falcone, G., Pucci, S., Console, R., Parsons, T.

    “…We forecast time‐independent and time‐dependent earthquake ruptures in the Marmara region of Turkey for the next 30 years using a new fault segmentation model…”
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  4. 4

    Stress interaction effect on the occurrence probability of characteristic earthquakes in Central Apennines by Console, R., Murru, M., Falcone, G., Catalli, F.

    “…In this study, we compute the effect of stress change due to previous historical earthquakes on the probability of occurrence of future earthquakes on…”
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  5. 5

    Testing earthquake forecast hypotheses by Console, R

    Published in Tectonophysics (30-08-2001)
    “…This paper outlines methodological aspects of the statistical evaluation of earthquake forecast hypotheses. The recent debates concerning predictability of…”
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  6. 6

    Renewal models of seismic recurrence applied to paleoseismological and historical observations by Mosca, I., Console, R., D'Addezio, G.

    Published in Tectonophysics (05-09-2012)
    “…Because paleoseismology can extend the record of earthquakes back in time up to several millennia, it represents an opportunity to study how earthquakes recur…”
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  7. 7

    Spatial mapping of the b value at Mount Etna, Italy, using earthquake data recorded from 1999 to 2005 by Murru, M., Console, R., Falcone, G., Montuori, C., Sgroi, T.

    “…The spatial pattern of the b value of the frequency‐magnitude relation has been analyzed using gridding techniques beneath Mount Etna, Italy. A regional data…”
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  8. 8

    Travel time source-specific station corrections related to lithospheric structures in the Mediterranean region by Giuntini, A., Materni, V., Console, R., Chiappini, S., Chiappini, M.

    Published in Journal of seismology (2017)
    “…We compare the locations obtained from arrival times collected by the International Seismological Centre from a network of regional and teleseismic stations…”
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    Journal Article Book Review
  9. 9

    Real time earthquake forecasting in Italy by Murru, M., Console, R., Falcone, G.

    Published in Tectonophysics (29-05-2009)
    “…We have applied an earthquake clustering epidemic model to real time data at the Italian Earthquake Data Center operated by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica…”
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  10. 10

    Probability gains of an epidemic-type aftershock sequence model in retrospective forecasting of M ≥ 5 earthquakes in Italy by Console, R., Murru, M., Falcone, G.

    Published in Journal of seismology (2010)
    “…A stochastic triggering (epidemic) model incorporating short-term clustering was fitted to the instrumental earthquake catalog of Italy for event with local…”
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  11. 11

    Recent seismicity and crustal stress field in the Lucanian Apennines and surrounding areas (Southern Italy): Seismotectonic implications by Maggi, C., Frepoli, A., Cimini, G.B., Console, R., Chiappini, M.

    Published in Tectonophysics (2009)
    “…We analyzed the instrumental seismicity of Southern Italy in the area including the Lucanian Apennines and Bradano foredeep, making use of the most recent…”
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  12. 12

    Comparative performance of time-invariant, long-range and short-range forecasting models on the earthquake catalogue of Greece by Console, R., Rhoades, D. A., Murru, M., Evison, F. F., Papadimitriou, E. E., Karakostas, V. G.

    “…Time‐invariant, long‐range, and short‐range forecasting models were fitted to the earthquake catalogue of Greece for magnitudes 4.0 and greater to optimize…”
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  13. 13

    Retrospective Forecasting of M ≥ 4.0 Earthquakes in New Zealand by Console, R., Murru, M., Falcone, G.

    Published in Pure and applied geophysics (01-06-2010)
    “…We have applied a variation of the Epidemic Type Aftershock Sequence (ETAS) model, which is a stochastic triggering epidemic model incorporating short-term…”
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  14. 14

    A Multidisciplinary Study of the DPRK Nuclear Tests by Carluccio, R., Giuntini, A., Materni, V., Chiappini, S., Bignami, C., D’Ajello Caracciolo, F., Pignatelli, A., Stramondo, S., Console, R., Chiappini, M.

    Published in Pure and applied geophysics (01-03-2014)
    “…The Democratic People Republic of Korea announced two underground nuclear tests carried out in their territory respectively on October 9th, 2006 and May 25th,…”
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  15. 15

    Perturbation of earthquake probability for interacting faults by static Coulomb stress changes by Console, R., Murru, M., Falcone, G.

    Published in Journal of seismology (01-01-2010)
    “…This work aims at the assessment of the occurrence probability of future earthquakes on the Italian territory, conditional to the time elapsed since the last…”
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  16. 16

    Correlation of Static Stress Changes and Earthquake Occurrence in the North Aegean Region by Rhoades, D. A., Papadimitriou, E. E., Karakostas, V. G., Console, R., Murru, M.

    Published in Pure and applied geophysics (01-08-2010)
    “…A systematic analysis is made of static Coulomb stress changes and earthquake occurrence in the area of the North Aegean Sea, Greece, in order to assess the…”
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  17. 17

    Mapping of the b value anomalies beneath Mt. Etna, Italy, during July–August 2001 lateral eruption by Murru, M., Montuori, C., Console, R., Lisi, A.

    Published in Geophysical research letters (01-03-2005)
    “…The pattern of b value of the frequency‐magnitude relation, or mean magnitude, has been analyzed as function of space beneath Mt. Etna during the intense…”
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  18. 18

    Matlab software for the analysis of seismic waves recorded by three-element arrays by Pignatelli, A., Giuntini, A., Console, R.

    Published in Computers & geosciences (01-07-2008)
    “…We develop and implement an algorithm for inverting three-element array data on a Matlab platform. The algorithm allows reliable estimation of back azimuth and…”
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  19. 19

    Long-term seismogenesis in Greece: Comparison of the evolving stress field and precursory scale increase approaches by Papadimitriou, E. E., Evison, F. F., Rhoades, D. A., Karakostas, V. G., Console, R., Murru, M. R.

    “…Recent strong (M ≥ 6.6) earthquakes in Greece are examined from the point of view of two current, but disparate, approaches to long‐term seismogenesis. These…”
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  20. 20

    Non-double-couple microearthquakes in the geothermal field of Larderello, central Italy by Console, R., Rosini, R.

    Published in Tectonophysics (15-04-1998)
    “…Earthquakes with focal mechanisms deviating from a simple double-couple have been observed in volcanic and geothermal areas. In some cases these events exhibit…”
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