Search Results - "Collins, Michael A."
The Combined Fragmentation and Systematic Molecular Fragmentation Methods
Published in Accounts of chemical research (16-09-2014)“…Conspectus Chemistry, particularly organic chemistry, is mostly concerned with functional groups: amines, amides, alcohols, ketones, and so forth. This is…”
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Microsolvation within the Systematic Molecular Fragmentation by Annihilation Approach
Published in The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment, & general theory (12-01-2017)“…We have applied the systematic molecular fragmentation by annihilation (SMFA) fragmentation technique to glycine and DNA base pairs in water clusters, systems…”
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Neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration in adult rat brain from binge ethanol exposure: abrogation by docosahexaenoic acid
Published in PloS one (16-07-2014)“…Evidence that brain edema and aquaporin-4 (AQP4) water channels have roles in experimental binge ethanol-induced neurodegeneration has stimulated interest in…”
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Alcohol in Moderation, Cardioprotection, and Neuroprotection: Epidemiological Considerations and Mechanistic Studies
Published in Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research (01-02-2009)“…In contrast to many years of important research and clinical attention to the pathological effects of alcohol (ethanol) abuse, the past several decades have…”
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Depression of reactivity by the collision energy in the single barrier H + CD₄ [rightward arrow] HD + CD₃ reaction
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (20-07-2010)“…Crossed molecular beam experiments and accurate quantum scattering calculations have been carried out for the polyatomic H + CD₄ [rightward arrow] HD + CD₃…”
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Systematic Fragmentation Method and the Effective Fragment Potential: An Efficient Method for Capturing Molecular Energies
Published in The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment, & general theory (17-09-2009)“…The systematic fragmentation method fragments a large molecular system into smaller pieces, in such a way as to greatly reduce the computational cost while…”
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Energy-Based Molecular Fragmentation Methods
Published in Chemical reviews (24-06-2015)“…Collins and Bettens explore energy-based molecular fragmentation methods. They focus on methods and principles, including generalized energy-based…”
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Can Systematic Molecular Fragmentation Be Applied to Direct Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics?
Published in The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment, & general theory (23-11-2016)“…This paper demonstrates that systematic molecular fragmentation can be applied to direct ab initio molecular dynamics of solvated molecules under periodic…”
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Reaction Dynamics of H3 + + CO on an Interpolated Potential Energy Surface
Published in The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment, & general theory (14-10-2010)“…An accurate potential energy surface for H3 + + CO has been constructed by interpolation of ab initio data. The reaction cross sections and thermal rate…”
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Accelerating the Calculation of Solute–Solvent Interaction Energies through Systematic Molecular Fragmentation
Published in The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment, & general theory (03-10-2019)“…The method of systematic molecular fragmentation by annihilation (SMFA) is modified to apply to the interaction energy between a solute and solvent, where the…”
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Application of the Systematic Molecular Fragmentation by Annihilation Method to ab Initio NMR Chemical Shift Calculations
Published in The journal of physical chemistry. A, Molecules, spectroscopy, kinetics, environment, & general theory (21-11-2018)“…NMR is a powerful tool for obtaining information on the structural characterization and dynamics of proteins, and nucleic acids, and their complexes. The…”
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Systematic Study of Locally Dense Basis Sets for NMR Shielding Constants
Published in Journal of chemical theory and computation (14-01-2014)“…This paper presents a systematic study of partitioning schemes for locally dense basis sets in the context of NMR shielding calculations. The partitionings…”
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Approximating CCSD(T) Nuclear Magnetic Shielding Calculations Using Composite Methods
Published in Journal of chemical theory and computation (10-11-2015)“…A series of composite method approximations for the computationally efficient calculation of NMR shieldings has been developed. These approximations utilize…”
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Moderate blood alcohol and brain neurovulnerability: Selective depletion of calcium‐independent phospholipase A2, omega‐3 docosahexaenoic acid, and its synaptamide derivative as a potential harbinger of deficits in anti‐inflammatory reserve
Published in Alcoholism, clinical and experimental research (01-12-2021)“…Background Repetitive, highly elevated blood alcohol (ethanol) concentrations (BACs) of 350 to 450 mg/dl over several days cause brain neurodegeneration and…”
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Moderate alcohol consumption and cognitive risk
Published in Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment (01-01-2011)“…We reviewed 143 papers that described the relationship between moderate drinking of alcohol and some aspect of cognition. Two types of papers were found: (1)…”
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Effects of exposure to sex-stereotyped video game characters on tolerance of sexual harassment
Published in Journal of experimental social psychology (01-09-2008)“…The violent video game literature has previously not extended to the domain of violence against women. The current investigation tested the effects of exposure…”
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PARP inhibition in vivo blocks alcohol-induced brain neurodegeneration and neuroinflammatory cytosolic phospholipase A2 elevations
Published in Neurochemistry international (01-10-2019)“…Chronic alcoholism promotes brain damage that impairs memory and cognition. High binge alcohol levels in adult rats also cause substantial neurodamage to…”
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Molecular electrostatic potentials by systematic molecular fragmentation
Published in The Journal of chemical physics (14-11-2013)“…A simple method is presented for estimating the molecular electrostatic potential in and around molecules using systematic molecular fragmentation. This…”
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Ethanol preconditioning of rat cerebellar cultures targets NMDa receptors to the synapse and enhances peroxiredoxin 2 EXPRESSION
Published in Brain research (01-07-2016)“…Abstract Epidemiological studies indicate that light-moderate alcohol (ethanol) consumers tend to have reduced risks of cognitive impairment and progression to…”
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Molecular potential-energy surfaces for chemical reaction dynamics
Published in Theoretical chemistry accounts (01-12-2002)Get full text
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