Search Results - "Collin, R C"
Obstructive uropathy associated with myelomonocytic infiltration of the prostate
Published in Journal of clinical pathology (01-04-1998)“…A 72 year old man was diagnosed with chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia (CMML) according to the FAB group classification. He presented with symptoms of anaemia,…”
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A possible anti-emetic role for sodium valproate in cytotoxic chemotherapy
Published in British journal of haematology (01-04-1995)“…We report two patients with acute leukaemia who received emetogenic cytotoxic drugs and were on therapeutic doses of sodium valproate for epilepsy. Neither…”
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Acute airway obstruction by laryngeal haematomas in acute immune thrombocytopenic purpura
Published in Postgraduate medical journal (01-04-1996)“…We report the case of a 79-year-old woman with acute immune thrombocytopenic purpura who spontaneously developed laryngeal haematomas which produced acute…”
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Childhood leukemia: cerebrospinal fluid enolase isoenzymes in central nervous system infiltration
Published in Leukemia (01-12-1987)“…Enolase isoenzymes were measured in the cerebrospinal fluid of seven consecutive children with lymphoblastic leukemia who developed meningeal (CNS) leukemia…”
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Synthesis and expression of surface antigens during the cell cycle
Published in Tissue antigens (01-01-1973)Get more information
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In Memoriam: Rima Drell Reck (1933-1997)
Published in The French review (01-10-1999)Get full text
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