Search Results - "Cleidson Manoel Gomes Silva"
Strategic re-use of intravaginal progesterone devices increases conception rate in primiparous Nellore cows
Published in Semina. Ciências agrárias : revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (01-11-2022)“…In the present study, we investigate the effect of the presence or absence of corpus luteum (CL) at the beginning of a fixed-time artificial insemination…”
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Freezing solution containing dimethylsulfoxide and fetal calf serum maintains survival and ultrastructure of goat preantral follicles after cryopreservation and in vitro culture of ovarian tissue
Published in Cell and tissue research (01-11-2011)“…Goat ovarian cortex fragments were subjected to slow freezing in the presence of various solutions containing intracellular cryoprotectants, including 1.0 M…”
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Comparative analysis of the hormone production and gene expression profiles in ovine uterus tissue during oestrus cycle synchronized using medroxyprogesterone acetate plus eCG and prostaglandin analogue
Published in Semina. Ciências agrárias : revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (01-11-2021)“…The combination of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) and gonadotropin chorionic (eCG) has been widely used to synchronize oestrus cycle in sheep, but their…”
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Milk production in Saanen goats treated with repeated low doses of intermediate-release insulin during early lactation
Published in Ciência rural (01-01-2019)“…The effect of insulin administration on the productive responses of Saanen goats during early lactation was investigated. Ten of 20 adult females were…”
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Reproductive responses and productive characteristics in ewes supplemented with detoxified castor meal for a long period
Published in Revista brasileira de zootecnia (01-08-2014)“…The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of supplementation with detoxified castor meal (DCM) in the diet of ewes during pregnancy,…”
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Animal welfare and effects of per-female stress on male and cattle reproduction-A review
Published in Frontiers in veterinary science (31-03-2023)“…Thermal stress causes severe effects on the wellbeing and reproduction of cattle, including changes in oogenesis and spermatogenesis, generating great…”
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Use of castor meal (Ricinus communis L.) as a source of dietary protein in goats during the mating period: impact on reproductive and metabolic responses
Published in Semina. Ciências agrárias : revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (01-01-2015)“…The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of the total substitution of soybean meal with castor meal, detoxified or non-detoxified, on the…”
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Post-partum reproductive activity and estrus synchronization responsiveness in anglonubian x sprd fed with dried carnauba wax palm fruit (Copernicia prunifera) long term
Published in Semina. Ciências agrárias : revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (13-08-2015)“…The present study evaluates the use of dried carnauba wax palm fruit in 28 postpartum goats fed diets containing Bermudagrass hay and either corn (WCWP) or…”
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Synchronization of follicular wave emergence does not improve embryonic yield in superovulated ewes
Published in Animal reproduction (01-01-2021)“…The present study aimed to investigate the effects of a combination of progesterone with different doses of E-17β on following end points: (1) ovarian…”
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Effect of oestrous resynchronization on the reproductive efficiency of zebu cows
Published in Reproduction in domestic animals (01-07-2019)“…The aim of this study was to develop a resynchronization strategy before the return of oestrus in cows diagnosed as not pregnant after fixed‐time artificial…”
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Ovarian assessment for pre-selection of embryo donor ewes
Published in Small ruminant research (01-11-2022)“…The present study aimed to evaluate whether two-dimensional ovarian measurements and the identification of antral follicle populations by ultrasound at…”
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Use of digital Brix refractometer to estimate total protein levels in Santa Inês ewes’ colostrum and lambs’ blood serum
Published in Small ruminant research (01-01-2020)“…•Brix refractometer method can be applied in the field conditions because it is simple and no expensive equipment is required.•Brix refractometer provides an…”
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Frozen and fresh ovarian tissue require different culture media to promote in vitro development of bovine preantral follicles
Published in Biopreservation and biobanking (01-10-2014)“…The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of different media in the in vitro culture of bovine preantral follicles that were used either fresh or…”
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Effect of medium composition on the in vitro culture of bovine pre-antral follicles: morphology and viability do not guarantee functionality
Published in Zygote (Cambridge) (01-05-2013)“…Summary This study investigated the effect of three different culture media (α minimum essential medium (α-MEM), McCoy or TCM199 during the in vitro culture…”
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Impact of body condition on postpartum features in morada nova sheep
Published in Semina. Ciências agrárias : revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (22-06-2016)“…This study evaluated the impact of nutritional status of Morada Nova sheep at lambing on the reproductive and productive performance and on the survival of…”
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Aborto interno pós-traumático em gata: relato de caso
Published in Medicina veterinária (Recife, Brazil) (29-10-2021)“…As perdas gestacionais nas espécies canina e felina podem resultar em reabsorção embrionária; aborto, caracterizado pela expulsão de fetos vivos ou mortos,…”
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Published in Ciência animal brasileira (01-03-2015)“…This study evaluated the effect of food supplements with different levels of protein on reproductive and metabolic response of ewes during the mating period…”
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Activin-A promotes the development of goat isolated secondary follicles in vitro
Published in Zygote (Cambridge) (01-02-2015)“…The role of activin-A in follicular development and on the mRNA expression levels of different genes in goat secondary follicles was evaluated. Goat secondary…”
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Determinação da qualidade imunológica do colostro de cadelas por refratometria
Published in PUBVET (19-12-2019)“…Transfer of immunity in pregnant bitches is inefficient, only 5 to 10% of the antibodies are transferred through the placenta to their offspring. Therefore,…”
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'en_US': 'Fetal hydrops in bitches: Review', 'es_ES': 'Hidropesía fetal en perras: Revisión', 'pt_BR': 'Hidropsia fetal em cadelas: Revisão'
Published in PUBVET (01-02-2023)Get full text
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