Search Results - "Claro, Maila Lima"
Métodos computacionais para segmentação do disco óptico em imagens de retina: uma revisão
Published in Revista Brasileira de Computação Aplicada. (17-07-2018)“…A utilização de técnicas de processamento digital de imagens (PDI) é destaque no cenário médico para o diagnóstico automático de patologias. Na área…”
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Journal Article -
Automatic Glaucoma Detection Based on Optic Disc Segmentation and Texture Feature Extraction
Published in CLEI electronic journal (01-08-2016)“…The use of digital image processing techniques is prominent in medical settings for the automatic diagnosis of diseases. Glaucoma is the second leading cause…”
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Journal Article -
A Skin Lesion Semi-supervised Segmentation Method
Published in 2020 International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP) (01-07-2020)“…The skin is an essential system for the human body, also the most susceptible to diseases. The diagnosis of these diseases is made mainly through dermatoscopy…”
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Conference Proceeding