Search Results - "Clarkson, C W"
Mechanism for bupivacaine depression of cardiac conduction: fast block of sodium channels during the action potential with slow recovery from block during diastole
Published in Anesthesiology (Philadelphia) (01-01-1985)“…The effects of bupivacaine and lidocaine on cardiac conduction were compared in guinea pig ventricular muscle. Membrane potential was controlled using a single…”
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Cocaethylene, a metabolite of cocaine and ethanol, is a potent blocker of cardiac sodium channels
Published in The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics (01-10-1994)“…Cocaethylene is an active metabolite of cocaine believed to play a causative role in the increased incidence of sudden death in individuals who coadminister…”
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Characterization of the sodium channel blocking properties of the major metabolites of cocaine in single cardiac myocytes
Published in The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics (01-06-1992)“…Clinical reports indicate that almost 30% of cocaine overdose-related deaths occur 2 to 5 hr after administration, when an appreciable amount of cocaine can be…”
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Evidence for a Specific Receptor Site for Lidocaine, Quinidine, and Bupivacaine Associated with Cardiac Sodium Channels in Guinea Pig Ventricular Myocardium
Published in Circulation research (01-04-1985)“…According to the modulated receptor hypothesis, sodium channels have a specific receptor site for local anesthetic and antiarrhythmic drugs. Thus, in the…”
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The pH dependence of cocaine interaction with cardiac sodium channels
Published in The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics (01-09-1995)“…Previous in vitro and in vivo studies have provided evidence implicating cocaine block of cardiac sodium channels as a putative mechanism for cocaine-induced…”
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Quinidine Interactions With Human Atrial Potassium Channels: Developmental Aspects
Published in Circulation research (14-12-1998)“…Clinical studies have suggested that quinidine is less effective when used for the treatment of atrial arrhythmias in pediatric patients compared with its…”
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Evidence for Two Components of Sodium Channel Block by Lidocaine in Isolated Cardiac Myocytes
Published in Circulation research (01-11-1988)“…The effects of lidocaine on sodium current in cardiac myocytes isolated from cat and guinea pig were investigated using the whole-cell variation of the…”
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Evidence for Developmental Changes in Sodium Channel Inactivation Gating and Sodium Channel Block by Phenytoin in Rat Cardiac Myocytes
Published in Circulation research (01-09-1991)“…The voltage-dependent properties of the voltage-activated sodium channel were studied in neonatal (1–2-day-old) and adult rat ventricular cardiac myocytes…”
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Stereoselective Block of Cardiac Sodium Channels by RAC109 in Single Guinea Pig Ventricular Myocytes
Published in Circulation research (01-11-1989)“…The effects of the optical stereoisomers of the local anesthetic RAC109 (RAC109-I and RAC109-II) on sodium current in isolated guinea pig ventricular myocytes…”
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Description of a Nonselective Cation Current in Human Atrium
Published in Circulation research (01-11-1995)“…Ion currents were examined in isolated human atrial myocytes by using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. When currents were recorded with a K-containing…”
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Characterization of cocaine-induced block of cardiac sodium channels
Published in Biophysical journal (01-03-1990)“…Recent evidence suggests that cocaine can produce marked cardiac arrhythmias and sudden death. A possible mechanism for this effect is slowing of impulse…”
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Developmental changes in the effects of lidocaine on sodium channels in rat cardiac myocytes
Published in The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics (01-08-1992)“…Previous studies have suggested that there are developmental changes in the sodium channel blocking properties of class I antiarrhythmic drugs, yet this…”
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On the Mechanism of Lysophosphatidylcholine-Induced Depolarization of Cat Ventricular Myocardium
Published in Circulation research (01-05-1983)“…Lysophosphatidylcholine, a putative biochemical mediator of ischemia-induced arrhythmias, reduces the resting potential of ventricular muscle. To elucidate…”
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L-type calcium current in pediatric and adult human atrial myocytes : Evidence for developmental changes in channel inactivation
Published in Pediatric research (01-09-1996)“…Animal studies have documented the presence of marked, species-dependent, developmental changes in the properties of the L-type calcium current in cardiac…”
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Effects of cocaine and its major metabolites on the HERG-encoded potassium channel
Published in The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics (01-10-2001)“…Cocaine abuse has been reported to result in QT prolongation in humans; however, the mechanisms underlying this effect are still poorly understood. In this…”
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Rate-dependent effects of lidocaine on His-Purkinje conduction in the intact neonatal heart--characterization and amplification by N-acetylprocainamide
Published in The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics (01-11-1991)“…According to mathematical models of antiarrhythmic drug-receptor interactions, lidocaine binds preferentially to the sodium channel when the membrane is…”
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Comparison of Ito in young and adult human atrial myocytes: evidence for developmental changes
Published in The American journal of physiology (01-03-1995)“…In an effort to understand the ionic basis for the developmental changes that have been reported to occur in the configuration of the human atrial action…”
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Electrophysiological effects of high cocaine concentrations on intact canine heart : evidence for modulation by both heart rate and autonomic nervous system
Published in Circulation (New York, N.Y.) (01-03-1993)“…Previous clinical reports have suggested that cocaine intoxication may produce severe ventricular arrhythmias due to a direct effect on the heart. However, the…”
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Characterization of the rate-dependent effects of ethmozine on conduction, in vivo, and on the sodium current, in vitro, in the newborn heart
Published in The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics (01-11-1992)“…We evaluated the effects of ethmozine on resting conduction intervals, myocardial refractory periods and His-Purkinje and intraventricular conduction in vivo…”
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Modification of Na channel inactivation by α-chymotrypsin in single cardiac myocytes
Published in Pflügers Archiv (01-09-1990)“…The effects of alpha-chymotrypsin and trypsin on the macroscopic Na current in isolated guinea pig ventricular myocytes at 16 degrees C were investigated using…”
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