Search Results - "Clark, William A.V"
Transitions to partnership and parenthood: Is China still traditional?
Published in Demographic research (01-07-2020)“…In the context of rapid economic and social change in China, we analyze young adult life course trajectories in the important decisions around forming…”
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Introduction to the special collection on life course decisions of families in China
Published in Demographic research (01-07-2020)“…The economic reforms of the last thirty years have produced a dramatic improvement in the standard of living in China. However, the concurrent social…”
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Do women delay family formation in expensive housing markets?
Published in Demographic research (01-07-2012)“…Recent research by demographers and economists has examined the link between living costs and fertility outcomes. The literature has provided some evidence…”
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Understanding the social context of the Schelling segregation model
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (18-03-2008)“…A recent article [Vinkovic D, Kirman A (2006) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 103:19261-19265] showing that the Schelling model has a physical analogue extends our…”
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Migration and occupational careers: The static and dynamic urban wage premium by education and city size
Published in Papers in regional science (01-02-2019)“…Using matched employer‐employee full population data on regional migrants in Sweden, this paper addresses the question whether the urban wage premium, and…”
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Loss aversion and duration of residence
Published in Demographic research (12-10-2016)“…Studies of internal migration ask who moves, why they move, and what are the consequences - to themselves, their origin, and their destination. By contrast,…”
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Residential mobility in context: Interpreting behavior in the housing market
Published in Papers : revista de sociología (01-10-2017)“…Residential mobility is the process whereby individuals and households adjust their locations in cities. These moves, in the aggregate, change neighborhoods as…”
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Reexamining the Moving to Opportunity Study and Its Contribution to Changing the Distribution of Poverty and Ethnic Concentration
Published in Demography (01-08-2008)“…For the past decade and a half, a concerted effort has been undertaken to determine whether policy interventions in residential location can solve the problems…”
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Family migration and mobility sequences in the United States: Spatial mobility in the context of the life course
Published in Demographic research (20-12-2007)“…Significant changes in family composition in the past quarter-century raise important questions about life-course outcomes embedded in these family changes,…”
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Residential mobility and mental health
Published in SSM - population health (01-03-2023)“…We examine the extent to which residential relocation within and between tenure types is associated with changes in mental health. We focus on four types of…”
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Geography of a Mixed-Race Society
Published in Growth and change (01-12-2009)“…The pattern and level of separation among ethnic groups continues to change, and there are certainly more mixed neighborhoods both in cities and suburbs than…”
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Geography, Space, and Science: Perspectives from Studies of Migration and Geographical Sorting
Published in Geographical analysis (01-07-2008)“…For the past four decades a significant subset of geographers have had a strong interest in using scientific methods and tools to answer questions about…”
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A comparative analysis of leaving home in the United States, the Netherlands and West Germany
Published in Demographic research (01-01-2002)“…We investigate how leaving the parental home differs between three countries with different welfare-state and housing systems: the USA, the Netherlands and…”
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Prospect theory and the decision to move or stay
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (05-09-2017)“…Migration has always involved stress and risk. More risk-averse households are less likely to move, while less risk-averse households will seek out…”
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Migration and Neighborhood Change in Sweden: The Interaction of Ethnic Choice and Income Constraints
Published in Geographical analysis (01-04-2021)“…The majority of segregation studies focus on ethnic concentration but there is growing research that also documents high and increasing status segregation…”
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Subjective well-being in China’s changing society
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (20-08-2019)“…There is now recognition that a population’s overall level of well-being is defined not just by income and wealth. Where we live and who we interact with are…”
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Multiple home ownership in Chinese cities: An institutional and cultural perspective
Published in Cities (01-02-2020)“…China is a country of homeowners, where >80% of households own their homes and >20% of urban households own multiple homes. China achieved this unprecedented…”
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Homophily, selection, and choice in segregation models
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (13-02-2024)“…Schelling's 1971 work on the dynamics of segregation showed that even a small degree of homophily, the desire to live among like neighbors, can lead to a…”
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Segregation through the multiscalar lens
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (18-06-2019)“…We introduce a mathematical framework that allows one to carry out multiscalar and multigroup spatial exploratory analysis across urban regions. By producing…”
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Personality traits, risk aversion and endowment effects on residential mobility outcomes
Published in Personality and individual differences (01-03-2023)“…The psychology literature offers substantial evidence suggesting that personality traits are associated with different residential mobility patterns. Our study…”
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