Search Results - "Clair, Ashley L."
Native habitat mitigates feast–famine conditions faced by honey bees in an agricultural landscape
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (10-12-2019)“…Intensive agriculture can contribute to pollinator decline, exemplified by alarmingly high annual losses of honey bee colonies in regions dominated by annual…”
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Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidea) Pollen Forage in a Highly Cultivated Agroecosystem: Limited Diet Diversity and Its Relationship to Virus Resistance
Published in Journal of economic entomology (06-06-2020)“…Intensified agriculture reduces natural and seminatural habitats and plant diversity, reducing forage available to honey bees (Apis mellifera L. [Hymenoptera:…”
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Honey bee hive covers reduce food consumption and colony mortality during overwintering
Published in PloS one (04-04-2022)“…Beekeepers regularly employ management practices to mitigate losses during the winter, often considered the most difficult time during a colony life cycle…”
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Diversified Farming in a Monoculture Landscape: Effects on Honey Bee Health and Wild Bee Communities
Published in Environmental entomology (13-06-2020)“…In the last century, a global transformation of Earth's surface has occurred due to human activity with extensive agriculture replacing natural ecosystems…”
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Can Native Plants Mitigate Climate-related Forage Dearth for Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae)?
Published in Journal of economic entomology (09-02-2022)“…Extreme weather events, like high temperatures and droughts, are predicted to become common with climate change, and may negatively impact plant growth. How…”
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Native vegetation embedded in landscapes dominated by corn and soybean improves honey bee health and productivity
Published in The Journal of applied ecology (01-06-2023)“…Balancing demand for food while supporting biodiversity and ecosystem services in landscapes committed to crop production may require integrating conservation…”
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Do Viruses From Managed Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Endanger Wild Bees in Native Prairies?
Published in Environmental entomology (23-04-2021)“…Populations of wild and managed pollinators are declining in North America, and causes include increases in disease pressure and decreases in flowering…”
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North American Prairie Is a Source of Pollen for Managed Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
Published in Journal of insect science (Tucson, Ariz.) (01-01-2021)“…Prairie was a dominant habitat within large portions of North America before European settlement. Conversion of prairies to farmland resulted in the loss of a…”
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Pan Traps for Tracking Honey Bee Activity-Density: A Case Study in Soybeans
Published in Insects (Basel, Switzerland) (12-06-2020)“…To study how honey bees utilize forage resources and guide pollination management plans in crops, a multitude of methods have been developed, but most are time…”
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Access to prairie pollen affects honey bee queen fecundity in the field and lab
Published in Frontiers in sustainable food systems (12-08-2022)“…Beekeepers experience high annual losses of colonies, with environmental stressors like pathogens, reduced forage, and pesticides as contributors. Some…”
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Agroecosystem landscape diversity shapes wild bee communities independent of managed honey bee presence
Published in Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (01-04-2022)“…Large scale agricultural production can lead to a reduction in availability of habitat used by wild bees for nesting and forage and has been implicated in…”
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