Search Results - "Cippo, E Perelli"
Development of a multi-layer high-efficiency GEM-based neutron detector for spallation sources
Published in Scientific reports (14-10-2024)“…Neutron detection is nowadays mostly based on 3 He gas detectors, but its shortage and the continuous upgrades of the neutron facilities require new devices to…”
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Creep-fatigue design rules for cyclic softening steels
Published in International journal of fatigue (01-01-2019)“…•Modified, sufficiently conservative creep-fatigue design rules for cyclic softening steels.•Creep tests on pre-softened EUROFER97 reveal considerable impact…”
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Measurement of the Gamma-Ray-to-Neutron Branching Ratio for the Deuterium-Tritium Reaction in Magnetic Confinement Fusion Plasmas
Published in Physical review letters (02-08-2024)“…At present, magnetic confinement fusion devices rely solely on absolute neutron counting as a direct way of measuring fusion power. Absolute counting of…”
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Silicon Carbide characterization at the n_TOF spallation source with quasi-monoenergetic fast neutrons
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (11-12-2020)“…Silicon Carbide (SiC) is a relatively new entry in the world of solid-state detectors. Although SiC response to neutrons is more complex than the one obtained…”
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Thermo-mechanical assessment of the JT-60SA fast-ion loss detector
Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-06-2021)“…•Preliminary design of the JT-60SA FILD detector is described.•JT-60SA FILD motion is presented.•JT-60SA FILD thermal behaviour is presented.•JT-60SA FILD…”
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Characterization of the response of Fast Ion Loss Detectors to fusion neutrons for applications at JT-60SA and ITER
Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-12-2021)“…•High 14MeV and 2.5MeV neutron fluxes are a concern for FILD operation in tokamaks.•The TG-Green scintillator neutron response has been characterized.•Geant4…”
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Dust characterization in FTU tokamak
Published in Journal of nuclear materials (01-08-2015)“…Dust present in the vessel of FTU has been collected and analysed. Being FTU a device with full metal plasma facing components for the whole life and equipped…”
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The CNESM neutron imaging diagnostic for SPIDER beam source
Published in Fusion engineering and design (01-09-2019)“…The PRIMA project aims at the construction of two ITER-NBI facilities in Padova (Italy). The first one is called SPIDER which is negative H/D 100 keV RF…”
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Single-crystal diamond detector for time-resolved measurements of a pulsed fast-neutron beam
Published in Europhysics letters (01-12-2010)“…A fast-neutron detector for time-resolved beam measurements at spallation neutron sources is presented. The device features a p-type/intrinsic/metal Schottky…”
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Fission diamond detectors for fast-neutron ToF spectroscopy
Published in Europhysics letters (01-06-2011)“…A novel type of fast-neutron (energy En > 1 MeV) counter is presented. It is made of a fissionable natural-uranium foil faced to an intrinsic single-crystal…”
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The single crystal diamond-based diagnostic suite of the JET tokamak for 14 MeV neutron counting and spectroscopy measurements in DT plasmas
Published in Nuclear fusion (01-01-2024)“…The Joint European Torus (JET) has recently conducted its second deuterium–tritium (DT) experimental campaign DTE2, providing unique opportunity for studying…”
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New thick silicon carbide detectors: Response to 14 MeV neutrons and comparison with single-crystal diamonds
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01-12-2019)“…In this work we present the response of a new large volume 4H Silicon Carbide (SiC) detector to 14 MeV neutrons. The device has an active thickness of 100μm…”
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Time-stability of a Single-crystal Diamond Detector for fast neutron beam diagnostic under alpha and neutron irradiation
Published in Diamond and related materials (01-01-2016)“…Single-crystal Diamond Detectors (SDDs), due to their good charge carrier transport properties, low leakage and therefore good energy resolution, are good…”
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Directionality properties of the nGEM detector of the CNESM diagnostic system for SPIDER
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (01-02-2019)“…The ITER project requires additional heating by two neutral beam injectors, each accelerating up to 1 MV a 40 A beam of negative deuterium ions for one hour…”
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RFX-mod2 diagnostic capability enhancements for the exploration of multi-magnetic-configurations
Published in Nuclear fusion (01-07-2024)“…The RFX-mod2 device, the upgraded version of the previous RFX-mod with a modified magnetic boundary, is presently under realization and will start to be…”
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Spectral broadening of characteristic γ-ray emission peaks from 12C(3He,pγ)14N reactions in fusion plasmas
Published in Physical review letters (11-11-2011)“…The spectral broadening of characteristic γ-ray emission peaks from the reaction (12)C((3)He,pγ)(14)N was measured in D((3)He) plasmas of the JET tokamak with…”
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nGEM fast neutron detectors for beam diagnostics
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21-08-2013)“…Fast neutron detectors with a sub-millimetric space resolution are required in order to qualify neutron beams in applications related to…”
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A new GEM based neutron diagnostic concept for high power deuterium beams
Published in 2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record (01-10-2011)“…The ITER neutral beam test facility under construction in Padova will host two experimental devices: SPIDER, a 100 kV negative hydrogen/deuterium RF source,…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Performance of the full size nGEM detector for the SPIDER experiment
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment (21-03-2016)“…The ITER neutral beam test facility under construction in Padova will host two experimental devices: SPIDER, a 100kV negative H/D RF beam source, and MITICA, a…”
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