Search Results - "Cieplinska, Katarzyna"
Immunological Processes in the Orbit and Indications for Current and Potential Drug Targets
Published in Journal of clinical medicine (22-12-2023)“…Thyroid eye disease (TED) is an extrathyroidal manifestation of Graves' disease (GD). Similar to GD, TED is caused by an autoimmune response. TED is an…”
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Correlations between exposure to deoxynivalenol and zearalenone and the immunohistochemical expression of estrogen receptors in the intestinal epithelium and the mRNA expression of selected colonic enzymes in pre-pubertal gilts
Published in Toxicon (Oxford) (15-01-2020)“…Plant-based materials used in the production of pig feed are very often contaminated with deoxynivalenol and zearalenone. Daily intake of small amounts of…”
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Evaluation of interleukin 33 (IL-33) levels in the course of bronchial asthma (preliminary studies)
Published in Studia medyczne (01-01-2023)Get full text
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The Genotoxicity of Caecal Water in Gilts Exposed to Low Doses of Zearalenone
Published in Toxins (01-09-2018)“…Zearalenone is a toxic low-molecular-weight molecule that is naturally produced by moulds on crops as a secondary metabolite. The aim of this study was to…”
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Time-Dependent Changes in the Intestinal Microbiome of Gilts Exposed to Low Zearalenone Doses
Published in Toxins (24-05-2019)“…Zearalenone is a frequent contaminant of cereals and their by-products in regions with a temperate climate. This toxic molecule is produced naturally by fungi…”
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Imbalance in the Blood Concentrations of Selected Steroids in Pre-pubertal Gilts Depending on the Time of Exposure to Low Doses of Zearalenone
Published in Toxins (25-09-2019)“…Zearalenone (ZEN) is a mycotoxin that not only binds to estrogen receptors, but also interacts with steroidogenic enzymes and acts as an endocrine disruptor…”
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Wierzenia i obrzędy polskiej wsi ukazane brytyjskiemu odbiorcy w powieści Jerzego Pietrkiewicza „The Knotted Cord
Published in Postscriptum polonistyczne (22-11-2023)“…The Knotted Cord – pierwsza angielska powieść polskiego pisarza emigracyjnego, Jerzego Pietrkiewicza, ukazała się w 1953 roku równolegle w Londynie i w Nowym…”
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Polish Rural Dialect and Culture of the Dobrzyń Region in Jerzy Pietrkiewicz’s Novel The Knotted Cord
Published in Academic Journal of Modern Philology (2022)“…During the first decades of the XX century the myth of idyllic pre-war countryside was strong in Poland and such reminiscences of the abandoned homeland were…”
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TP53 polymorphism in plasma cell myeloma
Published in Folia histochemica et cytobiologica (01-01-2017)“…Significant and accessible predictive factors for bortezomib treatment in plasma cell myeloma (PCM) are still lacking. TP53 codon 72 polymorphism (P72R)…”
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Wierzenia i obrzędy polskiej wsi ukazane brytyjskiemu odbiorcy w powieści Jerzego Pietrkiewicza The Knotted Cord
Published in Postscriptum polonistyczne (2023)“…The Knotted Cord – the first English novel by a Polish émigré writer, Jerzy Pietrkiewicz, was published in 1953simultaneously in London and New York. The book…”
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