Search Results - "Ciampolini, Vitor"
Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of the Portuguese Coaching Life Skills in Sport Questionnaire
Published in SAGE open (01-04-2021)“…The Coaching Life Skills in Sport Questionnaire (CLSS-Q) is a 5-factor 36-item scale developed in the English language to assess the extent to which coaches…”
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Published in Science of gymnastics journal (01-01-2023)“…High quality performance of sports coaches involves the use of professional, interpersonal and intrapersonal skills (Côté & Gilbert, 2009). The complexity of…”
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Psychosocial development and mental health in youth Brazilian club athletes: examining the effects of age, sport type, and training experience
Published in Revista brasileira de cineantropometria & desempenho humano (2021)“…Abstract Physical activity occurring through organized sport has been positioned as an engaging manner not only to prevent chronic-degenerative diseases but…”
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Student-coaches perceptions about their learning activities in the university context
Published in Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte (01-07-2018)“…The aim of this study was to analyze the student-coaches’ perceptions of their learning activities experienced during their formation on the bachelor program…”
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Factors associated with basketball field goals made in the 2014 NBA finals
Published in Motriz : Revista de Educação Física. Unesp (2020)“…Abstract AIMS The main objective of this study was to analyze the factors that preceded field goals made in the 2014 NBA finals considering the number of…”
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Do athletes with physical disabilities perceive their quality of life similarly when involved in different Paralympic Sports?
Published in Motriz : Revista de Educação Física. Unesp (2018)“…Abstract Aim: This study aimed to compare the quality of life perception among Boccia, Para-Athletics, and Wheelchair Tennis athletes. Methods: Eighty-six…”
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Physical education teachers’ wellbeing and its relation with gender
Published in Motricidade (27-01-2018)“…The objective of this study was to evaluate the relation between gender and physical education teachers’ wellbeing in southern Brazil, considering the…”
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Quality of life of Brazilian wheelchair tennis athletes across competitive and elite levels
Published in Motriz : Revista de Educação Física. Unesp (2017)“…Abstract Aims This study aimed to identify Brazilian wheelchair tennis athletes' quality of life and to compare the perception scores between competitive and…”
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Análise de um programa federativo para a formação continuada de treinadores de basquetebol
Published in Conexões (Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física) (07-07-2020)“…Objetivo: Programas para a formação de treinadores esportivos vêm passando por reformulações em uma escala global para melhor capacitar profissionais da área e…”
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Becoming a professional surf coach as a social participation trajectory
Published in Journal of adventure education and outdoor learning (13-10-2024)Get full text
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The shy girl who became national team captain: a bioecological narrative of an Olympian's life skills development
Published in Sport in society (03-05-2024)“…Bronfenbrenner's bioecological theory scrutinized how the complex relationship between person and environment leads to human development. Although the concept…”
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An integrative review of parent education approaches in sport: Considerations for program planning and evaluation
Published in Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports (01-04-2024)“…In recent years, there has been an increase in the delivery and evaluation of parent education programs within youth sport. Subsequently, some recent reviews…”
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Research review on coaches' perceptions regarding the teaching strategies experienced in coach education programs
Published in International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching (01-04-2019)“…Using a learner-centered perspective underpinned by a constructivist view of learning, the aim of this research was to analyze the scientific articles…”
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Composite vignettes of former Brazilian high-performance volleyball athletes' perspective on life skills learning and transfer
Published in Journal of sports sciences (02-12-2021)“…The purpose of this study was to examine former Brazilian high-performance volleyball athletes' perspectives on life skills learning and transfer through their…”
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Between intentionality and reality to promote positive youth development in sport-based programs: a case study in Brazil
Published in Physical education and sport pedagogy (04-03-2021)“…Background: In many countries, sport programs have been designed in order to enhance young people's lives through the Positive Youth Development (PYD)…”
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A família faz parte da equipe: ampliando o diálogo sobre a presença dos pais no esporte
Published in Pensar a prática : revista da pós-graduação em educação física escolar (31-05-2023)“…A presença dos pais em ambientes esportivos é apontada como de grande influência na participação esportiva dos filhos. Contudo, mais do que “apenas”…”
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Lifelong learning pathway of a coach developer operating in a national sport federation
Published in International journal of sports science & coaching (01-06-2020)“…Coach developers play essential roles in “coaching the coaches,” and investigating their lifelong learning pathway is key for better understanding the…”
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O potencial do rugby para o desenvolvimento de habilidades para a vida
Published in Pensar a prática : revista da pós-graduação em educação física escolar (26-08-2022)“…Este estudo objetivou compreender a percepção de praticantes de Rugby sobre o potencial da modalidade para o desenvolvimento de habilidades para a vida. Foram…”
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Coaches' development in Brazil: structure of sports organizational programmes
Published in Sports coaching review (02-07-2016)“…The purpose of the present study was to analyse the organisational structure of the programmes offered by the Brazilian Sports Federations and the Brazilian…”
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Desenvolvimento de um programa federativo de formação de treinadores baseado em competências: o caso da CBRU
Published in Pensar a prática : revista da pós-graduação em educação física escolar (23-12-2019)“…Este estudo de caso buscou descrever o desenvolvimento histórico do programa de formação de treinadores da Confederação Brasileira de Rugby, assim como…”
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