Search Results - "Chopra, Kaviraj"
Computing the Soft Error Rate of a Combinational Logic Circuit Using Parameterized Descriptors
Published in IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems (01-03-2007)“…Soft errors have emerged as an important reliability challenge for nanoscale very large scale integration designs. In this paper, we present a fast and…”
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Fast Statistical Static Timing Analysis Using Smart Monte Carlo Techniques
Published in IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems (01-06-2011)“…In this paper, we propose a stratification+hybrid quasi Monte Carlo (SH-QMC) approach to improve the efficiency of Monte Carlo-based statistical static timing…”
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Efficient Symbolic Algorithms for Computing the Minimum and Bounded Leakage States
Published in IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems (01-12-2006)“…Static power consumption due to subthreshold, gate, and junction leakages has become a significant component of the total power consumption. For nanoscale…”
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Circuit optimization using statistical static timing analysis
Published in Annual ACM IEEE Design Automation Conference: Proceedings of the 42nd annual conference on Design automation; 13-17 June 2005 (01-01-2005)“…In this paper, we propose a new sensitivity based, statistical gate sizing method. Since circuit optimization effects the entire shape of the circuit delay…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Statistical Timing Analysis: From Basic Principles to State of the Art
Published in IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems (01-04-2008)“…Static-timing analysis (STA) has been one of the most pervasive and successful analysis engines in the design of digital circuits for the last 20 years…”
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Analysis and Modeling of CD Variation for Statistical Static Timing
Published in 2006 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer Aided Design (01-11-2006)“…Statistical static timing analysis (SSTA) has become a key method for analyzing the effect of process variation in aggressively scaled CMOS technologies. Much…”
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Conference Proceeding -
A New Statistical Max Operation for Propagating Skewness in Statistical Timing Analysis
Published in 2006 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer Aided Design (01-11-2006)“…Statistical static timing analysis (SSTA) is emerging as a solution for predicting the timing characteristics of digital circuits under process variability…”
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Process Variation and Temperature-Aware Full Chip Oxide Breakdown Reliability Analysis
Published in IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems (01-09-2011)“…Gate oxide breakdown (OBD) is a key factor limiting the useful lifetime of an integrated circuit. Unfortunately, the conventional approach for full chip OBD…”
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Victim Alignment in Crosstalk-Aware Timing Analysis
Published in IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems (01-02-2010)“…Modeling the effect of coupling-noise on circuit delay is a key issue in static timing analysis and involves the victim-aggressor alignment problem. As…”
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A Novel Approach to Perform Gate-Level Yield Analysis and Optimization Considering Correlated Variations in Power and Performance
Published in IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems (01-02-2008)“…Increasing levels of process variation in current technologies have a major impact on power and performance and result in parametric yield loss. In this paper,…”
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Statistical performance analysis and optimization of digital circuits
Published 01-01-2008“…Aggressive device scaling has made it imperative to account for process variations in the design flow. A robust model of process variations is an essential…”
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Dissertation -
An Efficient Static Algorithm for Computing the Soft Error Rates of Combinational Circuits
Published in Proceedings of the Design Automation & Test in Europe Conference (2006)“…Soft errors have emerged as an important reliability challenge for nanoscale VLSI designs. In this paper, we present a fast and efficient soft error rate (SER)…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Statistical Timing Based Optimization using Gate Sizing
Published in Design, Automation and Test in Europe (07-03-2005)“…The increased dominance of intra-die process variations has motivated the field of Statistical Static Timing Analysis (SSTA) and has raised the need for…”
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Transistor-Specific Delay Modeling for SSTA
Published in 2008 Design, Automation and Test in Europe (01-03-2008)“…SSTA has received a considerable amount of attention in recent years. However, it is a general rule that any approach can only be as accurate as the underlying…”
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CAD tools for variation tolerance
Published in Annual ACM IEEE Design Automation Conference: Proceedings of the 42nd annual conference on Design automation; 13-17 June 2005 (13-06-2005)“…Process variability greatly affects power and timing of nanometer scale CMOS circuits, leading to parametric yield loss due to both timing and power constraint…”
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Top-k aggressors sets in delay noise analysis
Published in 2007 44th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (04-06-2007)“…We present, in this paper, novel algorithms to compute the set of "top-k" aggressors in a design. We show that the computation of the set of top-k aggressors…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Implicit pseudo boolean enumeration algorithms for input vector control
Published in Annual ACM IEEE Design Automation Conference: Proceedings of the 41st annual conference on Design automation; 07-11 June 2004 (07-06-2004)“…In a CMOS combinational logic circuit, the subthreshold leakage current in the standby state depends on the state of the inputs. In this paper we present a new…”
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Conference Proceeding -
A framework for battery-aware sensor management
Published in Proceedings Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition (2004)“…A distributed sensor network (DSN) designed to cover a given region R, is said to be alive if there is at least one subset of sensors that can collectively…”
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A statistical approach for full-chip gate-oxide reliability analysis
Published in 2008 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (01-11-2008)“…Gate oxide breakdown is a key factor limiting the useful lifetime of an integrated circuit. Unfortunately, the conventional approach for full chip oxide…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Statistical Timing Based Optimization using Gate Sizing
Published 25-10-2007“…Dans Design, Automation and Test in Europe - DATE'05, Munich : Allemagne (2005) The increased dominance of intra-die process variations has motivated the field…”
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Journal Article