Search Results - "Chonho Lee"
Auction Approaches for Resource Allocation in Wireless Systems: A Survey
Published in IEEE Communications surveys and tutorials (01-01-2013)“…As wireless systems evolve with new mobile technologies, they tend to become complicated in terms of architectures and managements. Auction theory, as a…”
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A Real-Time Group Auction System for Efficient Allocation of Cloud Internet Applications
Published in IEEE transactions on services computing (01-03-2015)“…The increasing number of cloud-based Internet applications has led to the demand for efficient resource and cost management. This paper proposes a real-time…”
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Clinical applicability of automated cephalometric landmark identification: Part I—Patient‐related identification errors
Published in Orthodontics & craniofacial research (01-12-2021)“…Objectives To determine whether AI systems that recognize cephalometric landmarks can apply to various patient groups and to examine the patient‐related…”
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Automated evaluation of masseter muscle volume: deep learning prognostic approach in oral cancer
Published in BMC cancer (24-01-2024)“…Sarcopenia has been identified as a potential negative prognostic factor in cancer patients. In this study, our objective was to investigate the relationship…”
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Clinical applicability of automated cephalometric landmark identification: Part II – Number of images needed to re‐learn various quality of images
Published in Orthodontics & craniofacial research (01-12-2021)“…Aim To estimate the number of cephalograms needed to re‐learn for different quality images, when artificial intelligence (AI) systems are introduced in a…”
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Interchanges and movements of humpback whales in Japanese waters: Okinawa, Ogasawara, Amami, and Hokkaido, using an automated matching system
Published in PloS one (17-11-2022)“…Humpback whales in the western North Pacific are considered endangered due to their small population size and lack of information. Although previous studies…”
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Prediction of cervical lymph node metastasis from immunostained specimens of tongue cancer using a multilayer perceptron neural network
Published in Cancer medicine (Malden, MA) (01-03-2023)“…Background Although cervical lymph node metastasis is an important prognostic factor for oral cancer, occult metastases remain undetected even by diagnostic…”
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Layman Analytics System: A Cloud-Enabled System for Data Analytics Workflow Recommendation
Published in IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering (01-01-2017)“…In today's big data era, there is a tremendously huge amount of data available. Layman users lack not only the knowledge and experience in data analytics to…”
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Towards a Fully Automated Diagnostic System for Orthodontic Treatment in Dentistry
Published in 2017 IEEE 13th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science) (01-10-2017)“…A deep learning technique has emerged as a successful approach for diagnostic imaging. Along with the increasing demands for dental healthcare, the automation…”
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A motion accuracy evaluator based on body parts movement by MapReduce video processing
Published in IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI) (01-06-2014)“…This paper presents a healthcare application that tracks body parts movement in video recording persons who exercise, analyzes the motor performance (e.g.,…”
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A Demo Paper: An Analytic Workflow Framework for Green Campus
Published in 2012 IEEE 18th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (01-12-2012)“…This paper proposes a multi-tenant workflow framework that allows users to create data analytic workflows whose tasks are efficiently scheduled and distributed…”
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Evaluation of Dental Image Augmentation for the Severity Assessment of Periodontal Disease
Published in 2019 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI) (01-12-2019)“…By exploring the feasibility of medical imaging applicable to periodontal disease, we have designed a MapReduce-like deep learning model for the severity…”
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Towards an Early Warning System for Network Attacks Using Bayesian Inference
Published in 2015 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing (01-11-2015)“…The Internet has become the most vulnerable part of critical civil infrastructures. Proactive measures such as early warnings are required to reduce the risk…”
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SymbioticSphere: Towards an Autonomic Grid Network System
Published in 2005 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (01-09-2005)“…This paper describes SymbioticSphere, a novel biologically-inspired architecture that allows grid systems (application services and middleware platforms) to be…”
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A robust recognition approach in eye-based dwell-free typing
Published in 2015 IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC) (01-12-2015)“…Alternative form of text entry is a tremendous benefit for a subset of physically challenged people, spurning the development of many assistive technologies…”
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Feasibility analysis and adaptive thresholding for mobile applications controlled by EEG signals
Published in 2015 23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) (01-08-2015)“…Given the availability of EEG technology and existing studies, this paper discusses the feasibility of development of mobile applications controlled by…”
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A Wavelet Entropy-Based Change Point Detection on Network Traffic: A Case Study of Heartbleed Vulnerability
Published in 2014 IEEE 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (01-12-2014)“…This paper investigates network traffic before and after a vulnerability called Heart bleed becomes a public issue around March to May, 2014. To detect…”
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Analysis of visually guided tracking performance in Parkinson's disease
Published in 2014 IEEE 16th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom) (01-10-2014)“…Recent studies have suggested significant differences in motor performances of Parkinson's Disease (PD) patients who have L-dopa induced dyskinesias (LIDs),…”
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Self-stabilizable symbiosis for cloud data center applications: A game theoretic perspective
Published in The 6th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems, and The 13th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligence Systems (01-11-2012)“…This paper describes and evaluates a self-stabilizable adaptation framework for data center applications. The design of the proposed architecture,…”
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A Workflow Framework for Big Data Analytics: Event Recognition in a Building
Published in 2013 IEEE Ninth World Congress on Services (01-06-2013)“…This paper studies event recognition in a building based on the patterns of power consumption. It is a big challenge to identify what kinds of events happened…”
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