Search Results - "Cherniakov, I N"
Influence of food biologically active supplements on the immune status of healthy volunteers
Published in Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii i lečebnoj fizičeskoj kulʹtury (01-01-2008)“…The authors show that use of biologically active additions to food Bio-Normalizer, Oxine, Gonsyn and Lovsin is effective method of immune correction of human…”
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The effect of muscular work on the restoration of conditioned reflex activity in dogs
Published in Zurnal vyss̆ej nervnoj dejatelnosti imeni I P Pavlova (01-03-1960)Get more information
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The history of the development of life support systems under the conditions of the vacuum of space
Published in Uspekhi fiziologicheskikh nauk (01-01-1999)Get more information
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The effect of explosive decompression on the animal and human body
Published in Voenno-medicinskij ̆zurnal (01-09-1961)Get more information
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Maintenance of vitality and performance of pilots by means of oxygenation equipment complex in emergency depressurization of the cabin
Published in Meditsina truda i promyshlennaia ekologiia (1995)“…The authors studied efficiency of life supply by means of Oxygenation Equipment Complex (OEC) for pilots subjected to depressurization of the cabin in…”
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The altitude chamber flights as a method of the psychophysiologic training of pilots against stress situations
Published in Voenno-medicinskij ̆zurnal (01-07-2005)“…The study of literature and aviation incidents during the depressurization of the aircraft cabin in the altitude higher than 12 km. Shows that their serious…”
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Change in pulmonary ventilation in respiration under excessive pressure at high altitudes
Published in Voenno-medicinskij ̆zurnal (01-06-1961)Get more information
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Technic of measuring pulmonary ventilation in respiration under increased pressure at high altitudes
Published in Fiziologicheskii zhurnal SSSR imeni I. M. Sechenova (01-06-1961)Get more information
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Reaction of the human cardiovascular system during hypoxia
Published in Voenno-medicinskij ̆zurnal (01-02-1960)Get more information
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History of solving medical problems of safety provisions of altitude flights
Published in Vestnik Rossiĭskoĭ akademii medits︠i︡nskih nauk (1996)“…The paper outlines the basic landmarks of the activity of the workers of the RF State Research Test Institute of Aviation and Space Medicine who have solved…”
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Pharmacological correction of lipid peroxidation during hypoxia and possibility to enhance human resistance to high altitude by using preparations of the metabolic type of action
Published in Vestnik Rossiĭskoĭ akademii medits︠i︡nskih nauk (1996)“…In simulating acute hypoxic hypoxia with the participation of male volunteers, the authors investigated the antihypoxic and antioxidative activity of metabolic…”
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Predictive information of basic indices of biochemical status of a man in evaluating the tolerance to acute hypoxia
Published in Aviakosmicheskaia i Äkologicheskaia meditsina (1996)“…Under simulation of acute hypoxic hypoxia with participating the volunteers (men) there has been studied the predictor significance of the biochemical indices…”
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Effectiveness of oxygen equipment as a means of the life support system during space flights
Published in Kosmicheskaia biologiia i aviakosmicheskaia meditsina (01-01-1989)“…This paper presents pooled data about the factors determining health status and work capacity of aircrew using positive pressure breathing systems at altitudes…”
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Biochemical evaluation of various respiration conditions during simulation of extended flight
Published in Aviakosmicheskaia i Äkologicheskaia meditsina (1996)“…During a simulated long-term mission with participation of male volunteers biochemical effects of various conditions of oxygen supply including breathing the…”
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Possibility of conserving the heat balance of the human organism in an extremely rarefied atmosphere by vacuum evaporation of sweat from the surface of the body
Published in Kosmicheskaia biologiia i aviakosmicheskaia meditsina (01-03-1978)“…As a result of 64 experiments carried out on 24 test subjects, it has been shown that extreme overwarming due to moderate and heavy thermal loads can be…”
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Trends in providing the medical support for safety of high altitude flights
Published in Voenno-medicinskij ̆zurnal (01-10-2000)“…The article has analyzed the main development and improvement stages of medical support of high-altitude flight safety. Test results of a full-scale model of…”
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Familiarization drills with barochamber ascents for flight personnel as an element in their psychophysiological training for high-altitude flights
Published in Voenno-medicinskij ̆zurnal (01-08-1994)“…A new method of altitude chamber climbs of flight personnel (for familiarization and training) has been worked out. The aim of this method is to form among…”
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The possibility for the pilot to recognize hypoxia in a high-altitude flight
Published in Voenno-medicinskij ̆zurnal (01-07-1991)“…The article studies the possibility of man to self-diagnose the development of hypoxia and take decisive actions on its elimination with the help of flight…”
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