Search Results - "Chaudron, Michel R. V."
Does the level of detail of UML diagrams affect the maintainability of source code?: a family of experiments
Published in Empirical software engineering : an international journal (01-02-2016)“…Although the UML is considered to be the de facto standard notation with which to model software, there is still resistance to model-based development. UML…”
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The impact of UML modeling on defect density and defect resolution time in a proprietary system
Published in Empirical software engineering : an international journal (01-08-2014)“…Background : The contribution of modeling in software development has been a subject of debates. The proponents of model-driven development argue that a big…”
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An industrial case study on the use of UML in software maintenance and its perceived benefits and hurdles
Published in Empirical software engineering : an international journal (01-12-2018)“…UML is a commonly-used graphical language for the modelling of software. Works regarding UML’s effectiveness have studied projects that develop software…”
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A Classification Framework for Software Component Models
Published in IEEE transactions on software engineering (01-09-2011)“…In the last decade, a large number of different software component models have been developed, with different aims and using different principles and…”
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Design thinking and creativity of colocated versus globally distributed software developers
Published in Journal of software : evolution and process (01-05-2023)“…Designing software is an activity in which software developers think and make design decisions that shape the structure and behavior of software products…”
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How effective is UML modeling ?
Published in Software and systems modeling (01-10-2012)“…Modeling has become a common practice in modern software engineering. Since the mid 1990s the Unified Modeling Language (UML) has become the de facto standard…”
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Integration of design smells and role-stereotypes classification dataset
Published in Data in brief (01-06-2021)“…Design smells are recurring patterns of poorly designed (fragments of) software systems that may hinder maintainability. Role-stereotypes indicate generic…”
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How effective is UML modeling ?: An empirical perspective on costs and benefits
Published in Software and systems modeling (01-10-2012)“…Modeling has become a common practice in modern software engineering. Since the mid 1990s the Unified Modeling Language (UML) has become the de facto standard…”
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Impact of Introducing Domain-Specific Modelling in Software Maintenance: An Industrial Case Study
Published in IEEE transactions on software engineering (01-03-2016)“…Domain-specific modelling (DSM) is a modern software development technology that aims at enhancing productivity. One of the claimed advantages of DSM is…”
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Are Forward Designed or Reverse-Engineered UML diagrams more helpful for code maintenance?: A family of experiments
Published in Information and software technology (01-01-2015)“…•Forward Designed UML class diagrams are useful for maintaining the code of well-known domains.•Reverse Engineered UML diagrams were considered difficult to…”
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Empirical studies concerning the maintenance of UML diagrams and their use in the maintenance of code: A systematic mapping study
Published in Information and software technology (01-07-2013)“…The Unified Modelling Language (UML) has, after ten years, become established as the de facto standard for the modelling of object-oriented software systems…”
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Quality-driven optimization of system architecture: Industrial case study on an automotive sub-system
Published in The Journal of systems and software (01-10-2013)“…•Reports the results of applying architecture optimization on a real industrial automotive sub-system.•Demonstrates an architecture framework which complements…”
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Using Examples for Teaching Software Design: An Experiment Using a Repository of UML Class Diagrams
Published in 2015 Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC) (01-12-2015)“…Context: This research is positioned in the field of methods for creating software design and the teaching thereof. Goal: The goal of this research is to study…”
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Automatic Classification of UML Class Diagrams from Images
Published in 2014 21st Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (2014)“…Graphical modelling of various aspects of software and systems is a common part of software development. UML is the de-facto standard for various types of…”
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The Impact of Model Driven Development on the Software Architecture Process
Published in 2010 36th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (01-09-2010)“…While Model-Driven Development (MDD) is an increasingly popular software development approach, its impact on the development process in large-scale, industrial…”
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Process Mining from Jira Issues at a Large Company
Published in 2023 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME) (01-10-2023)“…Maintaining a software system is a continuous and complex process, typically following a workflow defined by the responsible organization. However, in…”
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Design Thinking and Creativity of Co-located vs. Globally Distributed Software Developers
Published 26-08-2021“…Context: Designing software is an activity in which software developers think and make design decisions that shape the structure and behavior of software…”
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Enabling Analysis and Reasoning on Software Systems through Knowledge Graph Representation
Published in 2023 IEEE/ACM 20th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR) (01-05-2023)“…This work presents a knowledge-representation-based approach for analysing software systems. Its main components are: a generic and extensible knowledge model,…”
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Interactive Role Stereotype-Based Visualization To Comprehend Software Architecture
Published in 2020 Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT) (01-09-2020)“…Motivation: Software visualization can be helpful in comprehending the architecture of large software systems. Traditionally, software visualisation focuses on…”
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A reflection on the impact of model mining from GitHub
Published in Information and software technology (01-12-2023)“…Since 1998, the ACM/IEEE 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS) has been studying all aspects surrounding…”
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