Search Results - "Chang Seop Kim"
High-Efficiency and Low-Cost Tightly Regulated Dual-Output LLC Resonant Converter
Published in IEEE transactions on industrial electronics (1982) (01-07-2012)“…A new high-efficiency and cost-effective dual-output LLC resonant converter is proposed in this paper. It can achieve tightly regulated dual-output voltages by…”
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A Pulse-Frequency-Modulated Full-Bridge DC/DC Converter With Series Boost Capacitor
Published in IEEE transactions on industrial electronics (1982) (01-11-2011)“…The conventional zero-voltage switching phase-shift full-bridge (ZVS PSFB) converter has a large circulating energy during the freewheeling interval caused by…”
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Large-scale surveillance study of the safety and effectiveness of entecavir in Korean patients with chronic hepatitis B
Published in The Korean journal of internal medicine (31-01-2018)“…Background/Aims: Entecavir (ETV) is effective and safe antiviral agent against hepatitis B virus (HBV) in clinical and real-world setting but, most studies…”
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Controlling the Sense of Embodiment for Virtual Avatar Applications: Methods and Empirical Study
Published in JMIR serious games (22-09-2020)“…BACKGROUNDThe sense of embodiment (SoE) is the feeling of one's own body, and research on the SoE extends from the rubber hand illusion to the full-body…”
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Role of nociceptin/orphanin FQ and nociceptin opioid peptide receptor in depression and antidepressant effects of nociceptin opioid peptide receptor antagonists
Published in The Korean journal of physiology & pharmacology (30-11-2019)“…Nociceptin/orphanin FQ (N/OFQ) and its receptor, nociceptin opioid peptide (NOP) receptor, are localized in brain areas implicated in depression including the…”
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Improving osteoblast functions and bone formation upon BMP-2 immobilization on titanium modified with heparin
Published in Carbohydrate polymers (19-12-2014)“…•A Ti substrate can be successfully modified using heparin and BMP-2.•BMP-2/Hep-Ti induced osteoblast functions compared with Ti.•BMP-2/Hep-Ti improved new…”
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The hemostatic effect of endoscopic sodium hyaluronate injection in peptic ulcer bleeding
Published in Hepato-gastroenterology (01-06-2007)“…Endoscopic injection therapy is a well-established method of controlling peptic ulcer bleeding but it is not clear which agent would be the best choice for…”
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Large-scale surveillance study of the safety and effectiveness of entecavir in Korean patients with chronic hepatitis B
Published in The Korean journal of internal medicine (01-01-2018)“…Entecavir (ETV) is effective and safe antiviral agent against hepatitis B virus (HBV) in clinical and real-world setting but, most studies were performed in…”
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Ground and excited states of Al2O2 and its anion
Published in Chemical physics letters (15-08-2005)Get full text
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간경변증에서 섬유소 과다용해 ( hyperfibrinolysis ) 의 원인으로서 복수의 의의
Published in The Korean journal of gastroenterology (01-06-2002)“…KCI Citation Count: 0…”
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배변 자세에 따른 배변조영술에서의 항문직장각 및 회음하수의 변화
Published in The Korean journal of gastroenterology (30-03-2003)“…목적: 골반저의 위치, 운동성 이상은 배변 자세에 따라 다양하게 변할 수 있고 이런 변화가 만성 특발성 변비 중 골반폐쇄성 변비 환자에서 어떤 영향을 미칠 수 있는지 알고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 총 32명의 골반폐쇄성 변비 환자(경련성 골반저 증후군 24명, 회음하수 증후군…”
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활동성 궤양성 대장염 환자에 있어서 도플러 초음파의 유용성
Published in The Korean journal of gastroenterology (01-03-2002)“…목적: 궤양성 대장염의 급성기에는 장내의 점막과 점막하 혈류량이 증가되고 말초혈관 저항의 감소가 혈관촬영이나 병리검사 등 여러 검사로 증명되었다. 본 연구는 급성 대장염의 활성도를 평가하는 비침습적인 진단 방법의 하나인 도플러 초음파를 이용하여 궤양성 대장염에서의 임상적 유용성을…”
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만성 간질환 환자에서 혈소판감소증과 혈청 Thrombopoietin 의 관계
Published in The Korean journal of gastroenterology (28-02-2002)“…목적: 간경변증의 혈소판감소증은 주로 비장기능 항진으로 인해 초래된다고 알려져 있다. 이러한 혈소판감소증에 미치는 TPO의 역할을 규명하기 위하여 만성 간질환(바이러스성 및 알코올성 간경변, 만성 바이러스성 간염)환자 및 정상 대조군에서 혈청 TPO값의 차이와 여러 임상적 지표들과의…”
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조직학적으로 진단된 호산구성 간농양 19 예의 임상적 특성 단일 센터 경험
Published in The Korean journal of gastroenterology (30-07-2001)“…Background/Aims: Up to 29% of patients with severe ulcerative colitis (UC) fail to respond to steroids acutely and thus, require surgery. The aims of this…”
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위선종 및 위선암 조직에서 Rb , p16 , Cyclin D1 단백질의 발현
Published in The Korean journal of gastroenterology (01-01-1998)“…Background/Aims: The alterations in cell cycle regulators and subsequent deregulation of the cell cycle are frequently involved in tumorigenesis and/or tumor…”
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기능성 소화불량증에서 Helicobacter pylori 감염이 위근위부 운동기능에 미치는 영향
Published in The Korean journal of gastroenterology (19-11-1999)“…Background/Aims: Little is known about the effect of Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection on proximal gastric motor function in functional dyspepsia (FD). We…”
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증례5 : 자율신경기능저하를 동반한 거식증 1예
Published in Journal of neurogastroenterology and motility (01-01-1998)“…Anorexia nervosa is characterized by distortion of body image and profound weight loss due to self starvation. So, the patients are easily diagnosed with…”
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무통성 정상통과 정상배변형` 변비에서 보이는 직장 내 감각기능 저하
Published in The Korean journal of gastroenterology (01-01-1999)“…Background/Aims: The functional constipation consists of slow transit, defecatory disorder and the normal transit/normal defecatory constipation. It can be…”
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High-Efficiency and Low-Cost Tightly Regulated Dual-Output [Formula Omitted] Resonant Converter
Published in IEEE transactions on industrial electronics (1982) (01-07-2012)“…A new high-efficiency and cost-effective dual-output [Formula Omitted] resonant converter is proposed in this paper. It can achieve tightly regulated…”
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Role of nociceptin/orphanin FQ and nociceptin opioid peptide receptor in depression and antidepressant effects of nociceptin opioid peptide receptor antagonists
Published in The Korean journal of physiology & pharmacology (01-11-2019)“…Nociceptin/orphanin FQ (N/OFQ) and its receptor, nociceptin opioid peptide (NOP) receptor, are localized in brain areas implicated in depression including the…”
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