Search Results - "Chalvon, A."

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    Severe nutritional deficiencies in young infants with inappropriate plant milk consumption by Le Louer, B, Lemale, J, Garcette, K, Orzechowski, C, Chalvon, A, Girardet, J-P, Tounian, P

    “…Over the past few years, we have observed increasing consumption of inappropriate plant milks as an alternative to infant milk formula. Some families believe…”
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    Hyperimmunoglobulinemia D and periodic fever syndrome by Agbo-kpati, K-P, Condor, R, Hollenberg, H, Chalvon Demersay, A, Cuisset, L, Quartier, P

    “…We report the cases of two sisters born of parents who were first-degree cousins, who started recurrent fever with lymph node and digestive tract involvement…”
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    Conséquences nutritionnelles de l’utilisation de boissons végétales inadaptées chez les nourrissons de moins d’un an by Le Louer, B., Lemale, J., Garcette, K., Orzechowski, C., Chalvon, A., Girardet, J.-P., Tounian, P.

    “…Il existe une augmentation de l’utilisation de « jus » végétaux en remplacement des préparations infantiles chez les nourrissons. L’administration de ces…”
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    Identification and characterization of a de novo partial trisomy 10p by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) by Benzacken, B., Lapierre, JM, Siffroi, JP, Chalvon, A., Tachdjian, G.

    Published in Clinical genetics (01-10-1998)
    “…We report the characterization of a de novo unbalanced chromosome rearrangement by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) in a 15‐day‐old child with hypotonia…”
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    Organisation et charge de travail des chefs de clinique-assistants des unités de réanimation pédiatrique françaises. Comparaison avec l’expérience des « fellowships » nord-américains by Mandel, R., Maheux, B., Demersay, A. Chalvon

    “…Objectifs. – L’étude de l’activité professionnelle des chefs de clinique-assistants des unités de réanimation pédiatrique françaises visait à mesurer leur…”
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    SPECT-identified hypoperfusion of the left temporomesial structures in a Kleine-Levin syndrome by Portilla, P, Durand, E, Chalvon, A, Habert, Mo, Navelet, Y, Prigent, A, Landrieu, P

    Published in Revue neurologique (01-05-2002)
    “…A 13-year-old boy developed typical features of Kleine-Levin syndrome. Routine investigations and MRI were normal. SPECT, performed both during an attack and…”
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    Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV-2 Infection from 1986 to 2007 in the ANRS French Perinatal Cohort EPF-CO1 by Burgard, M., Jasseron, C., Matheron, S., Damond, F., Hamrene, K., Blanche, S., Faye, A., Rouzioux, C., Warszawski, J., Mandelbrot, L.

    Published in Clinical infectious diseases (01-10-2010)
    “…Background. Management of pregnant women with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 2 infection remains unclear because of its low prevalence and important…”
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    Acrocentric chromosome polymorphisms: beware of cryptic translocations by Benzacken, Brigitte, Monier-Gavelle, Frédérique, Pierre Siffroi, Jean, Agbo, Placide, Chalvon, Arnaud, Philippe Wolf, Jean

    Published in Prenatal diagnosis (01-02-2001)
    “…Cryptic translocations may escape diagnosis, especially when they implicate chromosomal regions that are known to be polymorphic in the human karyotype. We…”
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    Traitement de la douleur dans le affections bénignes de l'enfant by Chalvon Demersay, A

    “…La souffrance physique et morale fait partie de la vie et toutes les douleurs quotidiennes ne doivent pas bénéficier à chaque fois d'une réponse…”
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    Le syndrome d’hyper-immunoglobulines D (HIGDS) avec fièvre périodique. À propos de deux observations by Agbo-kpati, K.-P., Condor, R., Hollenberg, H., Chalvon Demersay, A., Cuisset, L., Quartier, P.

    “…Nous rapportons les cas de deux sœurs issues de parents cousins germains. Depuis l’âge de 2ans, elles présentaient une fièvre récurrente avec des adénopathies…”
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    Transmission of human parvovirus B19 by plasma derived factor VIII concentrates by Laurian, Y, Dussaix, E, Parquet, A, Chalvon-Demersay, A, d'Oiron, R, Tchernia, G

    Published in Nouvelle revue francaise d'hematologie (01-12-1994)
    “…Although clotting factor concentrates prepared from large pools of plasma are considered to be safe for enveloped viruses (HIV, HBV and HCV), these products…”
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    Professional activity of fellows in French pediatric intensive care units. North American fellowship programs: a comparative study by Mandel, R, Maheux, B, Chalvon Demersay, A

    “…The study of fellows professional activity in French pediatric intensive care units monitors: their workload, their distribution between bedside care and…”
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