Search Results - "Chalikian, T V"
On the Stability of Double Stranded Nucleic Acids
Published in Journal of the American Chemical Society (26-09-2001)“…We present the first pressure-versus-temperature phase diagram for the helix-to-coil transition of double stranded nucleic acids. The thermodynamic stability…”
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Characterization of pH-induced transitions of beta-lactoglobulin: ultrasonic, densimetric, and spectroscopic studies
Published in Journal of molecular biology (07-12-2001)“…Depending on solution conditions, beta-lactoglobulin can exist in one of its six pH-dependent structural states. We have characterized the acid and…”
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Compressibility as a Means to Detect and Characterize Globular Protein States
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (06-02-1996)“…We report compressibility data on single-domain, globular proteins which suggest a general relationship between protein conformational transitions and Δ kSo,…”
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Theoretical analysis of an ultrasonic interferometer for precise measurements at high pressures
Published in Ultrasonics (01-03-1991)“…Expressions making it possible to calculate the transmission coefficient of an ultrasonic interferometer, its Q factor and errors of interferometric…”
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A More Unified Picture for the Thermodynamics of Nucleic Acid Duplex Melting: A Characterization by Calorimetric and Volumetric Techniques
Published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - PNAS (06-07-1999)“…We use a combination of calorimetric and volumetric techniques to detect and to characterize the thermodynamic changes that accompany helix-to-coil transitions…”
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Acoustic nonlinearity parameter B/A of aqueous solutions of some amino acids and proteins
Published in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (01-09-1990)“…A precision ultrasonic velocimeter and a new differential method of calculation of specific concentration increments were employed to study the nonlinear…”
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The Hydration of Globular Proteins as Derived from Volume and Compressibility Measurements: Cross Correlating Thermodynamic and Structural Data
Published in Journal of molecular biology (26-07-1996)“…We report the first thermodynamic characterization of protein hydration that does not depend on model compound data but rather is based exclusively on…”
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The Thermodynamics of Protein–Protein Recognition as Characterized by a Combination of Volumetric and Calorimetric Techniques: The Binding of Turkey Ovomucoid Third Domain to α-Chymotrypsin
Published in Journal of molecular biology (28-02-2003)“…We have used ultrasonic velocimetry, high-precision densimetry, and fluorescence spectroscopy, in conjunction with isothermal titration and differential…”
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Thermodynamic analysis of biomolecules: a volumetric approach
Published in Current opinion in structural biology (01-10-1998)“…Fundamental thermodynamic relationships reveal that volumetric studies on molecules of interest can yield useful new information. In particular, appropriately…”
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Probing hydration of monovalent cations condensed around polymeric nucleic acids
Published in Journal of molecular biology (06-08-2004)“…We report the relative molar sound velocity increments, [U], partial molar volumes, V(o), and partial molar adiabatic compressibilities, K(S)(o), of the Li(+),…”
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Hydration Changes Accompanying Nucleic Acid Intercalation Reactions:Volumetric Characterizations
Published in Journal of the American Chemical Society (18-06-2003)“…We use high precision ultrasonic velocimetric and densimetric techniques to determine at 25 °C the changes in volume, ΔV, and adiabatic compressibility, ΔK S,…”
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On volume changes accompanying conformational transitions of biopolymers
Published in Biopolymers (01-11-1996)“…A new approach is presented for interpreting volume changes Delta v degree accompanying the denaturation of globular proteins. The proposed approach provides a…”
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Volumetric and spectroscopic characterizations of the native and acid-induced denatured states of staphylococcal nuclease
Published in Journal of molecular biology (09-06-2000)“…We have characterized the acid-induced denaturation of staphylococcal nuclease (SNase) at different urea concentrations by a combination of ultrasonic…”
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Thermodynamics of Interactions of TAlPyP4 and AgTAlPyP4 Porphyrins with Poly(rA)poly(rU) and Poly(rI)poly(rC) Duplexes
Published in Journal of biomolecular structure & dynamics (01-08-2006)“…We employed UV light absorption and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopic measurements to study the binding of novel water-soluble porphyrins…”
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Temperature dependences of the acoustic nonlinearity parameter B/A of aqueous solutions of amino acids
Published in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (1992)“…A differential technique for evaluating the molar increments of the nonlinearity parameter B/A has been employed for investigations of aqueous solutions of the…”
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Hydration and partial compressibility of biological compounds
Published in Biophysical chemistry (01-08-1994)“…We review the results of compressibility studies on proteins, nucleic acids, and systematically altered low molecular weight compounds that model the…”
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Volumetric characterization of the hydration properties of heterocyclic bases and nucleosides
Published in Biophysical chemistry (18-09-2001)“…We have determined the partial molar volumes, expansibilities, and adiabatic compressibilities of six heterocyclic nucleic acid bases, five ribonucleosides,…”
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Volumetric characterizations of the native, molten globule and unfolded states of cytochrome c at acidic pH
Published in Journal of molecular biology (07-07-1995)“…Cytochrome c can exist in a native (N), a molten globule (MG) or an unfolded (U) state depending on solution conditions. We have used high-precision ultrasonic…”
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The native and the heat-induced denatured states of α-chymotrypsinogen A: thermodynamic and spectroscopic studies
Published in Journal of molecular biology (28-11-1997)“…We report the first protein phase-diagram characterized by a combination of volumetric, calorimetric, and spectroscopic techniques. More specifically, we use…”
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The hydration of nucleic acid duplexes as assessed by a combination of volumetric and structural techniques
Published in BIOPOLYM (15-10-1999)“…Using high precision densimetric and ultrasonic measurements, we have determined, at 25°C, the apparent molar volumes ΦV and the apparent molar…”
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