Search Results - "Chalikian, T V"

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  1. 1

    On the Stability of Double Stranded Nucleic Acids by Dubins, David N, Lee, Adrian, Macgregor, Robert B, Chalikian, Tigran V

    Published in Journal of the American Chemical Society (26-09-2001)
    “…We present the first pressure-versus-temperature phase diagram for the helix-to-coil transition of double stranded nucleic acids. The thermodynamic stability…”
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  2. 2

    Characterization of pH-induced transitions of beta-lactoglobulin: ultrasonic, densimetric, and spectroscopic studies by Taulier, N, Chalikian, T V

    Published in Journal of molecular biology (07-12-2001)
    “…Depending on solution conditions, beta-lactoglobulin can exist in one of its six pH-dependent structural states. We have characterized the acid and…”
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  3. 3

    Compressibility as a Means to Detect and Characterize Globular Protein States by Chalikian, Tigran V., Breslauer, Kenneth J.

    “…We report compressibility data on single-domain, globular proteins which suggest a general relationship between protein conformational transitions and Δ kSo,…”
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  4. 4

    Theoretical analysis of an ultrasonic interferometer for precise measurements at high pressures by Sarvazyan, A P, Chalikian, T V

    Published in Ultrasonics (01-03-1991)
    “…Expressions making it possible to calculate the transmission coefficient of an ultrasonic interferometer, its Q factor and errors of interferometric…”
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  5. 5

    A More Unified Picture for the Thermodynamics of Nucleic Acid Duplex Melting: A Characterization by Calorimetric and Volumetric Techniques by Chalikian, Tigran V., Völker, Jens, Plum, G. Eric, Breslauer, Kenneth J.

    “…We use a combination of calorimetric and volumetric techniques to detect and to characterize the thermodynamic changes that accompany helix-to-coil transitions…”
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  6. 6

    Acoustic nonlinearity parameter B/A of aqueous solutions of some amino acids and proteins by SARVAZYAN, A. P, CHALIKIAN, T. V, DUNN, F

    “…A precision ultrasonic velocimeter and a new differential method of calculation of specific concentration increments were employed to study the nonlinear…”
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  7. 7

    The Hydration of Globular Proteins as Derived from Volume and Compressibility Measurements: Cross Correlating Thermodynamic and Structural Data by Chalikian, Tigran V., Totrov, Maxim, Abagyan, Ruben, Breslauer, Kenneth J.

    Published in Journal of molecular biology (26-07-1996)
    “…We report the first thermodynamic characterization of protein hydration that does not depend on model compound data but rather is based exclusively on…”
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  8. 8

    The Thermodynamics of Protein–Protein Recognition as Characterized by a Combination of Volumetric and Calorimetric Techniques: The Binding of Turkey Ovomucoid Third Domain to α-Chymotrypsin by Filfil, Rana, Chalikian, Tigran V

    Published in Journal of molecular biology (28-02-2003)
    “…We have used ultrasonic velocimetry, high-precision densimetry, and fluorescence spectroscopy, in conjunction with isothermal titration and differential…”
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  9. 9

    Thermodynamic analysis of biomolecules: a volumetric approach by Chalikian, Tigran V, Breslauer, Kenneth J

    Published in Current opinion in structural biology (01-10-1998)
    “…Fundamental thermodynamic relationships reveal that volumetric studies on molecules of interest can yield useful new information. In particular, appropriately…”
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  10. 10

    Probing hydration of monovalent cations condensed around polymeric nucleic acids by Tikhomirova, Anna, Chalikian, Tigran V

    Published in Journal of molecular biology (06-08-2004)
    “…We report the relative molar sound velocity increments, [U], partial molar volumes, V(o), and partial molar adiabatic compressibilities, K(S)(o), of the Li(+),…”
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  11. 11

    Hydration Changes Accompanying Nucleic Acid Intercalation Reactions:Volumetric Characterizations by Han, Feixue, Chalikian, Tigran V

    Published in Journal of the American Chemical Society (18-06-2003)
    “…We use high precision ultrasonic velocimetric and densimetric techniques to determine at 25 °C the changes in volume, ΔV, and adiabatic compressibility, ΔK S,…”
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  12. 12

    On volume changes accompanying conformational transitions of biopolymers by Chalikian, Tigran V., Breslauer, Kenneth J.

    Published in Biopolymers (01-11-1996)
    “…A new approach is presented for interpreting volume changes Delta v degree accompanying the denaturation of globular proteins. The proposed approach provides a…”
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  13. 13

    Volumetric and spectroscopic characterizations of the native and acid-induced denatured states of staphylococcal nuclease by Filfil, R, Chalikian, T V

    Published in Journal of molecular biology (09-06-2000)
    “…We have characterized the acid-induced denaturation of staphylococcal nuclease (SNase) at different urea concentrations by a combination of ultrasonic…”
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  14. 14

    Thermodynamics of Interactions of TAlPyP4 and AgTAlPyP4 Porphyrins with Poly(rA)poly(rU) and Poly(rI)poly(rC) Duplexes by Ghazaryan, A. A., Dalyan, Y. B., Haroutiunian, S. G., Vardanyan, V. I., Ghazaryan, R. K., Chalikian, T. V.

    “…We employed UV light absorption and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopic measurements to study the binding of novel water-soluble porphyrins…”
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  15. 15

    Temperature dependences of the acoustic nonlinearity parameter B/A of aqueous solutions of amino acids by CHALIKIAN, T. V, SARVAZYAN, A. P, FUNCK, T, BELONENKO, V. N, DUNN, F

    “…A differential technique for evaluating the molar increments of the nonlinearity parameter B/A has been employed for investigations of aqueous solutions of the…”
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  16. 16

    Hydration and partial compressibility of biological compounds by Chalikian, T V, Sarvazyan, A P, Breslauer, K J

    Published in Biophysical chemistry (01-08-1994)
    “…We review the results of compressibility studies on proteins, nucleic acids, and systematically altered low molecular weight compounds that model the…”
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  17. 17

    Volumetric characterization of the hydration properties of heterocyclic bases and nucleosides by Lee, Adrian, Chalikian, Tigran V

    Published in Biophysical chemistry (18-09-2001)
    “…We have determined the partial molar volumes, expansibilities, and adiabatic compressibilities of six heterocyclic nucleic acid bases, five ribonucleosides,…”
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  18. 18

    Volumetric characterizations of the native, molten globule and unfolded states of cytochrome c at acidic pH by Chalikian, T V, Gindikin, V S, Breslauer, K J

    Published in Journal of molecular biology (07-07-1995)
    “…Cytochrome c can exist in a native (N), a molten globule (MG) or an unfolded (U) state depending on solution conditions. We have used high-precision ultrasonic…”
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  19. 19

    The native and the heat-induced denatured states of α-chymotrypsinogen A: thermodynamic and spectroscopic studies by Chalikian, Tigran V, Völker, Jens, Anafi, Dan, Breslauer, Kenneth J

    Published in Journal of molecular biology (28-11-1997)
    “…We report the first protein phase-diagram characterized by a combination of volumetric, calorimetric, and spectroscopic techniques. More specifically, we use…”
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  20. 20

    The hydration of nucleic acid duplexes as assessed by a combination of volumetric and structural techniques by Chalikian, Tigran V., Völker, Jens, Srinivasan, A. R., Olson, Wilma K., Breslauer, Kenneth J.

    Published in BIOPOLYM (15-10-1999)
    “…Using high precision densimetric and ultrasonic measurements, we have determined, at 25°C, the apparent molar volumes ΦV and the apparent molar…”
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